星期天去拜訪夏儂夫婦,她們的第一個小孩剛滿兩個月吧~ 帶了誠心的小小心意下去,除了我妹,應該是第一個為了看小貝比而從台北動身到高雄的好朋友~ 謝謝夏儂讓我延後一個月的造訪,讓我可以兩個地方的活動都可以兼得~~~ 下面第一張阿勒,我加了「萌」這是可能會冒著被老公唸的風險加上去XD~ 因為阿勒是個非常有氣概的猛貓說,可是這張真的真的很萌ㄇㄟ~
Last Sunday, I went visiting Shannon and her husband (Remember Shannon, please click here ), they just have their first human kid about 2 months old~ I brought my sincere blessing and little gift for them~
And they have 4 very handsome cats~
This orange+white cat is very easygoing, and treats guest very good~
He rubs every guest and makes every people feel like home~
These 2 boys are not really like each other, but they have a very unusual balance in this picture~
And little princess demonstrated how to stand up by 2 feet~
太強了~ 我家要用食物才有辦法站,還不可能站得這麼直咧~~ 讓我想起小乃家的小老虎~
This is truly awesome, in my house, only food can make Lego stand by 2 feet, and not this straight~
And this very very shy tuxi-cat, we can only see each other at far distance, but I do think he is also very friendly~
And last, I put 2 photos only about their new born baby, the woman in this picture is Shannon's mommy.
超級大頭 + 高額頭的小兔,是個幸運的小傢伙~ 一出生就有四個哥哥姊姊陪伴你、照顧你幫你鎮著,你一定要平安、健康的長大,好好孝順父母還有愛你的外婆噢~
Hey, handsome big guy, you are a very lucky boy, you have 4 furry great brothers & sisters looking after you~ Wish you always healthy and happy growing up!!