Thursday, October 13, 2011

可愛的巴萊(已認養);Cute Balai wants a forever home

小芥:各位,來跟大家介紹一位極品,他的名字叫做巴萊。跟上賽德克●巴萊電影的腳步,奶媽把這個可愛的小男生取名為巴萊。是「真正的」意思;所以,是真正的貓歐。哈~ 目前由非常專業的奶媽: 莫小乃照顧當中。歡迎洽詢莫小乃

Michico : Here is a very little boy named Balai, he is picked up from street, and right now my friend Malica is looking after him, wish a cat lover could give him a forever home.
巴萊初次見到人,會有點害羞。可是後來就會爽快起來了,哈~ 喵喵喵的叫,而且會很想陪你玩耍~ 是個很害羞、很悶騷也很渴望愛的孩子~
First time to meet Balai, he is very shy, but after few minutes he wants to play with you immediately, and he meows so lovely. He is a cute boy who wants to be loved and loves you.

我輕輕的抱著他,好像當初抱著樂高一樣~ 樂高也曾經這麼小、這麼可愛~
I hug him so gently, just like I hug Lego before, Lego was this tiny, and this adorable~

Cats will be your best partner, and your personal psychologist, no matter you do anything wrong outside, or doing bad relationship with people or do anything wrong at work, when you back, your cat will always welcome you and give you the best purrs and warm. You will never have to be worried that they don't love you, only they worry someday you won't love them enough. 

Cats are the most special creature on the planet~
This lovely young Balai, is waiting for your love.






再次寫一下,喜歡巴萊的歡迎請洽 莫小乃。莫小乃家出品的貓品質有保證,都是健健康康、肥肥胖胖的歐~


andophiroxia said...

I wish I could adopt him, but I am half the world away.

m.q said...

hope he will find his forever home very very soon :)
he is just like Lego

Cat said...

Oh Michico you are so right, cats ARE the most special creatures on the planet!!!

Balai is so adorable I know he will find a happy and loving forever home soon :-)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope he finds a wonderful forever home!

Brian's Home Blog said...

He is such a cutie! Good luck little one, I hope your forever home is looking for you right this minute!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Balai is adorable. We hope he gets a loving forever home very soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh Michico, he is too too adorable. We love the tiny spot on is nose and his teeny weeie toesies. Paws crossed that you can find him a loving home.

Lizzie & 3 kitties