小芥:有時候,你就是不得不佩服這兩個小傢伙的好人緣,明明就在家裡也沒幹嘛,但是,每年都會收到從國外寄來的禮物給他們。我每天辛苦賺錢,卻一個聖誕禮物也沒有XD~ 可是我很感謝,也很滿足,我把兩個小傢伙顧得好好的,大家都喜愛他們,我很感動也很感謝這些跟我素未謀面的國外貓友們,這麼的喜愛他們。每天開門看著兩個傢伙迎接我回來,我就覺得他們很應得這份禮物。
Michico : Sometimes, you just need to admiring them, they don't do lots of things at home, but, every year they have gifts from other countries friends, and I make money everyday, I don't have any Christmas gift, hahahaha~~~ But I am truly honestly grateful for every friends who love Adan & Lego, and very touching even I haven't met you before, but you still give. Everyday I open the door watching Adan and Lego inviting me home, I always feel they deserve the gift.
Thank you Mr. Black, thank you for your amazing gift~
一打開根本就是貓薄荷浴,太可怕的味道了XD~ 兩隻貓開始瘋狂流口水~
The box is truly full of cat nip, it's a nip shower actually, they are crazy drooling everywhere~~
謝謝~!!! 我們超愛的~~
Thank you Mr. Black, we love it so much, we will play the toys this weekend!!!