Thursday, November 1, 2007

又有禮物&11月桌布下載,Thankful Thursday & November wallpapers

小芥 : 昨天對我和阿丹來說不是個平淡的一天,反而好像是聖誕節~!昨晚不但小姨姨回家了,而且我們還收到了一張卡片還有一個大包裹,仔細看寄件人,哎呀,是兩位在美國的貓友寄來的~!!!!
michico : Last night, it's not a normal day to Adan and Me, but just like Christmas~! Not only Toshie auntie has a day off came home, and we recieved a BIG package andophiroxia and a card from Skeezix !!!!!
小芥 : 先拆包裹,平時我和包裹的寄件者andophiroxia常常MSN視訊,先前阿丹的週年慶,有送個小禮物給她的貓咪,是木天寥粉(這裡可以看見收到包裹還有貓咪享用的樣子),andophiroxia有一隻很可愛的貓叫做Emy,平時阿丹也常常跟她視訊,雖然時差有15個小時,但是克服了很多困難,我們常常一直分享貓經~!
michico : First, I open the package, at normal time, I often MSN/Skype with video camera with andophiroxia, few weeks ago I sent a package for Emy because of Adan's celebration(you can click it to see how did andophiroxia's cat like the package)She has a cat named Emy is very very adorable, although our time has 15hrs differences. Adan often Skype with Emy, too. We share many interesting things of cats everyday~! 小芥 : 好多禮物~! 阿丹有餅乾,有木天寥玩具,還有卡片,甚至還有給我的洗髮精和潤髮乳~! 好感動啊~!!!!!! 天啊~!!!! 看看阿丹一下就喜歡上那個玩具了~!
michico : There are so many presents~!!! Adan has great cookies, nip toy, and greeting card~! Even there are shampoo and conditioner for me~!!!! I am so touching by these, Oah dear, look at Adan, he immdiately in love with that toy~!
小芥 : andophiroxia 是位藝術家也是個有著很棒廚藝的女人,她送我的卡片中有八張漂亮的小名片,上面都是她自己的作品,還有四張小籤每張小籤上面有六張小卡,上面還有她製作的料理,她的攝影還有可愛的Emy~!這個卡片真的是很貴重的禮物,我仔細的端詳著每一個小卡片,都充滿了無限的感動~! 雖然有語言的一些隔閡,我希望我可以用更體貼的英文讓她懂我的感動~!
michico : andophiroxia is not only an illustration artist, but also a great culinary artist~! The card she sent me, has 8 beautiful business cards, each of one has her great illustration~! And there are 4 beautiful cards with 6 little units on it, there are all of the delicacies she made, painting she did, and lovely Emy. I watch each of cards and pulsating for these!! Although there is some distance of language, I hope I can use better English to let her know my ardent move!!
阿丹 : 這個玩具真棒~! 好香喔~! 我的鼻子好像離不開它了~!
Adan : andophiroxia, this toy is awesome, my nose can't leave it anymore~!

小芥 : 另外一個是Skeezix寄過來的卡片,是個萬聖節賀卡,剛好讓我收到的時候就是萬聖節,我們真的非常幸運~!

michico : Another one is the card sending from Skeezix, it's a Halloween card and I recieved on Halloween, Adan is really really lucky~!!!

阿丹 : Skeezix是我看過唯一喜歡戴眼鏡的貓咪,他幾乎所有的裝扮都是有戴眼鏡,我真的相當佩服,Skeezix是美國貓咪最有名的一隻,它的網站一直是美國貓咪排行榜的冠軍,可以收到他寄來的卡片,真的讓我超榮幸~!

Adan : Skeezix is the only cat who love wearing glasses as I know. Most of his custome are wearing glasses, he is just AMAZING to me~!!! Skeezix is the most famous cat at Cat Blogoshpere, I am very very happy and with great pleasure to recieved his card!!! Thank you, Skeezix~!

小芥 : 來看看阿丹喜不喜歡吃寄過來的貓餅乾禮物吧~!
michico : Let's see if Adan likes the cookies send from andophiroxia~!

阿丹 : 太完美了~! 好吃~! 還可以潔牙~!完美的食物~!
Adan : Wonderful~! Fabulous!!!! Even could clean my teeth~!!! Wonderful cookie~!!!

阿丹 : 白色的包裹袋子也變成阿丹的最愛~! 一定要坐在上面!!

Adan : This white bag which packed Adan's gift is also become his new favorite seat~!

