Tuesday, June 2, 2009

阿公愛我&蜜月第三天;Grandpa loves me & H Day3

Lego : Grandpa loves me.
Lego : Can you tell how much he spoil me?
Lego : I love you too, grandpa~

Lego : Grandpa is the best~!
------Arion & Michico's honeymoon Day 3-蜜月第三天-----
Michico : The 3rd day, we woke up and it rained again, and even bigger, it's really winter at Australia and with rain, it's really cold. I wonder how come my honeymoon at the "state of Sunshine" but has rain, so unforgetable.
In the tour bus, we saw nothing, all big rain even storm.
And we went to a very famous waterfall, but we see all blank, and the storm attacked us so be back to our tour bus.

Where is the waterfall anyway? The tour guide says we could hear the water sound, but we only hear the rain sound. Anway, we went into the Springbrook National Park and see the glow-worms. Because we were not allowed using camera, so I use some photos from Australia website, let you see the glow-worms at there flashing light-blue, at our country, the glow-worms are having yellow light, so it's very fresh to me!
After seeing glow-worms, the rain was bigger and bigger, we were about leaving but the parakeet are back to eat, so we all back to feed parakeet for fun.
You can see big rain water drops on my shoulder, luckly, the parakeet climb on my plate to eat.
Arion was feeding the parakeet, too. Feeding parakeet in the storm, what an experience~!
吃完中飯後,因為雨太大了,而且更誇張的是,澳洲出現了七十年來創紀錄的颶風。我們這幾位台灣人怎麼把颱風都帶到澳洲去了,挖哩咧。這是奇摩五月22日的新聞證明,請點澳洲東岸暴風雨來襲 道路毀居民受困。因為雨太大了,要坐豪華遊艇的行程導遊決定延後,所以就把其他室內行程都往前移,我們就去當地一個很有名的賭城參觀。
After lunch, the rain was too big to stay outside, and the worst was, Gold Coast had the biggest major storm that they have ever met. please click here to see the news (news1, news 2) of that day. And it's was to rainy to stay outside, so tour guide put some tour plan to next few days and lead us to a very famous casino to visit.
This Casino is truly famous, named Conrad Jupiters Casino Gold Coast, this is a very big painting right directly face to the casino gate, it's a "Feng shui" painting, means catch 12 constellations people's money into this hotel. Wowww...cool, by the time we attract by this beautiful Feng Shui Painting, I guess maybe the money in our pocket will lose soon.
這家飯店名稱為:Conrad Jupiters Casino Gold Coast 。因為室外刮颶風,根本無法拍照,於是擷取他網路上的照片,其實是很美的,飯店的外型式畚箕,意思是把大家通通掃進來、錢也掃進來,誰都出不去的意思。飯店的網站請點閱
And this hotel also beautiful at outside, but it was too storm to photo, so I grab the photo on internet, this is a shape of dustpan, means will collect everything inside to the casino, the people, the money, and no one will get out.
The hotel inside is very luxury.
Although we are over 18, but we didn't gamble, because we didn't want to be affected by this painting, hee hee~
好,來介紹一下澳洲的錢幣,澳洲以前有被英國統治過,所以她們的國旗還是有英國國旗的圖案,錢幣上還是伊麗莎白女王二世的圖,上面兩個都是20分的錢幣,下面兩個都是 1塊錢的錢幣。你們會發現右邊的錢幣比較新、比較亮,可是上面的女王比較老了,因為隨著時間越來越新,女王也是會越來越老的。如果你可以拿到很年輕漂亮的女王,那就代表你的錢幣是很古老的。
Okay, this is something interesting to me, these are coins of Australia, and there is Queen ELIZABETH II on it, and you can see the right coin is newer, and the Queen is elder, because with the time, everyone gets ager, and so is the Queen, your coin could tell Queen's age, and I think this design is amazing to me!
And this is the back side.
晚上,我們有回到這個飯店,去觀賞她們的賭城舞蹈秀,叫做Lady Salsa,非常的性感火辣的燒沙舞,太讚了。
Night, we back to this hotel to watch their dancing show of Lady Salsa. It was great~!


andophiroxia said...

The parakeets are a very vibrant red! So cheerful! At least they were sunshine on your day!

白博士 said...

在林中見到他們飛行應該會像是一道彩虹撲向你們吧? ^_^

讓我想到新竹內灣的螢火蟲 :)

Daisy said...

I have never, ever seen a glow-worm before. Are they really worms?

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry that it rained and stormed on your honeymoon:( Maybe you can go back there for your anniversay. Those birds are very beautiful. Did you bring any feathers home for Lego?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those glow worms were cool! And that parakeet was very purrty. We are so sorry you had so much rain!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So sorry you had so much rain, but your smiles say it didn't spoil too much. That is our queen on the coins.we love our coins too.

Hugs GJ xx

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm sorry you had so much rain on your honeymoon. Thanks for sharing the pictures you were able to take :-)

Anonymous said...

my poor furiends... though not really, maybe it was so you could spend lots of laving times.. well trying to see the brighter side hehe
A few years ago they always advertised on our TV that the sunshine on the Gold Coast was guaranteed, trying to get visitors from different states. Which meant that if it was not sunny on your holidays they would refund your money.. pity they don't have that for you guys.. or at least another holiday when the sunshine came.
It was the worst weeks, there hadn't been floodings etc like that for years and years..

Shaggy and Scout said...

You are doing so much and seeing so much!!! It looks like a lot of fun, except for the rain!!!
Grandpas are great catsitters!!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

The kitties from yesterday are soooo cute and sweet. I love them, what a wonderful petting and loving party with kitties!

Today it is good to visit your bloggie. Adan-dan, I hope you have a quick and successful visit at the vet. It is not so bad as long as mommie is there to protect you.
You are loved very much by me, always

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh, and we love the wedding photos! they are marvelous. It is too bad that you had rain. Mom and dad had rain on their Honeymoon too. They went to Pennsylvania and stayed in a cute hotel and toured the Frank Lloyd Wright house and walked in the woods... in a lot of rain!


mimi said...



Anonymous said...
