Michico : Adan loves rubbing people, but he only loves few specific people, if he approved, he will show his love, if not, he ignores you. He treats people who he loves very deeply. And if someone he loves reach fingers, he eyes will shine!
RUB! He rubs very hard to the finger, so strong that he maybe afraid you can't feel his love.
Even Adan likes being alone, but his love is very strong.
And he also loves rubbing toesies as well.
好像很好聞... <汗ing~>
Maybe it's good to be smelled...
Lego loves everyone, as long as you treat him good, he loves you. His love is very different from Adan, you stay next to him, you can't be sure he loves you the most, but you can feel his tender and soft, his friendly personality makes you always smile to him.
樂高最喜歡蹭門板了,這個動作不是他肚子餓,而是他想要玩,被抱、被摸摸的撒嬌姿勢。如果樂高肚子餓的話,他會喵喵叫。Lego loves rubbing the door, this means he wants to be hugged, to be played with, to be pet, if he wants to eat, he mieows.
蹭得很忘我的時候,好像要把臉削小一樣把臉蹭得瘦瘦的,很可愛。我想現在家裡家具這個他臉部高度的部分,都充滿了樂高的味道了吧。He rubbs the door so lovely that makes his face smaller, hahaha~~ I guess this door is full of Lego's smell now~
Do you want to pet Lego?
阿丹和樂高,個性很迥異,相親也會相摔角的一對兄弟,很有趣。Adan and Lego, every different personality, close but also fight to each other, they are very special brother. Very funny.
兩個都很可愛。就和人一樣,個性都有各自的漂亮。Both of them are very cute, like human, they have their own beauty.