Michico : I think everyone might have a doubt, Didn't Michico just finished her wedding dress photographes at "Leave sad behind forest"? Yes! I used to want shooting the photo at Snow Mountain, However, last year, there was a very big fire let us can't go inside the snow mountain, But, it just opened. I think that is a big sign to me~! So, I let my last CNY holidays 2 days a half, bring my friends to the Snow Mountain, because there is a very Beautiful Glacial Cirquest there, I really really want it for my background~!
是的,這次大仔並沒有來,這是只有拍女生的婚紗。因為大仔具有關節的疾病,其實並不適合登山這種危險的活動,這會讓大仔的關節有更多的損耗。本來,到雪山圈谷也是我個人願望,所以我自己上去執行自己的夢想也好 :)
And yes, this time, Arion doesn't come. Only I shoot the wedding dress, because Arion has joints problems for years, if he climbs mountain, it will hurt his joints very much, and because this is my own wish to shoot at Snow Mountain Glacial Cirquest, I think it is not bad that I go myself to finish my dream.很晚開拔,所以已經摸黑到達七卡山莊(因為這晚三六久沒有床位),我們很快的吃完,辛苦的夥伴們準備明天早用水還有早點,然後就早早睡覺。一整個晚上,山莊裡的人打呼、大聲聊天,我們這六個人都沒有睡好,大家平均睡一個小時不到,隔天,兩點起來開始準備啟程。We are very late to start climbing(Because the second stop doesn't have seat for us tonight), so when we arrived the first stop, it's very dark, my partner boiled the water and prepare next morning's breakfast, and we quickly slept, but, it's very noise from the other team, so, none of us sleep well, we only slept 1 hours tops, and we woke up at 2AM started keep climbing.
1 hour sleep making us very tired, plus our CNY holidays let our sleeping is not very normal, hahahaha~~ So we are very very tired and climb very hardly. For hours, finally gets to a very famous hill named Cry. Because that hill is too hard to climb, makes the climber wants to cry. 我們上了哭坡,所謂哭坡就是會走得很想哭非常陡峭的山坡,衝上了哭坡,我們就在哭坡的上面等待日出。在哭坡上面笑了。Anyway, we reach the Cry hill and see the sun is started to raise, so we are giving our last strength crazy climb it, and finally leave the cry hill left, and smile at the top of Cry Hill.
This is Me, shooting by Karen, I feel I am a Knight. I am so cool. 太陽出來了,每一次太陽的出來對於登山者來講,都有說不出感動。
Every sunrise to every mountain climber, always the most touchest moment in our heart~! 哈囉,可愛的陽光。我今天在雪山上面看見你呢~!
Hello, sunshine, today I see you at Snow Mountain~!於是,我們趕緊前往雪山上可以遇見的第一個峰:雪山東峰。
And so, we are hurry to the first high spot at Snow Mountain - Snow Mountain East Peak.瞧瞧這個地是多麼的陡峭,每次走路都得很小心。
See how hard the way we goes? 好不容易到達了雪山東峰,可是我們的主峰圈谷,還在好遙遠的那一端。
We finally reach the East Peak, but our main target, still far far away from us! Snow Mountain East Peak also is a very famous mountain, it also has 3150meters!! 我們在圈谷做樂了一會兒,又開始收拾心情趕緊上去。大家一路歪歪倒倒的,終於到達了三六九山莊。
We played and celebrated at East Peak for a while, and started to go to the second stop, finally reach it.○○○○○○○○○○另一方面在家裡 In the other hand, At Home ○○○○○○○○○○
And rest a half hour at the second stop, we climbed into the very famous Big Black Forest. This forest is very huge. With there is no sun, we are not able to see anything. 進入了一半,開始有了雪跡,我們穿上冰爪,免得摔落山谷。
And started have snow~! We have to very careful wearing crampons moving on! 黑森林目前有陽光透進來,可是雪氣襲來卻有說不出的寒冷,我們大家努力注意地形,更要小心地面的冰滑,大家都步步為營。
Right now is extremely cold, but meanwhile, we are sweating, everyone pay lots of attention at the ground and slippery ice, we are having headache and very nervious heart~ 這裡則是非常有名的石瀑! 終於看見他在眼前真的內心很動容~!
