Thursday, April 30, 2009

剩下16天;16 days left

Lego : Only 16 days left, Mommy will get married, Mommy, are you nervous?
Lego : Mommy says she actually worry about us, she is afraid that me and Adan can't be good with the new family members.
Adan : Today is the date we called "settle down the bed" at tradition for the wedding customs. Before couple get married, they have to pick a good day, to settle their bed to the right position/direction, and can't be moved that bed at least 4 month, and after this day, no one could enter this bedroom except Arion & Michico theirselves, after the wedding day, the others could allowed into their bedroom- this tradition is for good luck for new couple. Our cat-tree Which Michico brought especially for us also arrived before the "settle down the bed" date, Arion fabricated the cat tree by his own hands, wishing our cat-tree could settle down with their bed, we could be very good luck, too.
Adan : This is the cat tree Michico brought for us, and certainly this is Michico's illusion, the true bedroom photo, Michico will photo tonight.
Adan: According to Arion's saying, while Arion talked to his parents saying about me and Lego, Arion's parents are happily smiling talking, too. So I guess Michico doesn't have to worry too much.
Adan : Wishing our future Grandpa and Grandma will be like our fans loving us, we are really cute!
樂高:好棒喔,有新的阿公可以玩耍了,我最喜歡男「人」了。(p.s. 樂高比較喜歡男生,阿丹比較喜歡女生)
Lego : Awesome, I will have a new grandpa to play with, I love malebean the best! (p.s. Lego likes male best, and Adan likes women bean)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Adan : Being brushed is the most happinest thing in the whole world!

阿丹:姨姨~ 再來一輪!
Adan : Michico, come another round!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

屁屁貼屁屁看小鳥;butt cuddle watching birdy

阿丹:嘿嘿,你看!! 鴿子姊姊來了!
Adan : Hey hey, see? Pigeon sister is coming!
Lego : Pigeon sister is too old for me, she is not my type~
Adan : You are too young to understand the beauty of elder women, get out!!!
Lego : Oah No, why should I leave my seat, I have other birdy to see!
Adan : Using my butt to push you, move move move!!!
Lego : I won't go~~~I want to butt cuddle with yours!
阿丹:吼~ 害怕了吼,你剛剛說鴿子姊姊不是你的菜,她現在生氣了。
Adan : Scared now, huh? You just say Pigeon sister is not your type, now she is yelling at you she is angry!
Lego : Wuwuwuw....

Adan : Finally, my butt is relax now~
Lego : Pigeon sister don't be mad~

Monday, April 27, 2009

貓可以勝任的好工作;A job we kitties could do perfectly fine

Lego : Being a cat, except being a great bed-tester, what job can we do much more better?
Lego : I just realize another great job we cats could do yesterday.
Lego : Whole weekend, mommy and daddy so busy around sending their bride cookies/cake to their friends and relatives in the city, yesterday afternoon, Pamilla helped mommy tight 5 boxes of bride cookie on the little trailer because Mommy and daddy will sent 5 very important friends.
Lego : And I found out, I am a tester who test if the goods tie tight enough! If this rope can't be cut off by my craws, and it means this is very tight, and mommy doesn't have to be worry that her cookies will fall down the street.
Lego : Well, hmm...I guess Pamilla is very good, I can't break this rope at all.
Lego : After my strictly testing, mommy doesn't worry at all and go out sendint her bride cookies.
Adan : Lego, would you knock it off? being your test, the boxes will easily to fall down. Luckly my Pamilla mommy has the best tie skill.
Adan : Just watch and don't interrupt will be the best job we could do.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

Michico : All men in this house are all sleeping...

Michico : Why I still awake and doing something...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

喜餅;Bride cake/cookie

Adan : Here comes the bride cake/cookie, in tradition, bridesgroom needs to buy bride cake for bride, and sending these cakes/cookies to bride's good friends and relatives with brides.
Adan : There are lots of things in my house, I feel so crowded, this weekend, Michico and Arion has to run so many places to sending their bride cookie/cake to Michico's friends, relatives, to announce their good news. Which means the big day is really close.
Lego : 1 paper box has 3 boxes of bride cookie/cakes, Mommy held these paper boxes by herself, she really has big strength!
樂高:這是喜餅內部,是很好吃的喜餅! 希望收到的親朋會喜歡。
Lego : This is the inside look, it's very very delicious~ I hope Mommy's friend and relatives like her bride cookies/cake.

Friday, April 24, 2009

睡太爽(喵妙生日快樂);Family Friday

Adan : Right now Michico sleeps very very late every night, almost 1am~2am. I guess being a bride is very tired...And we use our body language to tell her, she should rest like this.

Adan : Quiet, Opening sleeping pose, hee hee~

Adan : Michico, why don't you join us to take a nap?
Michico : ....
◎◎◎◎最後 By the way◎◎◎◎
Today is one of my cat friends in Taipei's birthday, he is a nice black kitty!
Myspace Glitter Graphics

Thursday, April 23, 2009

三圍;3 lines

Adan : Don't know why, today Michico measure me and Lego's 3 lines, she says it's important, and I don't know the reason, it's ok for me, if she wants to measure, then measure, as for the purpose, we will inform you after the Big-Day.

Adan : My turn?

阿丹:媽媽說我大概老了,皮鬆了,才量起來比較大,從頭到尾都是媽媽量的喔,大姨姨負責拍照和紀錄,黑嘿,我們的三圍和體重記起來了吧? 總之,樂高是隻小豬!
Adan : Pamilla does all the measurement, and Michico photos and making records, why my weight is lighter but lines are bigger? Pamilla thinks maybe it's because I am older, so my skin is flabby...? huh... Anyway, Lego is a pig!