Monday, December 3, 2012

慢食;Eating slow

樂高:我吃東西總是吃太快會吃到吐,所以,阿姨買這個給我.... 吃起來真是不太過癮啊。
Lego : I often eat too fast and makes me throwing up many many time, so Pamilla auntie (Michico mommy's elderly sister) brought me this.... Oah Man, I can't eat as fast as I could now~
Lego : But I am very very smart, I know how to eat!!


Katie Isabella said...

I also eat foods too fast and throw up many times. Mom has learned to give me less and not always my most favorite of foods. I inhale my favorites and then, throw up. xox

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hmmmmmmm, is there a trick to that thing?

Cathy Keisha said...

Lego, I'd starve if I had that thing!

andophiroxia said...

Lego eat slow! At least it is more amusing.

Pasha's Mommy said...

Oh the torture of that thing. You should leave that and go for the bag!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Figuring out the tricks to foods is a good talent!

Donna said...

That looks neat! I hope your tummy feels better. :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Lego, we say tip it over!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

lego...ewe dinna heer this frum uz...but if ewe knock de dish over...yur foods will spill out....but ya dinna heer this frum uz !!!


Pretinha said...

Lego you have to hunt your food in this thing, that's a lot of fun,
Now you will no longer vomiting.

Unknown said...

My name is JADA and I think I'll tell my Mom to get one of these for my brother, SCULLY. He eats like a piggy and then is sick. What are those feeders called anyway.
We'll keep checking to see any new purrrfect things you find.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm says I need one of those!


A Tonl said...

We've seen those before and Mommy's threatened to get Maxwell one. whew, so far so good. So it really slows you down...

Mr. Black said...

Lego, I notice that you decided that the top tray of food is the easiest one to get food out of. You are very clever. I know you will decide to tip that device over and spill the food everywhere!

Also, that was very cute when you looked at the camera a few times.

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Hey, thank you! We may have to try that eating slow. A couple of us just love to gobble and then chuck it back up. For some reason, that frustrates Mumsy.
Hugs to all of you.