Wednesday, June 30, 2010

戰鬥持續;The battle continues

The battle never end, have you 2 done enough?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

神秘的尾巴;Mystery Tail

Michico : Lego right now likes grooming himself, sort of a cat which likes clean.

昨天晚上發現了一個神奇的事情,有一隻蚊子飛來飛去總是讓我和大仔打不到,追打了半個多小時我們兩個人都很氣餒,結果就在休息的時候,樂高的尾巴旁邊出現了一團黑黑的。奇怪,方才也沒有看到樂高有什麼動作,怎麼尾巴旁邊有黑黑的東西呢?結果走近一看,竟然是那隻我們剛剛追趕很久的蚊子,被樂高的尾巴一撢,就給撢暈了!!!! 樂高真的是太強了!!!!
Last night there was a very strange things happened, there was a mosquito flying around, Arion and I were tracing that mosquito about 30 mins, but non of us caught it, and while we gave up resting, there was a dirt appeared next to Lego's tail. We think it was very strange, Lego didn't move a bit how come there is a black dirt suddenly appear there. We close by and see, THAT black dirt is the mosquito was fainting next to Lego's tail. It meant, Lego's tail wave and make the mosquito fainting? Wowww...That was neat!
Lego : Mom, that is really nothing, I guess my tail could catch the mosquito itself.

Monday, June 28, 2010

潑冷水;put a damper on Lego

Michico : Lego is adorable while he wanna play. Butta...right now 2 kittens are not very seriously to wrestle, just biting ears or slap on each other's faces, and not hard, and sometimes 2 kittens don't wanna play, maybe the weather is hot or Lego is getting old, too. Certainly, Adan puts a damper on Lego's chance is bigger.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

悠閒週日;Easy Like Sunday

Adan : Good day everyone, summer is very good for sleeping~!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

星期六好好休息;Saturday rest day

Adan : Saturday should be a rest day....please don't bother me!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

睡得超死啊;Sleep very very DEEPLY

Michico : Everytime see Lego sleeping like this, I feel that that is no sad thing in the world.
The world seems quiet and peace.
為了避免不必要的遐想,先跟大家說樂高跨下物是大仔的喬巴帽的鹿角XD~ (樂高你還真是會挑角度睡啊~
Just in case someone may ask, that thing at middle of Lego's laps is Arion's hat, that is a very famous Japanese cartoon character.
Lego, what are you dreaming right now?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

尾巴長;Long tail

Michico : Adan-dan, you really have a long nice tail.

Adan : Certainly yes, I have the best tail ever~!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

和諧;harmonious moment

Michico : Every morning, I am touched by this view.
Lego is afraid of heat, so he doesn't stay on the pad, even he doesn't play Adan's tail that often, but he like sniffing a bit.

This expression, very unique just between he and Adan. Even they doesn't cuddle very close to each other, but they have a very dearly distance.


Monday, June 21, 2010

迷彩丹;Camouflage Adan

Adan : After Once's a year's bath shower, I think I need to wear Camouflage clothing avoiding them found me to catch me into the bathroom again, what do you think?
Adan : By the way, I think I am good in Camouflage, too!
By the way, about yesterday's bath shower post, we do lots of cat shower here, Really. Because our air here has high humidity and will let our fur catches some dust. Shower will let our fur become more soft and dry, certainly need to detail cleaning and drying. We do it once a year is very less, many friends of ours in Taiwan do the shower once a month. Don't worry we are doing ok and sleep very deeply whole weekend.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

洗澡大典;BIG Bath day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michico : Once a Year, I help 2 cats taking bath, and I always pick the very hot weather and sunny day to do the shower, because I don't want them to catch cold. So, today it is. 2 Video as below are their bath time. During the whole bath, my father-in-law&mother-in-law were next to us watching, because they havn't seen the shower cats, and my father-in-law helped me record these videos, thanks a lot.

We found out 2 cats wearing collar won't be afraid of shower anymore, so they are wearing the collar during the shower.

Michico : Lego always doesn't help himself cleaning drying his fur, but Adan can do it himself