Thursday, May 26, 2011

我說不要ㄇㄟ;I said No

寫在前面:樂高適度的表現自己的情緒,可以很直接的跟嬰兒溝通,嬰兒也可以理解,什麼是貓的底線,一直逼迫是不行的。樂高一直都沒有伸爪子,只是很適度的表現他的不舒服,其實樂高是恐懼的。小外甥女被哈氣了其實越挫越勇,完全不退縮哩。不過還是有比較收手~ 所以其實樂高的哈氣是有效的喔。認識樂高的人應該知道樂高是不哈氣的,小外甥女真的激發了樂高的本能了~ 我們教導小孩要摸不要抓、要輕聲細語不要尖叫。小外甥女因為樂高阿丹開始可以跑得飛快,真的要很感謝兩個毛孩子~
In these 2 days, we show Lego hiss to Joanna, but relax, both Lego and Joanna doesn't get hurt, Lego didn't reach to his claws at all, only his soft paw, he knows and understand can't hurt the baby, and we are also teaching Joanna petting not grabbing, whispering not shouting again and again, everything is OK, the whole time we adults around both of them, it's a very good education between cat and baby to get to know each other.


Admiral Hestorb said...

I am sorry that the little sweet girl was scratched but even though she didn't understand, she was warned. I got scratched by our tom cat when I was a baby for the same reason. We, babies and kitties have to learn the hard way. ♥♥♥

Catsparella said...


後母 said...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Lego I think you are very sweet!

m.q said...

cute Lego & adorable Joanna, play along safe ok...

and hi to Adan too...

andophiroxia said...

Well I guess you were mad!

Anonymous said...

Luv luv the look on Lego's face in the last photo - priceless !!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, Lego, your hiss says it all! We don't blame you, we'd be hissing too!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Lego, it's tough, we know. The little humans want to touch us and pet us and don't get that we don't want it. But you are being so good and not scratching. Keep up the good work.

THE DUO said...

I understand your situation. My nephew also very excited when Mika is around. It's ok with the hissing, at least she gradually will understand what to do and not do. But pls give close watch out. We don't want cute Joanna get bite or scratch. Go easy Lego with Joanna. She will be your best friend ever. Trust me!
