Saturday, May 31, 2008

樂高嚇到尿褲子;Lego scared to pee

小芥:昨天晚上我加班回家後,大姊表情不太對的說等我東西放下來到樂高那邊。我才在想發生啥事呢 。結果才知道,在我回家五分鐘前,阿丹把手搭在隔間上面看樂高,就像這樣的姿勢不過樂高當然是大很多。然後阿丹對樂高小小小哈氣,大姊對阿丹一向嚴格,但是她再三跟我保證,阿丹那個根本就不叫做哈氣只是露出兩根獠牙小小呼一下。結果樂高整個先是結凍,然後開始夾著以巴逃跑並且竟然嚇到尿褲子一路露尿亂竄。後來整隻躲到大姊懷裡四肢加上尾巴縮在一起緊緊靠著大姊然後還一邊尿尿,尿大姊一滿懷這樣。
Michico : Last night when I was home after work. Pamilla's expression didn't look good, asked me put me bag and went to her room. I was thinking Lego maybe uncomfortable or what. But no, before I was home 5 mins ago, Adan put his hand on separate box to watch Lego like this but certainly Lego is much more bigger. And Adan gently hiss to Lego. Why I say gently? Because Pamilla always strictly to Adan's behavior, but Pamilla promised me Adan was just showing his big teeth and did very little exhale to Lego. And Lego suddenly freeze every move for 2 seconds, and scared to run all around the room, and pee on the floor. Lego was too scared to pee, and Lego run into Pamilla's arms 4 legs and tails shrink together and pee on Pamilla's tummy.
Adan : I think Lego is over reactive. I was just SHOWING my teeth, I didn't do anything!!!!
Michico : And from now on, as long as Lego heard Adan meow outside, he will stop every move he just did.
Adan : Oah Lego, this gently hiss you are afraid, I bet you will never broke Michico's china bowl and you are not dare to bite my Pamilla!
Michico : Last night Pamilla was next to Lego for a long time, Lego didn't do a single bite, he just want Pamilla pet and pet. Pamilla was very happy to say, from now on, Lego will let Adan to teach.
Adan : Oah No, Pamilla, I can't agree. You should buy diaper for Lego, if he pees again, I won't clean the floor for you!
Adan : How strange, I even didn't hiss.
Michico : There are one more funny things, remember I told you that Adan can't open the door by his hands? Since Lego came into our home, Adan can pull the door by hands now~! Maybe he thinks there is a competitor, so he needs to become more stronger? Plus Lego is a boy, too. At least I am happy, Adan is a really No.1 mancat in our family!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008


Adan : This morning, Lego broke a very expensive china bowl. That china bowl is for Lego's water bowl. There are 1 pair to let Lego exchange to use. And this morning, while Pamilla and Michico need to exchange the new water, Lego push down the separate box which the bowl putting on there, and the expensive bowl broke. Makes Michico very very angry!! If I were Michico, I will be angry too. Because my water bowl is not made of china, just very regular one. And for working too much, pressure too much's Michico, Lego better hide away! Now, I think my function is very important.
Adan : See how I comfort Michico ? I put my leg on her lap comforting her.
大姊的o.s. : 其實是你太大牌。你根本沒在安慰你姨姨啊。
Pamilla thinks : Actually you are too spoiled by Michico. You are not comforting her.
阿丹:媽媽你不要拆我的台嘛。現在,我告訴各位我不輕可是肚子不下垂的秘密。 就是,我的肚子肥油是練整塊的,不是集中在後半部,這樣就不會下垂了啊~!!! 這個樂高就學不來了。
Adan : Oah Pamilla Mommy, because Michico spoils me so I can comfort her~~ Hehehe~~ Now, I like to tell everyone the secret that even I am not light but my belly doesn't look fat. That is, I work out to make my fat cover all the tummy not just gather at the lower belly, so that makes my belly doesn't fall like Lego's tummy, hahahaha~~~~
Adan : Silly Lego, you broke the china and I need to comfort Michico for you. You have to thank me later.
Adan : Michico, am I cute? Pet me pet me~~~
Michico : Hi everyone, after 3 days, Adan and Lego will meet!!! Let's look back when Lego has been adopted. He was adopted on March 11, and this is March 14's photo.
這是昨天拍的。阿丹會不會已經等不及要揍他了XD? 變好大!! 還好飼料沒有白花錢啊,長不大我就傷腦筋了~!
This is shot by yesterday! Changing so big!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

扮醜;pretend ugly

The weather is extremely hot, for saving power bill, so Pamilla and Michico open the windows and doesn't turn on the air condition. So I lie down on the sofa everyday. And it's really hot and I am wearing big fur, so I sleep with very ugly face. 這樣看起來我睡得很正常。
At this angle, you might think I sleep very good looking.
But no....
I don't wanna move at all, am I ugly?
After Michico gave me chin scratch, I finally turn my head up side down...
So so hot~~~
Lego : My Adan brother can pretend ugly, so can I!
I only need to press my face on this will be ugly, I have to try harder~~
看~! 我是不是擠得很棒?
See? Am I great? My left eye are completely beoming different shape, hehehee~~

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

遠自西班牙來的禮物;Gift from Spain - Anita!

小芥:偶們常常會說『遠到西班牙』,意思就是超級遠,不知道遠到哪裡去了。那麼阿丹的粉絲到底有多麼遠呢?昨晚,我收到了一包來自於西班牙的包裹,是阿丹在西班牙的貓友〝安妮塔〞寄給阿丹和我的。請看圖片右上角,我特別有放大,真的是來自於Spain西班牙喔,右下角收件人寫我,我真的好感動喔~!!!! 去年耶誕節時,阿丹有聖誕卡片寄給她,結果竟然收到這個大禮物呢~! 阿丹你看看你,你真的紅到西班牙了~!!!
Michico : I was very tired last night while I got home, still over work until 21:00. But, I recieved a package from SPAIN, and I immediately called Adan come to check, this is from his very lovely friend - Anita!!!! Oah My, see Adan is very very exciting checking his gift!!!