Adan : Thank you, Skeezix, you are the man~!!
Adan * michico : Thank you, andophiroxia ~! Let's MSN later~!!!
小芥 : 好像聖誕節充滿感動的一天~! 阿丹吃飽滿足的睡著了~! 看著這個睡顏我也好滿足~!
Michico : just like Christmas, this is a touching moving day, looking at Adan's expression with full of satisfied, I am so thankful as well~!
★★★★11月桌布下載 November Wallpaper download★★★★

1. 最有名的鹿裝~! 阿丹這次萬聖節得到"Halloween contest award : The Vishus Deer Award of Terror for the scariest costoom" 的代表作~!

1024 *768 , 1280 * 1024

2&3. 節慶的月份就要到了~! 來一點節慶的感覺~!
The greeting season is coming, let's get some holiday feelings wallpapers~!
1024*768 , 1280*1024

1024*768 , 1280*1024
4. 阿丹的可愛近照~! 放到桌面會超大喔~!
Adan's head shot, it will be super big on your desktop~!
1024*768 , 1280*1024


Anonymous said...




michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

To. 阿弟的媽媽



andophiroxia said...

Yes let's MSN later.

Oh wait, we are MSNing right now. Hahahaha!

I am glad Adan liked the cookies! Emy loves those things like crazy and I am glad he likes the toy!

You are welcome! I am glad you love it!

Cavebear said...

You sure had a great day, Adan. Gifts and a card? Wow!

Skeeter and LC

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Mickey's Musings said...

You got some really nice things.I really like Adan's mousie.(Hold on tight Adan,heehee)
It is so fun to get stuff in the mail!The pics of you on the couch are just precious. You both are so cute!!


Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Congratulations Adan!!!!! You deserve to win that awardie for best Vishus Deer in Skeezik's contest - you had the best vishus deer costoom of all!
And, what great loot you got today between the nip toy and cookies and the card. Happy Halloween and Happy November! We're glad you had such a good day!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Honey P. Sunshine said...

Congratulations adan, nice stuff you got

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Halloween Adan!!!
yes, you are a lucky cat - but with all the mail you sent out it is just right that you get mail too!!!!

The Cat Realm said...

P.S. Congratulation on your Vishus Deer Award of Terror!!!!!

Daisy said...

Those are some great presents! Greenies are very delicious in the tummy, and they are good for your teeths, too. Congratulations on your Vishus Deer Award, you looked great in the deer costume.

Ramses said...

Oh well done Adan! :) Those look like fantastic presents!! :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

Congrats Adan! You were a ferocious deer-but a cute one at the same time!

Have a lovely day!

Sasha said...

I am glad you got such lovely gifts Adan. I can see your Michico loves you very much too.



Concats on your Vischus Deer Award of Terror. YOU made a fabulous vischus deer...but I think you are more dear than vichus! What sweet expressive eyes you have, you are just so handsome in your wallpaper pictures.


Parker said...

What a wonderful day both of you had! It makes me smile!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

That is so nice! My mamma has a big smile on her face while she was reading to me. I am very happy for you both, Michico and Adan.

Congratulations on winning the Vischus Deer Award of Terror
category!! Your costume was awesome!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Adan you are just as famous as Skeezix to me. We all love your big expressionistic eyes.

LZ said...

Oh Adan what a great day!!! I loved the video of you eating the Greenies. You have to have some Temptations, I used to love Greenies until I ate Temptations!!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Receiving mail is wonderful! Enjoy your new treats and toys. :) I really like Greenies. :)

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Those are great presents that you got int he mail. Congratulations on winning the contest for your scary deer costume!!

Tybalt said...

What a great day for both you and Michico! Congratulations on your award, Adan. You made a VERY scary vicious deer! (Cute, too!)

None said...

Congratulation on your vishus deer award! Seems like you had fun with your mail delivery! And that toy looks like lots of fun...


snowforest said...

Wow that's some really nice stuff. Love the cards. Adan is soooooo cute :)

Lux said...

What fun! Congratulations to Adan for his scary deer costume award ... and just look at all the great stuff that arrived. You both look very happy and that makes me feel happy!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow! It looks like you had a furry big day! Your packages had some wonderful things inside: toys and treats, too!

Congratulations on winning the scariest costume! You were an excellent vishus deer ...

DaisyMae Maus

Anonymous said...

Congrats with your Vishus Deer Award of Terror, Adan!! And you sure are a popular guy! What a wondeerful and happy day for you and Michico.:)


Mr. Hendrix said...

What a wonderful day you had Adan! Congratualtions on your award. I knew you'd win. That deer costume was very scary.

Big purrs to you and your mommy for having such a wonderful day and being such wonderful friends.

The Furry Fighter said...

what a lovely bunch of presents you got Adan...and what a lovely freindship you have via sjype! :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

What wonderful presents you got! That mousie looks great to play with :-) And a Halloween card from Skeezix, too! You are a lucky cat.

Congratulations on your win in the Halloween contest!