Saturday, March 5, 2011

謝謝大家,阿丹的情況;THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURRS, Adan updates


Michico : Thank you for ALL YOUR PURRS and PRAYERS, Adan is GOOD, Yesterday evening 16:00 the operation was done, and the body test is all great, you can click bigger the first photo, it's his test result, almost all the result at normal area. Only 2 part, 1 is GLU, It's his blood sugar is too high, the vet doesn't think Adan has diabetes, (because if it's diabetes Adan should eat-drink-sleeps alot and loss weight) the vet thinks Adan was too afraid into the vet so makes him too fear and nervous all night makes the adrenalin into his blood makes his blood sugar too high. And 2 is HCT a little bit high,  he is in dehydration, maybe it's because he doesn't drink water whole night, so when we arrived he is having an intravenous drip. And he was so happy to see ME~

Adan : Adan doesn't have any problem after anesthesia, soon he went home he asked me have big eating and big drinking, I was so touching and release.
Michico : The second thing he went to the litter box poo and pee, he pees about 60secs, and poops a long pooooo~~~
阿丹:茄~ 要我大在醫院的籠子?那很不衛生,我是老人了,我可是很有自尊心的~
Adan : huh!! Me, poo and pee in the vet's cage? That is NOT Hygiene!!! I am a old boy and I have my own big PRIDE!!!
This is intravenous drip's part.
Adan : Women all like Men have scar~ And I have it!
Michico : I took hot dry towel help Adan have a dry warm shower and massage, and use iodine on his butt, and Adan has his own big sleep, very very DEEP sleep.
並且有個小傢伙半夜有偷偷關心噢 :D
And a litte guy is concern about his old brother last night :) So sweet~
下面是阿丹剛剛回到家時候的影片,阿丹好棒歐~ 再次感謝大家的祈禱~~
And the video as below was while Adan got home, he was so active, he was so great~! Thanks for Every good friends's prayers, I love you all!!!


John said...

I am so happy to read that Adan was able to have his operation. No more torn sack. I am also glad to see him home where he belongs, catching up on food, water, sleep, and attention.

Admiral Hestorb said...

I am SO truly happy that Adan has had hos operation and that he is home and loving his mom and dad and brother.

Much love to you, brave boy. ♥♥

Mr Puddy said...

That's a happy news !!!! I still do more purr for Adan to have a speedy healing !!!

andophiroxia said...

At least you won't be butt hurt anymore. It will be good.

m.q said...

yay for Adan...
and sweet Lego for concerning about his big brother

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad you could get this taken care of and so quickly! And I am glad that Adan is back! Purrs for continued healing.

Catsparella said...

I'm glad to hear that Adan is back home with his family and doing well. I hope he heals very quickly! Sending purrs of support!

Anonymous said...

Recover well quickly, Adan !

Elaine J

慢 said...




san said...

We have been following your blog for a long time and we are very glad that Adan is back and is ok. He is a fine fellow,

THE DUO said...

Glad to know that the operation went smoothly. Fast healing, Adan and Lego take care Adan ok....Sending lots of love from us.....

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Poor little one, sending you LOTS of healing purrs!

Kea said...

We are SO glad everything went well and that Adan is home. Yes. stress can cause high glucose levels and being at the vet is VERY stressful!

Continued purrs that Adan heals very quickly and gets that cone off!

-Nicki and Derry

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is very good news that Adan was able to have his operation so quickly and he is now back home recovering. We are sending more purrs for it to heal well and a speedy recovery.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Best wishes for a healthy and quick recovery. We love you Adan! Get better soon. We are sending healing thoughts to you.
Beau Beau and Angie and Mom Brenda

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I was so happy to hear the good news and that all went well.I loved the sweet face when Adan realised hey I am back in my home ansd sweet Lego all concerned about hiss brother. Rest now and regain your strength.. Glad it is done.. Purrs coming your way.. Hugs GJ xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hooray for you Adan, I am so happy all went well!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

poor baby, we are glad you are ok now

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Adan! You are roaming around much better after your surgery than I do after my teeth get cleaned! ~~Junior

We are so glad you are doing well! We will continue purrs for you till you are all healed up!!!!

Ariel said...

I am so happy Adan is doing well...Hugs Ariel

Unknown said...

Oh poor Adan! I hope he is getting better now, I send you all the best energies from here :3