This Stone Waterfall is very famous, you could larger the photo as below to see the detail words.我們在黑森林有微微的迷途一小段路,好在兩位領隊又找回了正道,讓我們安全的又回到了該走的路。
We lost at Black Forest for a while, but we finally reach the correct way.我們大家都很小心行走,此時再美的冰柱,也讓我們只有覺得危險而已。
Even the view is beautiful, right now we are only left careful walking and big headache. 走了好久好久,圈谷終於在眼前。可是我竟然提不起勁,非常氣喘。最後這一百米到雪山圈谷的路,是阿弼推著我的包包往前奔走的。
We walked for hours, finally reach to the Glacial Cirquest, I breath very hardly, the last 1 meter my partner push my backpack to let me walk~啊~! 圈谷! 雪山主峰的圈谷!!!!! 我呆了~~~~
Oah My God, the Snow Mountain Glacial Cirquest~!!! I was wooden~!我們六個人阿弼小乖還有我先到,阿弼已經趕緊去煮咖啡給大家喝,由於三六九山莊沒有供水,所以我們要自己取冰回去煮。我要趕緊換衣服,就在這邊拍攝婚紗。大家都七手八腳的,其他人還在趕往圈谷當中。
When we arrived it was over 2 pm, if we continue going to the top, we will using more than 2 hours, and will not able to shoot, and return back. We Can't walk into the black forest without light, it will be too too too dangerous~!!! I still want to go home. So, we gave up to the top, But I still very happy, because the Glacial Cirquest is my main target for photo~! We are collecting ice for the water we will drink tonight 由於時間已經有點晚了,如果再晚一點,陽光就沒有了,太陽一下山,剛剛在黑森林摸了兩個小時,摸黑回去又走在冰上面,將會極度危險,討論的結果,因為上主峰還有一公里以上,又上去又下來,會花兩個小時的時間,我們可能就沒有辦法再走了。只好,這次放棄攻上主峰頂,就在我們的目的地雪山圈谷,趕緊簡單的拍攝完畢。
We are having very simple photo shooting, I finally make my dream come true!! Thank you my dear friends~! At that moment, I really wish Arion is next to me~ 注意喔,我的腳上是有冰爪的。其實非常的冷,可是我還是很開心,因為我的夢想完成了、實現了,這都是大家的功勞。每個人的此時的生理狀況都很差,頭痛欲裂,很糟糕。我也請大家拍幾張而已證明我有在圈谷拍照,就趕緊收起來,大家收集好要引用的冰,煮好成水,就衝下山突破黑森林趕緊回山莊。
See the crampons on my shoes? It's cool, right? Actually it's extremely cold, and everyone has very very strongly headache, we have to move quickly back to the second stop. We collect the ice and snow and rush back~ Chasing the last sunset and left the black forest behind.一整個很危險,但是大家回到山莊都很開心,因為不管如何今晚一定很好睡,我們從凌晨兩點醒來一直到晚上七八點才休息,大家已經累到受不了。
We woke up at 2am, and climbed over 14 hours, finally could stop and rest. Everyone all faint down and quickly sleep.隔天,我們在山莊的上舖看日出。收拾收拾,要準備下山回家了。山上的風景讓人無法抗拒,太美了。
Next morning, when we wake up, we see the sunrise from our bed, we are packing and ready going back home. This view only at the top mountain, sometimes I wish I could stay longer, it's too pretty.大家放鬆心情開拔,歸心似箭。我們走得很快很順,希望趕緊可以回到平地。
Because we sleep enough and completely the mission, we were back very smoothly, all of us want to back to the ground as soon as possible.上山走多少、下山就要走多少,我們走得腳都要斷了,終於平安下山,到達0公里的地方,看起來很像OK~ ok~ 我下山了,好棒喔~!
