Tuesday, May 29, 2007

來介紹KimoSabi - Cat Banter with Kimo & Sabi

謝謝Kimo和Sabi介紹我的阿丹 : http://catbanter.blogspot.com/2007/05/tuesday-newsday-kimo-we-met-new-bloggin.html ,在這裡,我也要回饋來好好介紹一下~!
(請點圖片就可以連結到原本文章,please click the pictures and you may connect to original article)
大家都知道,我的阿丹是黑白貓,所以,我到網路上也會到處搜尋黑白貓的影子,目前,我最常看的就是小烏賊的lulu,還有日本有名的はっちゃん,因為真的很像拉,超愛的拉,最近在http://www.mybloglog.com/ ,看見了KimoSabi的icon上又有黑白貓真是開心,當然就立刻點閱進去~~
Everyone knows, Adan is a Tuxi cat(black-white cat), so, everytime I am on internet, I always search for Tuxi cats. Right now, I see Fluffy Spa's LULU and はっちゃん everyday. Because they are like Adan. And I really love Tuxi cats. Recently I saw KimoSabi's icon on MyBlogLog, of course I click immediatly to see Sabi.
So similar~! So cute~!!


Sabi also very beautiful, yawning elegantly at the sun~~


Please come and see our lovely Kimo and Sabi, just click the pictures~!


Thank you for introducing my Adan, I am deeply touched by Kimo and Sabi. Even Chinese is difficult to understand. But, I think cat photos are our common language. We only need pictures could speak thousand words. So, we owe to Kimo & Sabi and Adan~!

Please go together seeing Kimo and Sabi~!!!

天啊~! 有一顆愛心在Sabi身上耶~!!!
Oah my~! There is a heart on Sabi~!!!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hello Adan, It is nice to meet you. We heard about you from Kimo and Sabi. We are two ginger and white cats from the UK. You have lovely photos.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Thank you for stopping by~! You are very welcome to be here~!!!

Daisy said...

Hi Adan. You are very cute, and you do look a lot like Sabi! Nice to meet you.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hello Adan, we saw you on Kimo and Sabi's blog! Welcome, we love meeting new friends. Sadie is a black and white tuxedo kitty and Speedy is grey and white tuxedo. We'll see you again soon.

Emma's Kat said...

Nice to meet you handsome Adan! My Emma is a tuxie too! And we like Kimo and Sabi also. See you around!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Adan!!! we is furry glad to meet you. Come by and visit us when you can! Oh, and if you like Tuxies, you might want to join the Tuxedo Gang - http://tuxedoganghideout.blogspot.com/


Hi Adan.
You are a very handsome kitty. YOU really do look a lot like Sabi! I am a small tuxi manx and I have a big sister tux...we live with 3 others cats. Come by and visit with us!

Abby and Boo

Kimo and Sabi said...

We made a change to our post and blogroll to say you were from Taiwan. Our Mommakitty lived in Japan when she was a little girl and she guessed you might have been Japanese from your name.

Samantha & Mom said...

Hello Adan, we will add you to the Tuxedo Gang Hideout list and put your new posts for other Tuxedo and Black & White cats to link to. You are very pretty and you do look a lot like Sabi. It's been very nice to meet you.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Adan, what a handsome Tuxie you are. It is very nice to meet you. I agree with you and your mommy. Cats (and woofies and all other pets) are a common language.
I will add you to my blog list. We like meeting kitties and their humans from around the world. Please visit me when you have a chance.
Hendrix the Kitty

Skeezix the Cat said...

Kimo & Sabi told us all abowt yoo, so I had to drop by and say hi... HI!!!

Skeezix the Cat said...
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Milton said...

Hi Adan!!
Its nice to meet a kitty from so far away. I'm a big ginger and white boy. You look like you are the king of your home, just like me.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Hi Adan! I found you from Kimo & Sabi. I'm a ginger tabby and my sister-cat is a dilute calico named Willow, but we are very happy to meet a lovely tuxie as yourself! You really do look a lot like Sabi!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow