Wednesday, November 14, 2007

麥克Mike週,101和美麗華,crazy tour - Taipei 101 and Big Wheel

若有人不知道為何本月10~17號為何有Mike玩偶在圖片中,請參考本部落格右上角說明~! Learn more things about MIKE in here
阿丹 : 今天我們要安排給麥克一個瘋狂的旅程,請大家點選這裡,然後對照我的圖案(我住的地方也是台北市的大景點士林夜市!!),打算讓麥克到台北最有名的兩個地標去玩,台北101和美麗華摩天輪,在同一天完成,不過,要完成這個旅程我和大姨姨都沒有空,所以我把腦筋動到另外一個人的頭上去請他幫忙~!
Adan : Today, we gonna give Mike a crazy tour of traveling Taipei, please click HERE and compare my first image(you can move the mouse and see the hint), I decide to let Mike going the most famous 2 spot to see - Taipei 101 and Miramar(You can see the place I live also a famous spot in Taipei - Shihlin Night Market) travel in 1 day. But, for let Mike finishing this trip, Michico and I can't able to bring him at the weekday, so, I think about another guy could help us!!

阿丹 : 所以~! 猜猜看帶Mike登上101的人是誰 ?
Adan : So, everyone guess, who is bringing Mike to Taipei 101 now?

阿丹 : 央求大姨姨的把拔就是我阿公帶著小Mike上去!!!
Adan : I ask my GrandPa to bring Mike to Taipei 101 !!!! (still the 1st highest building in the world at 2007, next year would be change)

阿公 : Mike~ 開心嘛 ?
麥克 : 太酷了~!!!!!!

GrandPa : Mike, are you Happy?
Mike : It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!麥克 : 真希望Gretchen (麥克的主人貓)此時可以一起來看看,我現在可是在508公尺高的地方呢~!
Mike : I really wish my Gretchen could join with me right now, I am at the top of the world~!!! I am at 508M high~!!

麥克 : 有夠高~!
Mike : So so so high~!!!

麥克 : 漸漸傍晚了燈光真美啊~!!!!! 台北真是美啊~!!!!!!

Mike : It's getting late and the street lights are all turning on, Taipei is so beautiful~!!!!!!

阿公 : 看到那個圈圈沒 ? 那就是摩天輪...這就是你的下一站~!
麥克 : 挖塞~! 真的嘛 ?
阿公 : 嗯~! 小芥和阿丹央求的行程沒問題的~!! 你要玩開心一點喔~!
麥克 : 謝謝!!! 我會永遠記得的!

Grandpa : See that light green circle? That is our next stop, the Miramar Wheel!!
Mike : Oah My Goodness, really? are we going to be there???
Grandpa: Yes, Michico and Adan ask me also bringing you there, you have fun~!!
Mike : Thank you thank you!!!!!!! I will always remember Today !!!!

麥克 : 所以我們到了摩天輪,這時候我們還在下面,你可以看見IMAX的字還在左上角~
Mike : So, we go to the Big Wheel, right now we are still at the ground, you can the that "IMAX"words still at the top left~

麥克 : 看見我在車廂裡了嗎? 挖塞~! 真是太刺激了~!
Mike : See me in the carriage? Wowww, it's so exciting!!!! Gretchen, you should be here!!!!
麥克 : 現在我們比IMAX要高了~!! 好緊張啊~!!! 風吹大一點的時候就好恐怖啊~!!

Mike : Right now our position is higher than IMAX, so scary~!!!! If the wind stronger the carriage will shake a little bit, OOOah My Goddddddd!!!!!

麥克 : 現在我們剛好在正上方!!!

Mike : And right here we are at the top of the wheel!!!!

麥克 : 我在摩天輪上也可以看見101~~ 就像我在101可以看見摩天輪一樣好玩~!

Mike : I also could see Taipei 101 at the wheel!!!! Just like I could see the wheel at 101~!! So interesting~!!!!!

阿丹 : 經過一天~! 麥克累翻了~! 哈哈~!

Adan : After this exciting trip, Mike is extremely tired~! Hahahaha~!!!!
阿丹 : 對了,大姨姨說有機會誰想要來台北,她很願意當嚮導,小麥克去過的地方大姨姨都會帶你們去喔~!我們再來看看在週末之前麥克還會去哪裡吧 ~!
Adan : By the way, Michico says if there is anyone coming to Taipei, she will love to be your guide to bring you travel. Anywhere Mike have been there, michico will also bring you there~! Let's see where else Mike will be~!!


andophiroxia said...

