小芥:可以接觸阿丹的人不多,他總是躲著不熟的人。Michico : There are not many people could reach Adan, he hides from someone he doesn't familiar with.
如果你眼熟了、他天天看到你,你也不一定可以跟他很好。If you let him sees you everyday, he knows you, but still, not will be good friends with him.
每個人都有選擇的權利,貓也是。每個人都有獨立的個性、貓也有獨立的個性。你可以選擇不跟誰熟、貓也可以選擇不跟誰熟。他就是和諧著跟你相處,但不一定會跟你很親暱。Everyone has right to choose, so are cats. Everyone has independent personality, so are cats, you can choose which one to be your friend, so are cats. Cat could peacefully be with you, but don't have to close to you.
樂高是交際花,在很多人的地方大家都喜歡他,他也喜歡跟大家玩耍,可是害怕到陌生的環境裡;阿丹的個性卻跟我一樣,安靜的看著、選擇自己喜歡的話題、人,才會一起參與,可是卻很獨立勇敢,不怕認識新的環境。Lego is a social butterfly, he can be good with everybody, but he doesn't dare to go into unfamiliar environment; Adan is just like me, he watched from far away, only pick the subject he likes to talk, to be with, but he is brave into unfamiliar place.
阿丹,在屬於他的世界裡面,綻放著光茫。了解他的人,都很愛他。In Adan's world, he has his own special light, but people who know him, all love him.
我喜歡在赤壁上集,金城武飾演的孔明說的一句話:「我覺得你很有個性,有個性的人最容易遭受誤解。」阿丹其實是個非常善良的孩子,但是因為他太有個性了,所以一般人不會敢靠近他。He has individual characteristics, very special.
So lovely cute belly, shows his everything to the one he can feel relief.
可愛乾淨的小貓掌。是我看過最漂亮的貓掌。Very adorable clean paw, is the most beautiful paw I have ever seen.
小輕巧,我在這裡,好好睡喲。My dear QQ, I am here, sleep tight~
現在阿丹的最新好夥伴是大仔。每天講一堆話都讓我好想錄影下來,那個互動的樣子很溫馨,不過兩位都衣衫不整,阿丹露點還很可愛不過.... ,實在是沒辦法錄下來,只能永遠放在我的腦子裡頭了。Right now Adan's best friend is Arion, they talk and talk and talk everyday, and I like that interaction, I really want to record their chat everyday, but....both of them doesn't dress well, so I guess I just record in my head. :)