Wednesday, October 12, 2011

有啥好驕傲的;What is that happy about?

Lego : I am so happy, after I came home, daddy keeps telling me that my butt is smaller~
我真是減肥有成啊~ 這樣可以要多一點吃的了~
I lose my weight very successfully, now I am asking for more foods~
What? Adan, do you have problem about my smaller butt?
阿丹:驕傲個屁,我屁股小我都沒有這麼驕傲了~ 你得維持身材,你是不會有多的食物的~
Adan : I don't know what you are so happy about, you have to maintain your size, you won't get any more food~


m.q said...

such a sweet Adan dan and Lego go...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Poor Lego! I hate the thought of not eating all I want!

andophiroxia said...

You have to keep doing that, Lego-go! It is very hard!

Daisy said...

My Mommeh says losing weight is a lifelong battle!