昨天晚上我有兩件不開心的事情。Last night, I got 2 mad things.
1. 昨天晚上大仔來,拿東西給姨姨。結果,沒跟我好好玩幾秒鐘,就跑去抱我的大姨姨還跟她親親,氣死我了。1. Last night, Arion came to my house bring something to Michico. And, he didn’t play with me over few seconds, then went to michico, and kissed her!!! Made me so mad!!
然後,我非常生氣,我走經過他們兩個人的身邊,然後從丹田發出了一種嗚嗚低沉而且具有侵略性的咽吼:「咕嗚嗚屋屋屋咕嗚嗚屋屋…」。嘴巴沒有張開,直接從身體裡面發出這種怒吼。這個叫聲讓大仔嚇到了,因為他從未聽過。姨姨是有聽過,不過已經很久以前了,大仔覺得不太對勁,認為我在生氣。And, because I was too mad, I walked though the space at middle of them, and made a sound straight from the lower part of my abdomen, it howl sounds :
"Guuuuuuuu…….Guuuuuuuuuuu…..Gggguuuuuuuu……." without mouth open, it is directly from my abdomen, that is very very angry sound. And it’s really scared Arion. Because he has never heard this sounds before, michico has heard it but it was a long long time ago. Arion thinks this condition is not right, he thinks I am angry.
Hmmm! Of course I am angry, michico tried to hold me but I say no. But when she touched me I still purrr, BUT, as long as Arion try to touch me, I continued making that “
Guuuuuu……Guuuuuu…..”lower howl sounds to him!!! It scares Arion going away. If He finds michico first without playing with me enough time, give it a try, I will make him scared again! Michico is mine, I am her core!!!
And after Arion leaved the room and waited for michico to change clothes to get dinner, I let michico hold me. And I purrr and purrr loudly. Michico said I am so cute, I am jealous~! Actually my competition with Arion is starting for a long time. We have men-friendship, also have men-competition.
2. 第二件事情,昨天不知道是哪位神明生日。結果樓下附近的廟敲鑼打鼓還放煙火。害我一直躲在椅子底下,因為放煙火還有敲鑼打鼓的地方就在我們這棟樓樓下,晚上整個窗戶都在動動動大響、窗戶也一直亮閃亮閃,嚇死我了。而且竟然持續了兩個半小時,害我真的一直很生氣。
2. The second thing is, last night I don’t know it was which gods’s birthday. In Taiwan, when gods birthday, it will have lots of activity and making very loud music noisy gong and drum music and lots of fireworks, I was hiding under the chair for 2 hours and my window is keep flashing and flashing, lot of noisy discord, makes me really mad.
姨姨一直安慰我,可是煙火鞭炮一直不停,害我根本不敢出去,實在是太恐怖了。Michico tried comfort me all these hours, but the fireworks seems never ends, it’s just too scarey.
Today the weather is better, I hope I could happier today.
Continue praying for Miss Peach, she is a little bit better, but still need more improvement.