小芥:前幾天,為了一個秘密禮物,想要給我的好朋友海岸(她是我的伴娘之一噢),特別去她家,拍了她的愛犬 - Shadow~
Michico : Few Days ago, I went to my very good friend- Fang's home shooting her dearest woffie- Shadow, wants to make a very special gift for her~
海岸說Shadow很難拍,所以幾乎沒有再給她拍照的~ 那不就太可惜了,我於是祭出我最好的相機 (其實也是我每天用到爛的相機XD~)來服務拍照~
Fang says Shadow is very hard to be shoot, so, she and her family members don't shoot him at normal time, that is really pity~ So~ I use my best camera (Actually I use the same one shooting Adan-dan and Lego-go daily, HA!) help her photo her doggie~
Shadow is very adorable~
Do you think so?
Adan : Now I knew, the odor on Fang is coming from this little doggie brother~
(This was the photo that Fang coming to our house, Adan likes Fang very much)