Saturday, June 30, 2007

2007 七月桌布下載, 2007 July Wallpaper download

michico :
又到了炎熱的七月,本月的阿丹桌布還是有三種可以任你們選擇 :
Here comes July again, this month we also have 3 kinds of Adan's wallpaper for you to choice:

Option 1:
1. 經典表情 : 非常愚蠢的樣子,這張是阿丹看見玩具的時候瞳孔放大的照片,如果您是本部落格的忠實觀眾,這張在前幾天有出現過,由於大獲好評,所以這張可愛的照片延燒到七月繼續帶給您好心情,上面是1024pixel x 768pixel,下面那張是寬螢幕的 1280pixel x 1024pixel~~,請點大照片之後按右鍵另存新檔喔~!

1. Classic expression : very silly funny looks, this is Adan saw his toy and the pupils were bigger, if you are Adan's blog audiences, you must see this picture appeared few days ago. This photo is very popular here, so, this cutest picture will let us continue having good mood to July. The upper wallpaper size is 1024pixel x 768pixel, the lower one is for wide monitor 1280pixel x 1024 pixel, please click the picture larger and save the file~!

Option 2:
2. 瞪人 : 在上班嗎,心情不好嗎 ? 這張阿丹瞪人的照片可以給你一點勇氣去面對你討厭的小人,你心情不好的時候,阿丹跟著你一起心情不好,有了這張桌布可以讓你上班的時候心情為之一振,上班起來更有力,他可以幫你破除壞運氣,幫你帶來好運~!
2. Stare : are you working now? Have bad mood? This is Adan staring at someone, if you download this one to your desktop, it could bring you more courage to face many problems and people. When you not happy, here is Adan unhappy with you. If you have this wallpaper, you can work with Adan and has more energy, he will get rid of bad luck, you will have much more faith.

Option 3:
3. 心高氣傲用鼻孔瞪人.... : 最近有什麼很high的事情嗎 ? 高興到不行眼睛長到頭頂上了,那麼這張桌布就是就是你的首選,讓大家知道你現在跩到不行~!
3. Too high and mighty : do you proud of anything recently? Too happy and gratifying to people, and this wallpaper will be your first choice, let everyone knows you are very high now~!


Monty Q. Kat said...

I like the second one, it really shows off your green eyes!

Daisy said...

My favorite is still the first one. But I am happy to see in the last picture that you have very clean nostrils!