Friday, July 13, 2007

大仔玩姨姨的人偶,Arion plays michico's model

Everyone, this is Arion, he is michico's boy friend, and is my good sitter. My foreign friends should be the first time to see him. So, I like to make a simple introduce for everyone, when michico leave Taiwan go to the other country, Arion will come and take care of me.
He is very good to me, this day, he come to visit me because we hasn't see each other for months.
阿丹 : 大家還記得大仔吧,今天他來看我~!

Adan : Hey Arion, long time no see, how is everything? Make yourself like home like always.

阿丹 : 大仔,好久不見了,這裡你很熟,我就不招呼你了~!

Adan : Arion started to play michico's model....
阿丹 :大仔竟然開始玩姨姨的人偶...

Adan : Well. I don't dare to touch michico's model, that's is an important tool for michico's painting, and it doesn't smell fun, so I am not interested in it. But Arion seems have lots of fun.

阿丹 : 我是不會去碰那個人偶拉,那是michico畫圖的工具,聞起來也不怎麼樣,不過大仔好像每次來都會給她玩一次...

Adan : Awww....Arion, why do you make that model for that really strange pose....

阿丹 : 大仔....你... 你幹麻把人偶弄那麼奇怪的姿勢....

Arion : Isn't that fun...?

大仔 : 不有趣尬...?

Adan: You are so childish...~

阿丹 : 吼...很幼稚耶....

Adan : so silly~! (please see the circle area at the lower picture)
阿丹 : 這樣很白痴耶.... (看下面圓圈處)

Adan: You are hopeless....

阿丹 : 唉...還是我比較有智慧...大仔已經沒救了~~

Arion : Oah, come on, let's play together I will not play with that model.

大仔 : 陪我玩我就不會玩你姨姨的人偶拉~!


Arion : Come on, give me a hug.
Adan : Let me go~~~~~
大仔 : 來嘛...來抱一個....
阿丹 : 快放我下來~~~


MaoMao said...

Awww, those are adorable pictures! Michiko's boyfriend looks like he loves you furry much -- you're a furry lucky kitty!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Lux said...

He looks like a wonderful friend to you! That last picture is especially sweet - and look at your pretty eyes!

The Cat Realm said...

You are such a beautiful cat! And so lucky to have such a good sitter, because it is not easy to get good personal these days!!!
We enjoyed this little story very much!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful photos! It looks like you were having fun with your friend. :)

LZ said...

He looks very nice! I didn't know Michico was leaving, where is she going and for how long? He seems like a great person to take care of you.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dear Kaze,
michico doesn't leave.
Just Arion come to visit us~!

Daisy said...

Hi Arion, nice to meet you! You seem like a good boyfriend for Michico because you are nice to Adan. So you must be good.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, such adorable pictures, Adan! And you and Michico's boyfriend look so happy and snuggly together.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Monty Q. Kat said...

MomBean thinks Arion is very handsome!

JT said...

Great photos! Looks like Arion is a very nice friend and you are having fun with him!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Adan is is Arion. Hehehehehehehhee!!


andophiroxia said...

Michico has it all. She has a cute boyfriend and a cute cat! :D