今天是樂高的領養第二週年,時間飛快。一直到今天,我還是很高興我領養了樂高。他一直是大家的開心果。我真的非常開心~ 樂高來到了我們的世界。他帶來了很多很多的快樂~! 而且樂高的好,是大家都感受得到的,他是博愛的好。他真的是大家好。他除了對葛格壞以外,其他都很好。(擦汗ing)Today is Lego's 2nd Gotcha day.
My dear son, Happy Gotcha Day. Until today, I still am very happy adopting Lego, he is always be the best happy source for everyone. I am really grateful that Lego comes to our world and bring so much joy. And his good is very easy to be felt, everybody can feel his good. He only treats Adan "bad" but everyone else is good. (lol)
樂高:嘿~ 我想我這兩年來做得還不錯! 大家都愛我。Lego : Hey everyone, I guess I am doing great for these 2 years, everybody loves me.
天冷的時候葛格愛我一點點。While it's cold, Adan loves me a bit.
大姨姨愛我~ Pamilla loves me~
爺爺愛我 Grandfather loves me~
媽咪當然愛我~ Mommy loves me for certain~
阿嗲愛我~ Dadda loves me~
阿公真的很愛我~~ Grandpa really really loves me~~
媽咪持續愛我~~ Mommy keeps loving me for sure~~
海岸姨姨愛我~~ Mom's good friend loves me~~
阿嗲也還是愛我~~ Daddy keeps loving me as well~~
夏儂姨姨愛我~ Shannon loves me~~
踏老師愛我~~ Ta loves me~~
凱西愛我~~ Cathy loves me~~
後母姨姨愛我~~ Gina loves me~~
胖丁爹愛我~~ Gina's husband-David loves me~~
摸尼卡姨姨愛我~~ Malica loves me~~
阿嗲還是很愛我~~~ Dad loves me again and again for always~~
Coach馬麻愛我~~ Sandy loves me~~
玉燕姨姨愛我~~ Yen loves me~~
Karen姨姨愛我~~ Karen loves me~~
慢慢姨愛我~~ Fiona loves me~~
玉山姨姨愛我~~ Dora loves me~~
旺宏馬麻愛我~~ Mimi loves me~~
奶奶愛我~~ Grandmother loves me~~
大姨姨一直還是很愛我~~ Pamilla loves me again for always~~
小姨姨也愛我~~~ Toshie auntie also loves me~~
然後葛格....And Adan.....
我想他不愛我了... I guess he doesn't love me now....
樂高兩週年快樂,你好棒! Happy 2nd Gotcha day, Lego, You are great!!
Well, Adan does love you. He loves that you are warm when it is cold as you said.
But then, I suppose you must love him when you can eat his food. That is when you love him a lot!
其實你心裡最愛你葛格的, 對吧對吧...
Happy Gotchaversay Lego. May you have many more. The new runt is slowly settling in here, maybe in two years we will really get along
Happy Gotcha Day Lego! And we love you too!!!! In fact, I brought you some ham to celebrate!!!!
Who couldn't love you, Lego! Happy Gotcha Day!
P.S. We forgot what a teeny tiny baby you were!
Happy 2nd Gotcha day, Lego! We remember when you were a tiny kitten, and have been pleased to see you growing up so well. May you have many more happy years to come!
Happy Gotcha Day, handsome Lego!
Happy Gotcha Day LEGO!!! We love ya too....don't worry Adan loves you, he just has to keep letting you know he is number "one" but being "two" is also great!!=^Y^=
Happy second Gotcha Day Lego. We love you too.
Happy Gotchaversary, sweet Lego! We love you, too!
Happy Gotcha Day, Lego! You have come a long way since your days wearing the paper plate!
Such a well loved cat. Happy Gotcha Day, Lego. We think you are a big ol' sweetie too.
congratulations from germany Lego :)
Happy Gotcha Day, Lego! We all love you!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Lego! We all love you too! We brought some fresh home grown nip to help you celebrate!
Awww Lego, Adan loves you...he just has a different way of showing it.
Happy Gotcha Day! Meopwm squealed when she saw your baby picture!
Happy Gotcha Day Lego!! You sure have turned into quite the charming Big Man Cat.
WE all love you too Lego!
Happy 2nd gotcha day...oh we had forgotten just how tiny you were when you first arrived. What a bundle of joy!
purr on
Happy Gotcha Day, Lego! Many concats on this wonderful occasion.
Happy Gotcha Day,Lego!! It's my Gotcha Day too! Let's celebrate together!!
Happy Gotcha Day Lego...we love yoo too. Maybe Adan would love yoo more if yoo din't whap him?
Happy 2nd Gotcah Day, Lego! Lots of people love you, that's for sure!
HAPPY GOTCHYA DAY!!! And you were such a cute little guy who grew up to be such a handsome ManCat!
Looks like everyone loves you. Perhaps one day you and Adan will love one another. Happy Gotcha Day, Lego!
These pictures brought a big smile to my face. I love all the love!
Wow a lot of poeple love you Lego! Happy Gotcha Day
and we love you too Lego. You are huge, wow. Your tummy is HUUUGE you are a big guy!
I think Adan like to watch you and thinks you are funny.
bonkbonk for second gotcha day!
Oh Lego, along with everybody else,we love you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
但是片尾怎麼出現哥哥被巴頭= =....
Happy Gotchaversary - we love you too!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Gotcha Day, Lego! It looks like everyone loves you! We love you too:)
Congratulations Lego! You are a aunthentic mancat!
Happy belated Gotcha Day, Lego! We remember when you had to wear that plate. We're glad you're all better now!
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