Thursday, October 4, 2007

再訪書店裡的貓,visit 2 cats of book store again

小芥 : 還記得我介紹過重慶南路和開封街交叉口的那個語言書店的貓咪嘛 ? 昨天我又去拜訪那兩隻貓了,我在想我進去都是為了看貓不買語言書,會不會被老闆打啊,我拉阿丹的大仔進去一起看,壯膽,不過大仔好像自己都覺得很不好意思,於是我就鼓起勇氣拿相機來拍個幾張,不過時間已經是她們的打烊時間了~!
Michico : Remember 2 cats of book store I introduced at July? I went visiting them last night again. I always think everytime I go there not for buying book but taking pictures of cats, is boss mad? Hehehehe, but the owner seems a nice guy. I ask Arion to walk with me inside, because I am embarrassed of only taking photos of them. But Arion himself also feel not right, So, I just brace up for shooting. But it's very late and it's their closed time.
一進去就看到這隻年輕的貓咪,她正在梳理自己,表情就是 : ㄟ我好像看過妳喔,怎麼又是一個想拍照的人進來啊,拍完就快點走~!
I walked into the bookstore immediately seeing the younger cat, her expression is just like : Hey.... I know you, you are that camera girl, we are close now, just take your pictures and leave~~


And she jumped down the bookcase and go eating, and another elder cats shows up~!


Big sister still looking good, I am very happy with that.

年紀輕的這位母貓正在吃宵夜,你們看看這個花色很漂亮吧,真的是令人驚艷的美麗花色~! 好喜歡喔~! 不過她們都沒空理我,因為老闆已經在收東西準備拉鐵門了,好吧,兩位小姐們,下次再來看妳們喔~!要健健康康的喔~!

The younger girl is having night snack, look at her furrr, such a pretty. Really beautiful mark color, I love it very much~! But both of them are too "busy" to pay attention on me, because the boss of bookstore is going to pull down the grille to close. Okay, ladies, see you next time~!!! Be happy and healthy, ok~!
阿丹 : 姨姨~! 別再吵兩位妹妹了~! 快點回家吵我拉~!
Adan : michico, don't bother my 2 little bookstore sisters anymore, come home quickly to bother me~!

◇for Caesar and Princess comment's answer on September 28th :"So... is Arion Michico's boyfriend?" Adan : yes, Arion - my sitter, is michico's boy friend since 2003 July. But they have been friends since 1998. Quite long. But... I still win, cause I become michico's lovely cat since 1997, Oah Yes~!


LZ said...

Arion seems like a very nice man indeed! And that is such a beautiful bookstore kitty.


Anonymous said...



^^|| (汗~)

回頭說~ 書店vs貓!真的超配超搭的

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. 慢慢
其實我每次經過都好想進去,不過都不買書好像有點詭異,因為那是小小的店,進去沒有地方可以躲,就是一條通道,你如果只是看貓還真的會很不好意思~~ 下次有機會你逛重慶南路也可以進去看看,挖哈~!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

The younger kitty looks like ME! But she is a girl kitty, not a man cat like me.


Mickey's Musings said...

That is nice to have 2 cats in a bookstore. They are pretty cats.
I like your screen pictures from yesterday.You take nice pictures.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

The bookstore cats are lovely! :) I think it is very cool that the bookstore has "shop cats." :)

Ramses said...

That's a lovely book shop cat! :)

Daisy said...

I remember the bookstore cats! Michico is very brave to go inside to take photos. Sometimes my Mommie has her camera with her, but she is a little embarrassed to take pictures. I am glad we got to see the cats again, and they area doing so good.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

You are right. The fur is gorgeous! I absolutely love it too!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Thank you for answering that important question about Arion!

These are two very very pretty kittie girls at the book store. They are nice to visit, but Michico must hurry home after. It is good that she could get these pictures to share with us.
Book stores are wonderful places to visit!

Love and purrrs Princess and caesar

The Misadventures Of Me said...

The book store kittys are pretty. They must get lots of attention from folks when they shop there.

Anonymous said...

That are really nice cats in that bookstore!
In Germany there was a petshop (no animals, just food and pet stuff) and in this shop were three cats. They were using the cat stuff. So you always had to watch out not buy a cat basket with a sleepy cat in it.

Great photos on your desktop!!!
Love them!!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Wow, that must be a neat place to live. Think of all the books you can read!

Anonymous said...

We really like those bookstore kitties and they are very cute. It is good that the owner takes good care of them.

I had a feeling that Arion was Michico's boyfriend, but no I know for certain! Arion seems like a very nice guy.

The Furry Fighter said...

wow what a beautiful bookstore - made even better by resident cats!

my meowmie is always reading (well, when she isn't helping me with the bloggie! she likes books about London, autobiographies and most other genres actually xxx

The Furry Kids said...

Those bookstore kitties look very nice. I'm glad we got to see them again. Adan, I'm glad that you got Michico to cook you dinner. I wish our Mom would cook for us. You are very, very lucky.


Gretchen said...

These cats are biblio-cats. Like bibliophile who is person who loves books, your two sister cats are cats who love books.

They are very beautiful cats, Michico.

Adan should be jealous.


Unknown said...

So nice! I know a lot of bookstores with cats sleeping on the books, and many friends who love cats and books too (including me! I´ve got a lot of books) Maybe cats and books have a special connection...

Kisses ;-)

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

We have cat that runs bookstore here. I need to get pictures to do a working cats segment on him.

Anita said...

Cats and books always united.

