樂高:媽媽在吃好香的鱈魚香絲,我也要吃!!! Lego : Mommy is eating a very very tempting human dried-fishie snacks, I want it!! 樂高:媽咪給我給我拉~~ Lego : Mommy give me GIVE ME GIVE ME!!! 樂高:媽~~ Lego : Mommmmm~~~~ 小芥:高高,我只能給你玩,不能吃。 Michico : Lego, I only could let you play , but you can't eat~
哈哈 吸引力很大吼~~XD~~
That looks tasty! Nom nom nom!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I hope you gave him a little bit!
She wants you to play with food ? that's not nice, lol ! You became a very handsome cat, when I think how tiny you were and all the troubles you had !
Poor Lego, didn't you get just a little bit?
No fishie snack for you? Bummer!!!! Maybe you can have another kind of snack?
I hope you got just a tiny bit, it looked yummy.. HUgs GJ xx
Ooh, when The Big Thing holds food out to US we get to eat it!
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