的鞋子,外型優雅、質量好、穿起來又好穿沒有壓力。現在已經是忠實顧客群,就連我的兩位貓咪寶貝,也是NOAH包裝盒的忠實喜好者,只要NOAH的盒子過來,就會自己窩在旁邊。Michico : I would like to introduce another wedding titbits are my wedding shoes, I married with Arion over 1 month, can you believe that fast? NOAH shoes is one of my favorite shoes brand in Taiwan, and Lego likes that shoes box very much.
這雙黃色的鑲鑽方鍊高跟鞋,是去年春夏NOAH的產品,我非常喜愛,特別在我結婚那天早上,穿去戶政事務所結婚登記。This yellow one I have introduced before, I wanna show that I wore this one on the way Arion and I went to the Administration center registered to be husband & wife.
這是結婚登記完畢時,大仔正在欣賞身分證後面的配偶欄,真的填上了我和大仔彼此的名字在彼此的身分證上面,讓他很開心。This was the moment while we finished the register, Arion is watching or ID card that the spouse part is not blank anymore, we have each other's name on it.
給大家證明一下,我去登記的時候,腳上穿著NOAH超美麗的高跟涼鞋。And this is the provement that I wore NOAH's yello high heels.
至於新娘鞋款,我在這邊有介紹。特別特別跟NOAH訂製這雙獨一無二的鞋款,就屬於當天的我。我請攝影大哥特別幫我特寫。And about the wedding shoes, I also introduced before, you could click
here. This is custom made, only special for me, I ask the photographer give the shoes very close shots!
NOAH鞋子的好質量和美麗的外型,在還沒換上新娘禮服之前,就讓我整個人氣質提升起來。Before I change the wedding white dress, the shoes already made me more elegant.
換上新娘禮服後,裙擺掀起,NOAH特製新娘鞋如此低調又不平凡。從頭看到腳都有精心裝扮的感覺。With the wedding dress, the shoes also very unique and match with the dress.
While I step on the double tile to break it, the shoes is beautiful and strong. (The step tile is a traditional ceremony for Chinese bride.
讓我一腳踏破瓦片,帶來一片好運和吉祥。I broke the double tiles and brings me good luck, I step very very hard.
最後晚禮服搭配也是非常完美,NOAH的鞋子讓我當新娘那天充滿了好運還有好評,這麼高的鞋子穿了一整天腳完全沒紅腫也沒起水泡,超讚,而且大家都說很好看。希望你們大家也會跟我一樣喜歡NOAH SHOES。最後再次介紹她們的PCHOME商店街,請點這個
就可以去欣賞她們的線上專櫃了。Finally, the red dress with the shoes also perfect~! I hope you also like my high heels, hee hee~ Oah yes, these are really girl stuffs~