樂高:我躺在大姨姨身上(大姨姨在做手部保養),很舒服,你們可不準亂叫我去幹麻,我現在也在放年假。 Lego : I am lieing on Pamilla aunite's tummy, very comfy (Pamilla is doing hand care treatment), don't ask me doing anything, I am having my holiday time as well. 樂高:偶是國王。 Lego : I am the King. 樂高:大家都好愛我。 Lego : Everyone loves me!
So if Lego is the king, then is Adan the man?
You look really really comfy! Lucky you.
You are very lovable, Lego, so it's no wonder that everyone loves you. That lap looks very comfy.
You look very happy and comfy on Pamilla Auntie's tummy.
Tummy's are the best place to lie, Lego. The beans can't move until you let them. Enjoy your time with Pamilla.
Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike
Lego you are having a very good day! Everyone does love you!
Happy New Year!!!!
We sure do love you.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy Noo Year, Lego!
A handsome and very beloved king, we can tell.
Snuggling with Pamilla looks like the purrfect way to start out the new year.
Happy New Year.
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