Wednesday, February 29, 2012

回到崗位;Back To Work

四天連假,今天姨姨回到工作崗位了~ 我們又無聊了~
There were 4 holidays since Feb 25th ~ Feb 28th, she was with us have great time, and now she is back to work, our daylight start boring again.
Hurry Back, Michico~

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

打電腦;Playing Laptop

Lego : It looks fun, Daddy , teach me~

樂高:好~~ 我懂了~~
Lego : Ok, I think I got it~~
Adan  : Hmmm.... I think I am too old for this, totally can't understand~

Monday, February 27, 2012

喝水看奧斯卡;Ready for Oscar Award

Today is Oscar award~ Are you watching? Right now have commercial I better come have some water~
So nervous~ Wondering if my favorite actor will win?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

悠閒週日;Easy Like Sunday

So comfy~
Today is Sunday, everyone, please have a good rest day~

Saturday, February 25, 2012

又下雨了;Rain again!

又下雨!! 而且超大!!
It's raining again! And it's huge!!
So annoying!!
Wondering what are those street cats doing ok?

Friday, February 24, 2012

春天三月貓咪展覽大匯集;March has lots of Cat exhibitions

This March in Taiwan, lots of lots of exhibition about cat is coming.
1. 先來講跟我們有關的,目前小芥和小乃合作的貓咪公仔,有在高雄駁二特區的我愛貓咪社影展裡面的商品販賣區,受邀去寄賣商品。如果大家有喜歡我們的公仔,非常歡迎到駁二藝術特區參觀之於可以來看看我們的商品。
First, something about us, there is an exhibition at the south of Taiwan, about cat photograph, the market of that photo exhibition invite us to sell our tiny cat products, so if you interesting our product - tiny cat dolls, you may go there to take a look.

Very adorable.



2. 再來是吳毅平大師又一完美作品:當世界只剩下貓,在台北八樓當代藝術空間展覽。
And Taipei, a master of cat photograph - Wu Yi-Ping,  the subject of his exhibition : When the world only have cat left. So neat! Also started March.

3. 再來是三芝的 貓雜貨咖啡館,有一個很可愛的貓藝術家展覽愛貓畫展。
And another cat painting artist exhibition, started now~

4. 最後是小賢的貓攝影展(有幫阿丹拍照過噢),展覽在台北醫學大學的藝廊,目的是讓平日沒有接觸貓的朋友們也可以感染貓可愛的氣氛。也是整個三月~
And final, the photographer who photoed Adan before, will have a small exhibition at a hospital, she wants to let people who don't reach cat at normal daily could feel the cute of the cat.

So, can you feel the Cat Power?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

午夜的大雨;Thunder big rain at midnight

Adan : This midnight, about 01:30am, started super huge rain.
And the thunder that I don't like, it was scared. 
In our tradition, the first thunder of year means the spring is coming, is it really spring?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

天氣暖了;The weather is better now

Lego: It seems the weather is warmer today, is it spring?
Adan : I thought it is heater?
Lego : It's spring!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Lego : Last night was extremely cold, luckly I have Dad's butt...
It's so warm~
Dad, do not go away, I need you~

Sunday, February 19, 2012

後母姨姨幫我梳梳;Gina gives me brushing

樂高:後母姨姨真好,幫我梳毛毛~  我有大把的毛可以給她梳~
Lego : Gina is a very sweet lady, she gives me great brushing, I have plenty fur for her to brush~

謝謝姨姨~~ 希望我們下次趕快見面~
Thank you Gina auntie, I hope we could each other soon~

Saturday, February 18, 2012

看我的手技;See my hand skill

How to make a great feather attacker? First, get your hand ready~
Using your eagle eye aim on the target, and hand ready!
And make a great hit!

Friday, February 17, 2012

身體長; Long figure

樂高:最近我喜歡跳上跳下的,運動~ 妳們看我的身體是不是很修長?
Lego : Recently I like jumping on and down, for exercise. See? Am my body very long and thin?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

運氣不佳;Bad Luck Today

P.S. 此時阿丹內心一定很受傷XD~
Adan must feel NOT GOOD now~ hee hee~

Michico : These 2 boys crack me up~ 
Actually, both of them don't have good luck while they wants to be nice to each other. Everyday they are interested to each other, but non of them wants to give chances to each other. Anyway, very strange boys~

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

又打拉;Boxing Again

情人節兩個傢伙又有火辣辣的夜晚~ 在床上翻滾~
Valentine's night, these 2 boys had a very hot even, they are boxing on the bed!