Thursday, January 1, 2009

新年;New Year!

小芥:今天早上,我被阿丹瘋狂連續打噴嚏嚇醒,然後我起來摸摸他,他又斷斷續續打了好幾個噴嚏,所以我就立即帶他上醫院。醫師當場是給他打了兩針,醫師說,幾乎還沒有感冒症狀,呼吸也正常也沒有流鼻涕或者是眼淚,極端初期,因為我如驚弓之鳥所以打個針也算是加強阿丹的抵抗力。再多觀察,希望再小姨姨的愛護之下阿丹早點康復,或者是根本沒事! 新年第一天,阿丹就跟醫院報到了,加油!!

Michico : This morning, I woke up by Adan's super continuing sneezes, I was freaking out, I immediately jumped out of bed and pet him, and he sneezed a little, Dad and I immediately bring him to the vet. The vet said Adan only have a very very tiny micro level cold, very very tiny level, but he still gave Adan 2 shots to press the cold down, we still need to watch Adan's condition very very carefully, but the vet said it should be fine. The very first day of 2009, Adan goes to the vet, I hope it won't continue!!


Max said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR Adan and Lego!

Team Tabby said...

A very Happy New Year to all of you! We didn't see the fireworks in our neighbourhood, but we heard them - even a snowstorm couldn't stop the fireworks!

Mindy, Moe, Bono

Anonymous said...


andophiroxia said...

Happy New Year! It hasn't happened yet from where I am though. :(

Forever Foster said...

Happy New Year!

We are sure Adan will be fine. We will purr for him to be better very quickly:)

cat_aunty said...

LOVELY pictures!! Happy New Year!!!!

Anonymous said...

We loved Adan's back toesies all splayed out while Arion is holding him! You know, just in case!

We are sorry to hear that Adan has a cold. We hope he will be all better very soon.

Happy New Year to you all!

TabbyNormal said...

Happy New Year to all of you, and get well soon, Adan!

Abby & Stygia

Boy n Beethoven said...

I hope Adan is better soon.
I'm puwwing and puwwing that his cold will go away!


Gattina said...

Oh poor Adan such a bad start in the new Year ! I hope the shot will help immediately. Usually it does !

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy New Year!!!

Adan, stay well buddy!!!

Daisy said...

Happy New Year! Adan, I like your "monkey toes" in the last photo. Feel all better soon!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy New Year Adan and Lego!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Adan you can't get sick! I hope you have a very happy healthy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Mushka and I usually get a little sniffle at the start of new seasons, do not worry.
Only ever think positive :))
It looks like you all had a wonderful new year, so many smiles :))


Mickey's Musings said...

Looks like you all had great celebrations for New Years!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...



Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh no! That's no way to spend the first day of the New Year. We are glad it was just a micro-cold and nothing serious. Happy New Year to you both and to Michico and to your whole family!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Anonymous said...
