Saturday, October 30, 2010

窩在一起的星期六;Saturday We are together

Since the weather gets cold, we have great relationship.
Plus my love - Michico.
We are big family at winter.

Friday, October 29, 2010

模糊的好照片大爆笑;Fuzzy but Fun Friday

Adan : IT is very close Halloween, but we don't have celebration here, but we like to share some fuzzy, or out of flash's box view's image, but very funny photos to everyone, wish everyone has a great weekend.

This is while Lego wants grabbing Adan, but Adan gets away and out of my camera view, it's becoming abstractly, but I like it.

Hope everyone love today's funny photo collection.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

神奇的丹丹跳;Magical Adan JUMP

Adan : Some asks why I can keep my youth face, it's because I do some vivid thing, adorable thing everyday, 

Adan : Today I gonna represent a very vividly action, call "Magical Adan Jump", and this IS a very special skill.
Adan : Ready??...then....
Lego : My goodness Adan brother, I can't tell you want to jump or not, but you ARE in the air, that is amazing!!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

拜訪貓藝家;Cat Art House at TaipeiCity

小芥:看完河馬貓友的部落格 - 初訪貓藝家之後,就打定主義一定要來這裡,因為這裡有四隻『阿丹貓』,也就是燕尾服貓 = 賓士貓。結果在後母的一個提議下,寒冷的秋天的東北季風的溫度中,來到這個溫暖的小地方。
貓藝家 療癒茶館 官方部落格:
Michico : According to one of my cat friends in Taiwan, introduced a Tea house with 4 tuxedo cats, and I made a decision to visit this lovely tea house. 4 "Adan cats", how tempting!!! I have to been there. So, last night under very soggy and chilly weather, I been there - Cat Art House.
Quiet peaceful outlook, soft gentle yellow light, makes my heart warm.
脫鞋進去後,茶館主人Sara 會指引您噴酒精在雙手,引領你入席,就可以跟貓有親密的接觸了。
After took off the shoes, the host of Cat Art Tea House will tenderly give you little spray of Dilution ethyl alcohol, and leads you to the seat, and you can pet the cats in store. 
There is a little board telling you the names of 4 tuxedo cats.
The love to the cats for many years, the host also collect lots of very beautiful art pieces years by years.
Very handsome Bu.
The business card of the host.
The Menu.
With another cute tuxedo Rara, Gina and her husband David doesn't feel cold at all.
Full of art painting at this beautiful space.
 I was also dizzy by Bu's charming and cordial greeting.

下面這位是小女生香香 以迷迭香命名。她剛做完結紮手術。
 The photo as below is a very adorable girl cat named Rosemary. She just finish her Ligation surgery.
Seeing Gina's husband-David played with 4 "Adan cats" really makes my eyesight giddily, hahaha~~~

第四隻小公貓 - 阿薰,以薰衣草來命名。
 The 4th boy tuxedo, named  Lavender.
 And another cat friend- Miss Anna left the work also join us.
 Beautiful Rosemary.
可愛的小男生 - 阿薰。
Handsome Lavender~
這是貓藝家的主人Sara 和她最愛的拉拉。Sara真的是個很的店主人一直跟你分享很棒的貓咪心得,一直到現在回想起來都還很溫暖呢。祝福貓藝家溫暖的、永續的經營下去,這真的是個很了不起的工作呢。
This is the Host of Cat Art House, Sara and her favorite cat- Rara. Sara is an amazing great host, by the time you walk into the store you can immediately feel the warm and friendly from her, even now I think of her, still very genial feeling from the bottom of my heart, I hope everything is good for her and have good business of this house. She is doing a great job.

貓藝家 Cat Art Home 療癒茶館 四隻賓士貓陪伴的美妙體驗 (圖多,loading請等候)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

開始冷了;Getting cold

Lego : Hey everyone, yesterday Adan brother told everyone I am hiding under the sofa, now today I'll show you there is also something wrong at this view.
Lego : See anything very Unusual at this bed sheet?
Lego : Let me give you a hint~
Adan : Get Away Lego, the weather is getting chilly, I think my old bones starts soring.

Monday, October 25, 2010

有怪怪的地方嘛;Is there something wrong

Adan: See any Unusual thing in this picture?
Adan : I guess this HINT is very clear.
Lego : You didn't see me you didn't see me you didn't see me~~~

Sunday, October 24, 2010

悠閒週日;Easy Like Sunday

 Lego : Oah this is comfy~
Lego : Before Mommy gets ready my brunch, don't wake me up, thank you!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

阿丹的嗅覺;the sense of smell

 Adan : Hmmm....very strange smell....
 Adan : Hey Arion, you just hug Lego before, right?
 Arion : Yeah....what?
阿丹:他準備要大便了~ 真的,我有從你的手上聞到...
 Adan : He is going to poo, I know, really, I smell from your hand....
 Arion : Really? On my hand? My God....Oah Really, he just start digging the litter box!!!!
Adan : I have great sense of smell, I told you!!!