How long you climb up, and certainly we have to climb down that long, using 5 hours, we finally all reach to the ground. There is a 0KM at the started, it looks like "OKAY"'s ok, ok~! I am successfully back~!我平安的回到山口了。雪山的主峰頂,等我,我還會來找你。 <根據專業的夥伴分析,如果第一天晚上就直接到達三六九,我們就可以很有空閒攻頂了,可惜初五那天晚上三六九並沒有床位,所以有點遺憾。>
I safety back home, Snow Mountain, wait for me, I will come back for you reach to the top.在山下大家吃個簡單的泡麵和點心,我們開車下山,卻又垂涎於武陵農場的梅花姿色。又下車拍個不停。
We stay at the parking space shorting have some food, and drove, and stopped at WuLing Farm, because the plum blossom just too beautiful.太美了,我們拍得很盡興。又趕緊衝上車。衝回台北。
Just too beautiful, we were happy shooting and chating, and rush back to the car and straight to Taipei~回家,緊緊抱住阿丹和樂高,我平安的回到他們身邊。更要感謝阿弼、憲坤和小乖,一路上的照顧以及扶持,沒有你們,我無法完成雪山圈谷拍攝婚紗的夢想,永遠感謝!!!
Home, I grab Adan and Lego very tight, I safetly back to them. And I have to thank and grateful to my partners help me make my dreams come true, and taking care of me~!!!! Without you, I can't go to the Glacial Cirquest there~!!! THANK YOU!!!
I love the one with Adan and grandpa!
The hike looks beautiful! Beautiful sun!!
My goodness. After such little sleep and after such an incredibly hard days walk, how do you manage to look so lovely in your photos? You're a special lady, Michico.
We love the 'back at home' photo.
Michico, welcome back!
you're really something,
What can I say?!
厲害 厲害
Oh! Michico, you are beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing these amazing pictures. I think mom would love to climb a mountain like this. such lovely pictures, reminds us of Switzerland.
I am glad your dream came true and you are home safe. This was a lovely adventure with good friends.
purrrrs and love always, Princess
The pictures are so beautiful!! We are glad Michico is home safe!!
What a wonderful excursion ! so high mountains ! it looks very cold ! and then wearing this light dress. brrr.
I am glad your person made it back safely. I do not think I would like climbing so high!
That is all so beautiful!
Mine Mummy says she really wants to go Taiwan and climb some mountains!
Michico, what an amazing adventure you had! And the photos of you in your beautiful dress are breathtaking!
That was an amazing journey and I was happy that I got to see it and your beautiful dress!
Michico, what a big trip you took! The scenery is beautiful. You looked very cold in your dress but very pretty.
Such beautiful photos and you look so beautiful in your dress.
Thank you for the beautiful photos and sharing your dream with us. Mom had happy tears in her eyes reading your story. You give a wonderful gift to everyone by showing them that one can follow their dream.
And you look absolutely divine in your dress! Meeeeoowwwww! Arion is one lucky guy and you have the best friends one could ever want.
What beautiful scenery on your climb Michico. I loved your dress it's so beautiful and you look so pretty in it. I bet you were cold posing in it. So glad you got back down safely. What a time to remember.
The Snow Mountain is well named! Lots of ice and snow, of course. What a long climb you had, Michico. Worthwhile because the pictures of you are lovely. The pictures of the mountain are just great. We don't think we would like so high a climb. We are impressed by you and your friends.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Beautiful,beautiful!!!! The scenery was awesome!!!
Your dress and you were lovely .
Your customs are so nice. I am glad you made it!!!
Michico, you have big dreams! How wonderful that you are not afraid to go after them! You looked resplendent in your wedding dress! Just glorious!
Those pictures are gorgeous! We love your dress, too! Thank you for sharing them with us.
Wow! Michico! Beautiful pictures. You take amazing pictures and you look amazing in pictures! Congratulations on making your mountain climbing dreams come true.
I love your dress so much!
Hugs always,
Wow! You worked so hard to get your wedding dress photo!
And it was worth it. You look so beautiful, wearing your dress, way up there on snow mountain.
Someone is very lucky.
And of course, Adan is very lucky that you finally came home to him.
You have some award winning photography there! What a beautiful visit.
Amazing photos! I can see why you wanted to take more wedding dress pictures there. It's so beautiful.
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