I want to go to Taipei. The food looks great!

I always think about food.;;;

Mickey's Musings said...

Your city is very beautiful at night.101 is soooo very high ,I think I would be nervous Even the big wheel is huge. I can see why mike is tired. You did a lot of travelling.

I read your questions from yesterday.Mike asks a lot,heehee. I enjoy seeing your city.I love the pictures too.
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...


Joey said...

Oh my goodness! That is very very high. So high, even a cat could be a little afraid. Right?

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. 後母

可是要提早一點跟我講, 因為我家滿亂的我要整理整理Orz


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Wow, your gpa is so special to bring Mike to such a neat place!!

My mommy is always hoping one day she can visit Taiwan...we hope she'll let us tag along. Then we can come and visit you!

~Donny and Marie

Anonymous said...




michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

旺宏的媽媽 :

(大姨姨 : 要參觀害羞的小朋友要有心理準備,


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

How lucky for Mike to be able to come and stay for a week in your beautiful country! Maybe when I get well again, I can come for a visit? Maybe in Spring when it is warm again...
You are such faithful friends and have helped me smile and be happy...this makes me feel so much better each day. Yes, the cable is connected to a small heated pad just for cats and it keeps me nice and have good eyes to see this!
While I have been sick, I also worked on something special. A new MEME and I would be honored if I can TAG YOU to play along! Come see when you have time....
Lots of love from me to you both!
Miss Peach

Anonymous said...


Daisy said...

WHOA! Mike is having some amazing adventures. That is very, very, very, very high in the sky! It was nice of your grandpa to take Mike there. And the big wheel looks like lots of fun, but a little scairty, too!

Ramses said...

Wow! That looks great! :) Though I bet My Mummy would be too scared of heights to go on that wheel... ;)


Whoa that is VERY high, but so beautiful is the view! Wow. What a great place to live. Mike is really having a wonderful adventure. OH Adan, Boo has tagged you for a meme!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, what a great tour of Taipei! Mike sure is having a great time with you. Thanks for the link on laver. Once you said it was nori, I knew what it was. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was furry fantastic!!!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Your country looks beautiful. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful kitty you are Adan! And what an exciting time you guys had; that was an EXTREMELY COOL ferris wheel.

I will have to see if my kitties like nori, what an excellent kitty treat.

I'm glad you and Michico liked the lizard post. Those were two cool lizards for sure!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

101 is very high. Mommie says it is like the Sears Tower in Chicago. She went in that and her knees got shaky she was afraid, hahahaha and the building was moving!

Mike is very lucky to be with you and spend happy days looking at your beautiful city!

Lucky Mike!

Happy Happy day to all of you.
Thank you for showing us these things!
Purrrs and headbutts, Caesar

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow. Mike must not be scared of heights! I was scared looking at the photos looking down, especially on the Big Wheel :-0

The Furry Kids said...

It was really nice of your grandpa to take Mike on a tour. It looks like you guys both had a lot of fun. Your city is so beautiful, especially at night.

Happy Wednesday/Thursday to you guys!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

It looks liek Mike is having a great time visiting you Adan!

LZ said...

That was really thrilling! What a huge building, the view is incredible! You are doing such a great job of showing him around!


Black Cat said...

Wow, what a beautiful city - and Mike is lucky to be having so much fun:) xxx

Tybalt said...

Adan, you live in a very beautiful city! Your grandpa was very nice to take Mike to those wonderful places. I think the wheel looked like a lot of fun, and you had such a beautiful view from the top of the city at night!

The Cat Realm said...

Adan - what a wonderful trip you give Mike! And us too by sharing all the pictures! We are enjoying it soooo much! But we would not have gone up on that building - sooooooo high, we would be afraid... This looks like the best vacation EVER for Mike!

Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That is very high in the air! It looks like Mike is getting to see lots of things while visiting you.

Shohom67 said...

Totally cool!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What a fascinating tour! That tower is so high, even I get a bit scared. I would love to come to Taiwan to visit - you are one great tour guide!

The Crew said...

Oh Adan, don't you get scared being up so high!

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - that was a very tall building! Thanks for the wonderful tour!

Jimmy Joe said...

Wow, Mike is getting such a great tour of Taipei! You guys are having a lot of fun together, I can tell, Adan.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe