Monday, June 1, 2009

貓聚;cats gathering

現在貓聚之前,要特別感動一下,我有一個網友暱稱為粉紅豹,送我這個作為結婚禮物,我收到的時候非常得感動,好棒,我的公婆說,要幫我使用表框的透明紙?片?包起來,才不會弄髒,大家都說畫得好像好好看,粉紅豹謝謝,真的是好棒的結婚禮物。非常感謝您! 另外作者為flâneuse
Before I write about the cats gathering, I have to show you one of Arion & I's wedding gift send one of my friends, this is a painting of Adan & Lego, and it's very beautiful~! I just love it so so much, isn't it great?
Yesterday, the very famous cat photographer who photo Adan before held a cats gathering, before I went there, I was worry that I might don't know how to social. But while I opened the door...I forgot about human, only cats.

昨天的貓聚非常成功,好多好多拍不完的貓咪,每一位主人都會細心跟你講這些貓可愛的地方,會讓他們轉到你的鏡頭前面好好拍一下。但是現場太暗了,我的外閃功力不足,拍起來還是滿辛苦的,畫面還不夠優秀,我會好好努力加強! (請看優秀拍攝者:迪迪媚媚的拔部落格-第四屆卡布教主朝聖大會小賢-貓聚大成功 )
Yesterday's cat gathering was great success, so so many cats that I can't even photo each one of them, and every cat slaves are so kindly and gentlely telling their cat master's stories, and turn their master's face to your lens to let you shot, but the field is very dark, So I didn't photo that well, I will do my best to practice!


andophiroxia said...

I love scottish folds. Were those bengals?

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Lots of beautiful cats! Thanks for sharing!

慢慢仙 said...



Boy n Beethoven said...

That is so wonderful! So many great kitties! I wish I was there too!


Estorbo said...

I feel so sorry por the los gatos at the shows. Ees onkine' to the cads, they doan' lighe eed. Ees all por the yoomans' ego...

Cat Street Boyz said...

Some kitties don't seem to mind the kitty get together but some do as with cat shows and those are the one's that should stay home. Mom saw that when she was at a Cat show, some cats were really OK with it but a few were even shaking and they should have been left home. Toy is like that, he loves to be out and about, he is very content in his harness. Did your Mommy pet the Bengal, Adan? Their coats are so silky, that one had a rosette pattern, our Mommies favorite. That is a very nice painting Adan & Lego, what a wonderful present!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Daisy said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful gathering of cats! My Mommie likes the orange and white Scottish Fold the best, but they are all very wonderful.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those are some purrty kitties! Meowm says she would have loved to be there!

Team Tabby said...

Thanks for showing us all those beautiful cats.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

How beautiful is you wedding present picture. Just lovely.

What a lovely gathering of cats. Thank you for shaing all those lovelies with us.

Hugs GJ xx

jenianddean said...

That looks like it was a fun gathering. So many beautiful cats to admire.

Mickey's Musings said...

The painting of Adan & Lego is so very good!!!!!! What a lovely gift :)
We also loved seeing all those fabulous kitties :) Thank you for sharing!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Anonymous said...
