Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Schmooze Award! ◎談天說地獎提名~!!!◎


Dear everyone, I was nominated for a Power of Schmooze by Chen & Ollie and Miss Peach ~!!!!What a present surprise~!!!! I am so happy and honored~! Thank you for Chen & Ollie and Miss Peach for giving me this wonderful Sunday~!You are also great great Schmoozers~!!!!! So here is the information about the Power of Schmooze :

"As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability 'to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.' Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."

Each recipient is to post the badge on their site with a link to their post and bestow the award upon five bloggers. There are so many wonderful bloggers, I like everyone understand, everyone are great, it is very difficult for me to choice, here are the 5:

1. Chase, Chase always my first like man cat, he is so cool~! Every pose of Chase are just like star~! So, let go to the chase~!

2. Jason, Jason is one of Leena's boys, He is very very beautiful mancat, and guess what, he lives in Finland ~!!!! Also far away and in low temperature country, but you will never feel cold after you see him, his beautiful fur could give you warm warm happiness. Here are Jason's photo album.

3. Millie, Millie is a very taste cat. Because Millie has a great talent moma~! Seeing beautiful art everyday makes Millie more tasteful and touching us. Let's cheer for Millie~!

4. Tyler, Tyler is an adored 9 year old cat, I like Tyler very much, because we nearly at the same age, so, we must have some same opinion, or in common, I believe that, and he is a good big brother. Taking care the youngers is a great big job, And Tyler do it very well, I admire him very much.

5. China cat, china is a sweet gorgeous~! Each time I look at China I often feel I look at sunshine. china cat is cute and shy lady, I just like seeing her playing with anything, makes me smile and feel the world is lovely.



今天阿丹這張照片,是今年比較早的時候拍的,這張照片是回去瀏覽我的相簿時,忽然看見並且驚為天人,超美的神情,有點不像平常笨笨的阿丹,而是充滿著靈氣~!星期天的阿丹,現在在我身後睡覺,他渾然不知他的美麗讓別人提名他,可是,卻讓我高興了半天~! 阿丹真美~! 真棒~!


Daisy said...

Congratulations on your award Adan! You are a good schmoozer.

Anonymous said...


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Congratulations on your award! :)

Christine and FAZ said...

Well deserved award! Purr FAZ