Tuesday, July 31, 2007

阿丹特製防空洞,Happy Birthday to The Furry Kids and Samantha & the bombproof Adan that special made

Today is The Furry Kids - Titus, Tazo , & Earl Grey's 2nd Birthday and Samantha's 4th Birthday , Let's wish them Happy Birthday~! They are so cute and clever and very special for us~! Rockin' Girls and Schmoozers, they are so great~! Wish they will have a great birthday party and beautiful life~!

michico : 最近,台北都有午後雷陣雨,甚至那個雷聲實在是有夠大,阿丹是超級怕雷聲的貓咪,每次打雷都會躲到我的衣櫃,或者是陰暗處~!不過我昨天發現了奇特的現象,下面這張照片是我出門之前的床~!
michico : Lately, Taipei gets very huge thundershower every afternoon, and the thunder sounds is very very big and hard. Adan is the cat which very very afraid of thunder, everytime he heard thunder he always hides in my closet, or at the dard small space. But yesterday I found a strange funny thing. The photo as below is my bed when every morning before I go to work.
Last evening there was the huge thundershower again, I was so worry about Adan while I in the office, after went home I saw my sheet inside out and go to this place.


Became a bun~!
michico : 親愛的阿丹,你在那裡幹什麼?
michico : Honey, what are you doing in there?

michico : 親愛的你還好嗎???
michico : Honey are you alright???
阿丹 : 外面安全了嗎 ? 危機解除了嗎 ?
Adan : Is it safe? Is the crisis all clear?

michico : 是啊~! 已經放晴了~!
michico : Yes, it is sunny now.

阿丹 : 噢姨姨~! 你都不知道剛剛多可怕~!!

Adan : michico~! You have no idea how terrible it was~!!

michico : 好神奇~! 我真的很想知道阿丹是怎麼做到的,要怎麼樣才可以弄出這個包子呢 ? 還把整個棉被移過來呢,有時候還真的很想裝一台攝影機看看阿丹到底是怎麼做到的,哈哈~!

michico : It's so amazing, I really wonder know how does Adan did it? How did he make this bun shape and move the whole sheet here, sometimes I really want to set a camera to record from the beginning to the end.

Monday, July 30, 2007

第二次遇見木天寥之完全變調,second time meet catnip, totally change

阿丹 : 欸欸欸姨姨,你要把我的木天寥拿去哪???
Adan : michico!?! What are you doing with my catnip toy???
michico : 這次阿丹就真個對於木天寥很high了,完全沉醉~! 媽媽說,為何木天寥是合法的貓咪毒品呢 ? 應該要禁止才對,呵~~
michico : this time, the second time, Adan is very intoxicated by catnip toy. Totally, let's see the movie:

All drool~~~~~


I saw Adan is taking a break , so I take the catnip branch hiding in the pillow cap, you can see a zipper, I put the toy in there, and....






And just go on and on....


Sunday, July 29, 2007

第一次遇見木天寥,first time meet catnip

michico : 我聽說木天寥都可以讓貓咪很high,所以買了一個給阿丹用用看,之前有買過碎末狀的,可是阿丹一點都不感興趣,所以這次買大條的~!
michico : I heard most of cats like catnip very much, so, I bought some for Adan, I bought a toy inside the toy with broken piece of catnip, but Adan wasn't interested at all, so this time I bought a big one, made just like a branch.
Looks very good smell...


Become a toy...


Adan tracing catnip branch playing around.
Alright.... At least it is funny.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

有貓的證據,hard evidence of has cat~!

michico : 要如何判斷這個房間有沒有養貓 ? 其實很簡單~! 請看我標了好幾個箭頭~!
michico : How can we tell this room has cat? Actually it's very simple~!Please see those arrows I mark~!
1. 床的木頭有很多刮痕...判斷是一種尖銳的物品所致...
1. Wood of bed has so many scars, we can tell that is cause by some sharp things.

2. 比較沒有被刮過的木頭....

2. Compare with the wood has no scar....

3. 一堆毛沾來沾去...

3. Lots of fur everywhere...

4. 詭異的洞在床單上...

4. weird holes on the bed sheet...
5. 更多的洞....應該是具有強大力量的物品攻擊所致...

5. More holes....it should be attack by really powerful things...

6. 其他的證據,不平滑的紙箱...
6. Other evidence, un-smooth paper box...

7. 貓的指甲!!!!大證據!!!!

7. cat's nail!!!Big evidence~!!!!


8. Clothes with serious damage....


Sum up our evidence, this room has a cat is for sure~!

阿丹 : 真的嗎....我已經躲起來了怎麼還是可以發現有貓咪呢 ?
Adan : Really? I thought I was hiding good enough~! Still got me~!

Friday, July 27, 2007

諺語的串聯文,a proverb meme

Here comes meme again. I have tagged by my dear Jeter for this proverb meme~!

"A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind. They are often metaphorical."

Ok, let's telling my proverb, this is revising from an ancient proverb, I think it is agree with me.
我要說的是 : 天涯何處無小鳥,何必單戀一隻鴿 XD~~~~~~
There are thousands of birds out there,
Don't be sad for one pigeon fly away.

I say this proverb because, I often feel unhappy that my pigeon sister flying away from my window, so, mama always tells me don't be upset.

When pigeon flies away, still disappointed sometimes.
I will tag this meme to Dragonheart and Kaze, I think I will learn much more from their proverb. And thanks for Jeter tagged me again~!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

想打呵欠的時候是抵擋不住的,I can't hold the yawn

阿丹 : 姨姨說,當人類打呵欠的時候可以閉著嘴巴甚至憋住,偶不行拉....
Adan : michico said, when people wants to oscitate, they can hold it, even suppress the yawn....well, I really can't.
Hold the yawn is not healthy, isn't it?? Yawning could get more oxygen into the body.
much better~!
michico : 那你現在有想要幹麻嗎?
michico : Then....do you want to do anything?
阿丹 : 我想睡覺了.....
Adan : Sleeping will be a good idea.
