Monday, March 10, 2008

Not Easy afternoon

Michico : At January 16th, I wrote letters asking a very famous cat-photographer Wojoan (the author of the book next to Adan - how to use your lens to catch cats)to photo Adan on March 9. Waiting nearly 2 months, Wojoan finally come to photo Adan. Someone may ask why don't I wait until Lego come and shot together? Well, I think Lego will has his own chance, and Adan is staying with me more than 10 years, I want to keep a very beautiful memory between us!

Adan : Yesterday afternoon I have a very very exhausted afteroon. This is the first time I face very professional photographer to photo me, that is a very crazy and tired experience. I think it won't be easily if I am not a mancat. But yesterday I did it, so, I am a very good and brave mancat!

Adan : Look at my shooting field. There were so many big monsters standing there. Everytime Wojoan press the shooter, the big monsters making very loud noise and flash. I want to run away, but it's so difficult to find a place to hide. My bed also places lots of clothes and strange things on it, I feel so weird. Because the cabinet I could jump to the top bed is moving away, I can't hide. Although Wojoan is very very nice to me, keep petting me, but I still feel scared.

阿丹:雖然很害怕,可是我還是表現得很專業。有讓小賢姨姨拍到好照片,小賢姨姨說我好上相好好看。她的照相機比姨姨大台很多, 所以我也有點怕怕的,可是如果可以我還是有努力看鏡頭,小賢和姨姨一起合作一起讓我注意很鏡頭,兩個人都忙的全身汗。姨姨抱我的時候才發現我的腳掌上的小肉墊也都是汗。
Adan : Although I am so scared, but I still act very profressional, I like to let Wojoan know, I am really a great model, not only speaking on my blog, but I REALLY do! Her flash box is much more bigger than Michico's. So I am also concern about that. But both Michico and Wojoan keep trying to let me pay attention on the lens, both of them are all sweat in cold weather. While Michico hold me to take photos, she found out my toesies are all sweat, too.

Adan : This is before shooting, Pamilla Mommy came in hug me and pet me to comfort me!

Adan : After 3 hours professional shooting, Wojoan said goodbye to me, very tenderly. I hope next time when I see Wojoan again, she won't bring the monsters, only play with me, I will fall in love with her more quickly.
小芥:這次真的很謝謝小賢來幫我家阿丹拍照,小賢的人很好,還沒佈置之前,她也跟阿丹玩一玩摸一摸,讓阿丹熟悉她,整個拍攝過程還滿順利的。小賢還發現阿丹會發出羊咩咩的叫聲,覺得很有趣呢~!!! 而且好榮幸有給大師簽到名,真的是太爽了拉~~~~ 照片出來後,一定跟大家分享,敬請期待喔。昨晚和今天,阿丹都睡得非常的熟。
Michico : This time I am very honored and happy that I could invited Wojoan to shot Adan. She is a very very nice and lovely person, she has 7 cats in her home, so Adan is good to her. Before shooting, Wojoan also spending time to play with Adan, so it process very well. I used to think I may have to bring Adan to somewhere to shot, but Wojoan is very professional, she says she only shot cats at their most familar place:). I also asked her to give me her signature on her book I bought. I am so so happy~!!!
After the beautiful photos come out, I will share with you all immediately. Last night and Today, Adan is sleeping very very deeply, he must feel very tired, and he is very good and understanding. (if you interested, you may click here to see Wojoan's other cat photographes)


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...



Rosemary B❤️ said...

I am excited to see them! Sorry Adan that this was so horrible. I know how you feel. I hate noise and people following me with loud things!
I wish I could be there with you and we could hide together.

I will save a picture of you for my room!


andophiroxia said...

I hate posing sometimes. It's so tiring! However you did a stellar job!

Anonymous said...


Team Tabby said...

We don't like posing for the camera either, it's not much fun. It is good to hear that Wojoan played with you though. We look forward to your professional photos! Michico and Pamilla love you a lot.

Mindy & Moe

Mickey's Musings said...

