Tuesday, October 9, 2007

攝影技巧的進步還有謝謝凱西姨,Shooting skill with my camera

阿丹 : 昨天有網友詢問大姨姨用什麼相機 ? 其實姨姨把相機型號擺在部落格右下角很久了,這個部落格成立的時候就放了,應該是網友沒有察覺吧,姨姨覺得美國的貓友拍攝貓咪沒有像台灣和日本的貓咪主人這麼講究,應該是說講究得人比較少吧,讓姨姨覺得台灣和日本真的是 3C天堂,真的有比較過有差耶~! 既然台灣的朋友大家都是攝影專家,我就叫姨姨就不介紹我們的普普相機了,哈~!
Adan : Beau Beau & Angie asked me yesterday, what brand of camera michico use to take my pictures, well, michico put the camera's photo at the under right slidebar of my blog for a long time, but I would love to introduce for you~! Michico's camera is Fuji's FinePix E550, you can click to understand this camera's specifications. She bought this camera at 2005 July, at 2005, since Arion knew michico bought this type of camera instead of that small easy carry camera, he thinks michico is really different girl. Because this camera could add lens if you want to, and with 4 Exposure Modes just like SLR.

阿丹 : 這個相機姨姨是在2005年買的,會用跟不會用差很多,姨姨照相技術終於也有進步了,看看進步多少,這是同一臺相機拍出來的喔,唉,我想如果我是 E550我會哭吧XD~

Adan : For 2 years, michico can take photos better. Knowing how to use, and not know is really different, michico's shooting skills finally got some improvement. Let's see how much she improves. These are all the same camera's work, if I were michico's camera E550, I must cry 2 years ago, hahahaha~~
Let's compare michico's photo works, this picture as below of my pigeon sisters, the higher part was shooting in sunshine light last year, the lower part was shooting at cloudly rainy days at Typhoon' day October 7th. And yet, the cloudly day is better, see~~ Michico's skill was sucks before. (you could click larger to compare)
阿丹 : 這個是閃光燈的技術,右邊去去年拍攝,左邊是前幾天拍攝,有差別吧~!
Adan : This is flash light shooting skill, the right one was shooting last year, left one was shooting few days ago, please click larger to compare, the detail is different.

阿丹 : 再來就是姨姨最喜歡拍的食物,姨姨另外有一個部落格幾乎都是在介紹她去吃和玩的東西,她是超愛拍攝食物的人,右邊那張是兩年前在橫濱拍攝的咖哩,一直是姨姨內心的遺憾,可是當時技術太差怪不了相機,只能怪自己,左邊是三兄妹冰淇淋,嘿嘿,好吃多了吧?

Adan : Next subject, is michico's second favorite, she loves shooting food. Michico has a chinese blog, there are all introducing her favorite restaurant and playing spot(example). She loves taking photoes of food. The right one was shooting 2 years ago, that photo is always michico's lesson, everytime she saw that picture she always reminds herself to take good picture, and the left one is fruit icecream she took now. See~~??? Totally different, but same camera ~~
小芥 : 貓主人訓練自己的拍攝技術只是要把自己的愛貓拍得很可愛嘛~!
阿丹 : 姨姨有義務把我拍得很帥~!
michico : We pet keeper just want to shoot our pet beautiful, so practice our shooting skill.
Adan : Michico has duty to shoot me beautifully.

阿丹 : 不過當模特兒是很累的~!

Adan : But, being a model is very tired.

阿丹 : 我相信每位我的朋友都有同感的~!

Adan : I believe every friends of my have same feeling~! Flash light shutter sounds everyday~

小芥 : 目前正在考慮年底要買這台~! 還在盤算型號...不過希望帶給大家更可愛的阿丹 ~!

michico : Right now I am considering buy this one at 2008 January, still considering, but hoping could bring more cuter Adan to everyone~!


阿丹 : 凱西姨姨,謝謝你寄給我橘子,痞諾還有尤達的年曆,我很喜歡~!姨姨天天說,她最喜歡尤達,因為尤達很可愛~~凱西姨姨,妳知道我最喜歡哪一位嘛 ?(害羞...)
阿丹 : 根據我專業的素養,凱西姨姨,我最喜歡的就是妳了(嬌羞不已),妳看我是不是很有品味,那三位有很多姨姨喜歡沒關係,重點是我最愛凱西姨姨比較重要,嗯哼哼,我是不是最有品味啊,哈哈哈~! 凱西姨姨,謝謝您寄給我們三份年曆,我已經吩咐下去了,三份年曆已經各給我馬麻一份,也會給我的小姨姨一份,大家都覺得很可愛喔~!再次謝謝凱西姨姨~!


Ivan from WMD said...

My mom's thinking about buying a new camera, too. She's looking at the Nikon D40, but I don't know...it will just mean more pictures!

Unknown said...

That is a great camera. My Lady and Senor bought one of those Digital SLR's and they love it. I like it too cause The Lady takes more pictures of me now.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Michico has really become a great photographer, but it helps to have such a wonderful model like you, Adan. Our mom needs to buy a better camera; she is thinking about a Canon.


Anonymous said...


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. 阿弟的媽咪
不一定~! 食養山房建議白天去 ~! 晚上去情調就很缺乏了orz

Anonymous said...


caspersmom said...

