Monday, February 14, 2011

貓在三重;Cats in SanChong

 Michico : SanChong is the city where I live after I married with Arion, almost 2 years, still feel very happy while I see lots of street cats here~ Today I continue sharing these street cats photos with you.
Let me zoom out for you, black cats are not easy to be found~
 And this fat little adorable thing~
 Someone loves this cat very much~
 So she doesn't afraid of people~

 She likes Arion very much~
 How many cats in this picture? (Above)
兩隻呢 ~~ 遠遠看看不出來耶~~~
  There are 2~ So hard to see when you see far~
 And see the orange at the middle of photo? He is rushing to somewhere~
另外不管你相不相信,這一張,和下一張是不同一隻貓歐~ 同一條街總是可以看見兄弟姊妹跑來跑去讓人眼花撩亂呢~
And believe or not, this one and next photo aren't the same cat~~ Same alley you can always discover brothers and sisters running around make your eyes dizzy~
Next time I will share more SanChong cat's for you~ 


Gemini and Ichiro said...

So many cats... so little time.

andophiroxia said...

The black one has the right idea.

Luna und Luzie said...

Awwww so many street cats! I´m glad someone fed them.
Love the fat kitty. Maybe she´s pregnant? Can´t believe that a streetcat can become so fat except she is pregnant or full of worms eeeek.Poor thing....

Many valentine purrrs from the German (well cared ) kitties

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Lots of kitties there and thaank you for showing us. Hugs GJ xx

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, so many cats! Do people take care of them and feed them?

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Valentine's Day!
We like to see those cats :) They are all special. Mom likes Arion's shoes ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Sending Valentine's wishes to you and those that you love and hope you all are having a fun filled day!
Great photo though I do worry about the outside kitties. Hope they all stay safe.