Wow!! I think I would be very nervous with a professional photographer! I think you did a super job.After all,you are a Mancat!! :)
I cannot wait to see the pictures.
I also cannoy wait to meet Lego!!
Purrs Mickey

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh boy, what an exhausting, stressful day, Adan! I am sure that you are going to have super, professional portraits though to show for all of your hard modeling work.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. Those are great stretching pictures on yesterday's post!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We like Michico's pictures of Adan better!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Adan, those are wonderful photos of you. I think it is not possible to take a bad picture though.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What a lucky kitty you are to have a porfessional photographer to come and take your photos! I'm sure your were a very good model.

Thankyou, Adan, for coming around and keep me company when I can't visit. I think of all my friends and miss you all.

Gretchen said...

Wow, Adan, you've sure been through a lot today. But I bet those pictures will be nice.


Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - will you be famous in Wojoan's next book?

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh wow, you're so brave Aden! We can't wait to see how your pictures (taken by a famous person) turn out. You're a natural with the flashie thing!!

Christine and FAZ said...

That's amazing Adan, I always new you were a star. Plus I love your new layout for your blog. Purrs FAZ

Daisy said...

Wowie! A real professional photo shoot! That is very exciting and glamorous. I cannot wait to see your photos.

When I get nervous,sometimes my paws sweat, too.

Parker said...

I can't wait to see her photos of you!

Anonymous said...

A Professional Cat Photographer? But this is the most exciting thing! We can't wait to see the phptos Adan!

Anonymous said...


Ramses said...

Oh wow, you're such a Star Adan! :)

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You did a great job Adan! Three hours of shooting with no rest! You're incredible! I just hate the flashy part of getting photographed. And some of the costumes. Otherwise it's not too bad.

Tyler said...

Oh Adan, you're life is so interesting! I look forward to seeing your pictures. I'm even more excited about your brother's arrival. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

It is kind of scary when new people come in your house and then want to take your picture. You did a great job Adan and you deserve a nice long nap!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Oh wow! A professional photographer! So awesome! We can't wait to see! We are also so excited to see your little brother! ~Queen Snickers



You were so brave to let someone new photogragh you? I cannot wait to see your gorgeous pictures...


PB 'n J said...

Oh goodness Adan - a professional photographer! We can't wait to see the pictures.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

That looks very tiring, Adan. We cannot wait to see your pictures though. We bet they are wonderful!

LZ said...

I can't wait to see your photoshoot! Wow, to be a star like that for a day is so cool.

We just heard about Lego!! Congrats on the new kitten. I advise being nasty for a least a few days (even through the door). This will gain you much sympathy.


The Crew said...

We are very impressed, Adan. You are now a professional model and can demand a good hourly pay!

CRIZ LAI said...

Oooo...a future star on the way. Can I have an autographed photo Adan? :P

Anonymous said...


Tybalt said...

Adan! How wonderful that you had a professional phot shoot! I am sure your pictures will be gorgeous.

I just read the exciting news about Lego!!!!! Oh! I can't wait to meet him! I hope that the two of you become very close very fast. Purrrs!

Tesla and Hansel said...

oh adan, you are so photogenic!

Lux said...

What truly lovely pictures Wojoan takes - Mom's so envious of her camera, also! ;-)

It sounds like you all had quite a day! Although such an undertaking is a very exciting thing, I can see where it might also make everyone a little nervous!

Can't wait to see the photos!

admin said...

waw, you've become a model:)

SophieKitty said...

I can't wait to see the photos! But the one of you sleeping is very sweet.

L. Alida said...

Oh Adan, I'm sorry that you were so nervous. I'm sure your professional pictures will be beautiful. You are such a gorgeous mancat! Sweet dreams!
Hugs and Purrs,

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We think you did great for being so nervous! I would have been under the bed for sure!

Can't wait to see the photos!

~Shade and Goldie

Anonymous said...


Boy said...

I can't wait to see your photos Adan!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Can't wait to see the photos!

Anita said...

Adannnn!! CONGRATULATIONSS!!! You´re a very famous cat!! It´s wonderful!!! I´m very happy for you!!!

I can´t wait to see your professional photos!

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Great photoshoot Adan! You are such a professional. :-)

You looked like you were very tired after your shoot. It must have been very hard work.