Hi Adan. Michico takes beautiful photos. Pictures of you really show it. My Mom likes to take pictures also, she loves landscape photos. Mom said that sometimes it's better to take pictures on a cloudy day as you can get better and different colors than on a sunny day. She would love to get a camera with a stabilizer, now as she gets a little older her hands shake a little. The picture of me on the profile of our blog site won first prize in the county fair when she entered it in the pet section.

We really enjoyed seeing the picture of your family on the side bar.


Boy said...

Michico's photogwaphy skills have weawwy impwoved!
Mine Mummy is not as good.
I'm so handsome but I think the pictors she takes of me never does me justice!

andophiroxia said...

Hey! The picture on the right hand side is like how I take photos every day!

I have a Canon SD630 and my skill sucks!

Paula said...

Hi Michico!
Your pictures are very good!!!

I am glad you and Adan are okay after the Krosa Typhoon.
It sure looked scary!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Michico's photography skill has really developed! She takes wonderful photos of you, Adan. My mom would also like to get one of those Canon digital SLRs. Maybe next year, since this year I will be getting a brother at Christmas.

Lux said...

Michico really takes great pictures - I love the ones of you especially!!!

My MomBean's got her eye on a new camera also ... only those green papers ... :(

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. Lux..

Yah.... Green papers.... don't mention that anymore



Tommy and Teaghan said...

Adan, thank you so much for all the information about your picture taking. You are a wonderful and handsome subject. You are right, it's not always the camera but the experience in using the camera. Our Mom takes lots and lots of pictures trying to get a good one. Good idea about explaining about the camera. I think we'll show our little camera on our blog too. And, we want that Canon 400D too! We are just waiting for the price to drop on it.

Ramses said...

michico has the same camera my Dad has! :) Mummy just got a Panasonic DMC-FZ8 from Dad as an early birthday present. Dad's is more of a stick it in your pocket and take it anywhere size and he takes some lovely photos with it - same they're all for work and not of cute cats! ;)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Michico takes lovely photos Adan, and you are such a good model for them. Our mum has got a Fuji Finepix 450, but it has automatic focus. She just points and shoots and hopes for the best.

Daisy said...

Michico takes great photos, but I can see from the comparisons that she is getting even better! And Adan, you are a wonderful model.

My Mommie has a Canon Rebel XTi that she likes, even though she is still learning and is not very good yet.

Anonymous said...


Tara said...

Michico is taking beautiful pictures of you Adan. Of course, you are a beautiful model!


LZ said...

In May the Lap Lady got a Canon XT and she loves it. She's still quite overwhelmed by all of the options so we're giving her time to figure it all out. Its so cool that everyone has their own favorite cameras and can work with them so well. The LL needs a Canon, she had a Fuji and she just couldn't work with it.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Michico's skill have improved a lot in 2 years. However, you still need your beautiful subject to shoot ;-)

Jimmy Joe said...

Michico is very artistic, as we all know, and I can tell that she gets better and better at taking pictures. You are always photogenic, though, Adan.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Adan we think that Michico takes great pictures of you. Our mom has been using a really old 35 mm. camera but she says she will buy a new one very soon.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new camera!! You really see the difference in quality.
Have a nice day!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Hi Adan!
I think your Michico is a very talented photographer!! (She takes much better photo than my mamma)
Both cameras are very nice - we've seen the new Canon - it's amazing! It would be worth buying!

Did you have any damage from the typhoon last week? (We heard on TV that many people were leaving Taiwan)
I was hoping you are OK!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Oh, I just watched your movie from the typhoon Krosa - It looks scary! I'm glad you're safe indoors.

MaoMao said...

Wowie, Michico is a furry good pickshure takur! My Momma's okay with it sometimes but she wants to get bettur. Her new kamera has lots and features and she needs to take the time to learn more about 'em instead of just pointin' the camera and takin' the pickshure! But when we kitties get into a pose that makes her say SQUEE she's just gotta get that pickshure right then and hope she doesn't mess it up, hehe!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

MaoMao said...

And Adan and Michico, thankies so furry much fur your purrs fur Brainball! He is doin' bettur today -- it takes time to get bettur and he's gotta keep takin' his meds, but effury day is easiur for him, and we are all so glad!

Love to you -- you are great furriends!

Unknown said...

Michico is very handsome and perfect model..
My mom has a KODAK P712 is a good camera too and I am her model too!!


Happy Tuesday!
Feliz Martes!

The Furry Fighter said...

michico has improved very much - you have done a good job Adan! tell michico that the Canon 400D is a wonderful camera - Meowmie J has it and she LOVES it! xxx

Anonymous said...

Mom's camera is fairly new, and she's still learning about it -- your Michico takes beautiful pictures, Adan!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Team Tabby said...

We like your 'before' and 'now' photos very much. Michico's skill with the camera has improved so much. We hope she is able to buy the nice Canon camera. She would get a lot of enjoyment out of it and she has such a wonderful model to photograph.

Moe & Mindy

Gretchen said...

Yes, Michico, you take very good pictures. I like your camera and the new one you want looks good, too. I agree, with Adan, camera flash everyday. Sigh...what a cat has to do to keep the beans happy.


The Furry Kids said...

Michico takes beautiful pictures! I wish our Mom would improve her photography skills. hee hee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well Michico, you've done your jobs well! If you done it wrong, Adan will never forgive you anymore... :D

Adan is hoping a lot from you :D

Hey, perhaps someday, Adan can meet Mr. Bobby :D