Saturday, December 31, 2011

快樂的最後一天 - 造訪11隻貓的家;The happy Last day of 2011 - visit 11 cats home

Michico says: 
Last night, I brought few things to visit Malica's home, this year of several months, Malica often comes to our house to see Adan-dan and Lego, so, I want to visit her cats as return, Malica is a wonderful cat mommy taking good care of kitties. She has 10+1 cats, I visit her home before, I hope you remember, but that's ok, I photo lots of pictures. Malica is a great person who gives a lot for cats, not only to her cats but all the cats. She is a wonderful person.
First, using some fresh mints to turn on the atmosphere~

And, the best part, chicken and fish specially for kitties!!!!

阿哈哈哈~~ 大家都等不急鼓譟了!!!
A-hahaha, everybody can't wait!!!


The hand never stops, I was so busy!!!!

我最喜歡的小老虎~ 要多吃一點喔~~~
My favorite one - The little tiger, eat more, ok?
And let's see other miss shots~

I wish everyone has a great festival year, and wish everyone 2012 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

謝謝 Kitty Wu & 晚安;Cute gift & Good Night

Adan : Michico received a very cute gift, from a very friendly and shy friend.
因為不好意思跟我們拿龍年卡,所以做個禮物給我們。太客氣了拉~ 其實真的不用~
The friend gave us this cup-pad gift as our Dragon Year card exchange, but actually this friend doesn't have to.
This talent fans have great gift, and Michico loves it!
謝謝你Kitty Wu! 我們會好好收藏!! (可以點這裡看Kitty Wu寫的杯墊部落格文)
Thank you, Kitty Wu, we will treasure this gift.

The weather soon becomes rainy and wet again, what should we do now?
就是把燈關起來、打開暖氣,跟自己心愛的家人窩一起 :)
Yes, turn off your light, turn on the heater and be with your family together~

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Adan : Ok, this year only 3 days left, it's very important to look back for a 1 minute to checking what you were doing this year? And now I am checking in my mind, too. Hmmm.... the vet removed my left anal sac... and I had my teeth cleaned.... and my know, bleeding.... I guess I was doing lots of things this year, do you agree?


Oah shut up Lego, you are doing nothing but sleep and eat this year, ok!!?!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

快過年了;Almost new year

Thanks for everyone's card, we all received, thank you so so much.
姨姨最近很忙,所以我們的龍年明信片還沒有寄出去,但是我們的龍年是在2012年的1月23日,這代表我們還有一些時間,對吧~ 請大家耐心久候歐!!
Michico is extremely busy recently, so she doesn't finished everyone' Dragon Year's postcard handwriting, so sorry about that. But in Chinese, next year - Dragon Year started at Jan 23rd,2012 - so it means we have a little time, please wait few days and you will get it, and we are so sorry here to let you wait.
And, stay in warm!

As for me, I am keep sleeping~