Monday, June 18, 2007


阿丹四肢和身體彎曲的程度真是讓人嘖嘖稱奇~! 今天雖然連假,不過對阿丹來說,只是個主人在沒辦法作怪的星期一罷了~! 也許因為如此所以才做出這種好笑的姿勢吧~!
Can you bend your leg like this? I believe all cats could do, but michico certainly can't. Tomorrow is Dragon Boat Festival, because yesterday is just Sunday, so, most of the company and school has make today also a holiday, too. But need to go to work on this Saturday. So, michico is home with me Today. I have to play with her now, see you tomorrow.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Yep, I can bend my leg like that! :)

Nice photos. :)

LZ said...

That doesn't look comfortable but I think I may have tried it once or twice before.


Daisy said...

You have very flexible feet, kind of like Gumby! Do you know Gumby? He was once a little green blob of clay. I don't think my feet can do that.

ps: I meant to tell you thanks for including an english translation of your blog, that is very nice of you.

Anonymous said...


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

老實說我第一次看到變成這種形狀也覺得滿吊軌的, 趕快拿照相機來拍照, 深怕就是miss掉了....