Wednesday, February 24, 2010

我是王;I am the King

Adan : WONDERFUL, BEFORE THIS WEEKEND, I am the only cat in this house. Because Michico's dad still home until this weekend, Lego will be good company with him, and I am finally back to the only KING in this home.
This morning, Michico was almost oversept until I use my very powerful KITTY BODY BOMB dropping jumping on her belly made her up, and she wasn't late to work, and THANKS TO ME! I am a very understanding kid!
這個家就是沒有我不行啊~! 讚~~
This home can't live without me, I know!!
I guess I will have good mood everyday before this weekend!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You make a very good alarm clock Adan.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, you are a King. Trust me, I know Royalty when I see it!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Isn't it wonderful to be king?

慢慢仙 said...



A few Good Cats said...

Oh yeah, it's good to be the king!

andophiroxia said...

Emy makes the best alarm. She is kind and does not wake me too early or too late. She is patient and paws me a bit if I take too much time.

Christine and FAZ said...

Long live the King.

Daisy said...

Adan, you deserve a special reward for making sure Michico was not late!

Raymond and Busby said...

All hail King Adan! We bet you really do miss Lego though!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Kitty body bomb? We need to learn that move! We bet Michico was very glad you woke her....being late for work is not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Adan, you are such a big help to your Mom! How would she manage without you?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I do the same thing. Mommie makes me sleep in my own special room, but it is nice and warm. Mom and dad like a really cold room, like a refrigerator. Maybe so they will not get old fast.
In the morning, early, daddy gets out of bed and opens my door. I meow five times, then I go to mommie and sit right on her. I know I am a huge kitty (I weigh 6 big fat pounds) so it makes her wake up soon.
I am glad that you are the king.
then I am the king too!