Adan : There are 2 package of yummy food, so GREAT!!! And 2 toys just for me~!! And lovely letter and 4 post cards. It's not only post cards, but many words on it, Anita descibes many things for me, I am carefully checking on it and ask my servant Michico explain to me!
Adan : Michico come back here, there is 1 package not open yet!!
小芥:有個粉紅色的小紙袋包著,一打開,是這個手做的貓。立刻給阿丹聞! (我聞是完全沒有味道的,沒有任何貓草味,摸一摸,我只有感覺裡面是玻璃紙填充在裡面,但是...)
Michico : When I open the little pink bag, this is a handmade little cat, I immediately gave to Adan. I didn't smell any nip smell from it, but....
阿丹立刻就愛上了~~~~ (後母姨姨和M可以作證,阿丹對於貓草的反應很遲鈍,只喜歡木天寥棒)
Adan immediately fall in love with this handmade cat!!!!

(Adan really really loves this adorable toy, he kept rubbing and rubbing really love it~! I think Adan understand Anita's heart full inside, so he really love that!! He is really smart and can sense!!)
Michico : Adan is really cute~!
阿丹:我真的很喜歡~! 用心的禮物最美麗!!!
Adan : I love this gift so so much~!!! This is the best gift~!!! Far away from Spain, from my very good darling great friend Anita!
Adan : Thank you Anita, I love it so much, I will ask Michico explain all the words from the post cards, I must understand all as well~!!! Thank you so so much and thanks to your lovely mommy as well!!!
Michico : How about Lego? Remember Lego also get gift 3 days ago? But the toy was drowned by Lego's own water bowl. After Pamilla save that Toy, right now the sun is giving that toy CPR, I hope that toy will be back today. I believe he will get his gift back very soon!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

很會站;Tuxie Tabby Tuesday

Adan : Hello everyone, I have a "stand good" brother. What is that meaning? Well, I like to ask Arion help me to show, basicly we found out he likes standing while he came until now. So, today, I like to ask Arion to train he standing, hope his belly fat will be smaller a little bit.
阿丹: 你們看,站起來的時候肚子就沒有肥油了,看看我這招厲不厲害?
Adan : LOOK! While Lego stands, there is no belly fat at his tummy, am I smart?
Adan : Lego is really a good stander~
Adan : But, after standing for a while, the legs will be tired, look at his leg, he is getting tired on his feet.
Lego is really good at stand!
Lego : Oah Dear...My belly fat appear again~~
Adan : Luckly, I don't have to let my legs stick up, although my tummy fur is long, but my belly never touch the ground, because I work out everyday.
Adan : Right now, let's ask Arion and Lego working out, me and Michico are thinner, so we could take a rest. She is too tired from work, I need to cuddle with her now.

Monday, May 26, 2008

大姨姨的手是香餑餑;Pamilla's hands are yummy~

樂高:下週,我再洗一次澡,我就可以跟阿丹葛格見面了~! 好期待跟葛格一起玩一起睡,希望葛格愛我。
Lego : I still have a medicine bath next week, and I can see Adan brother finally! I am looking forward sleep with brother, play with brother, I sincerely hope that Adan brother will love me!
Lego : Meanwhile, Michico announce one important decision to me makes me so happy, too : “ByeBye Plate!” I don't have to wear the plate~!
Lego : another thing I like to tell everybody that I love biting Pamilla's hands, maybe bite 1 time on Michico's hands, twice on Toshie's... but as long as Pamilla's hand reach to me, I will crazy bite bite bite. No matter how they stop me, whap my ass, I never stop. Pamilla's hands are the best. (Michico : The strange thing is, Adan loves biting Pamilla's hands, too!)
Lego : Oah so good to bite, let me bite, let me bite, let me bite bite bite!!!!
Michico : If Lego bites me too hard I stop him he will stop. But Lego never stop biting Pamilla's. you could click all the photos bigger to see my sister's hand all bite marks!
Michico : Can you believe these photos were shooting in 1 hour? Not collecting for days, but only shoot in 1 hours for so many biting photos. Lego really bites Pamilla's hands for totally a whole afternoon!!!
Michico : I don't like Lego biting Pamilla's hands because Pamilla's skin allergic to cat's saliva. Her hands will swell. Before a month, I used to swell, too. But now I won't swell anymore, but Pamilla started swell after biting all the time. She always swell to cat's saliva.
Lego : So great~! Pamilla's hands is the best yummy toy~!
Lego : See how good I am~! Even Pamilla lifts my back feet up, I still could grab Pamilla's another hand biting hardly lift together~! I don't care, I just bite bite bite!!!
Lego : Take a half minute break, look at my record!
Michico : Please click bigger the photo as below, Pamilla even needs to move his mouth away to make him stop. But his teeth will be back again, Lego is totally crazy!!
小芥:你們看大姊的手!!! 左邊是剛剛咬完,右邊是咬完後十分鐘,整個都腫起來。好恐怖啊!!!!!! 而且就算是貓爪抓到的地方也是會這樣腫起來。雖然過了半個小時後,腫起來的部分就會又平回去,可是還是真的很怵目驚心。可以點大看!!! 各位樂高的粉絲們,就算你們皮膚不會過敏,也請小心這個小孩很愛咬咬,別說我沒警告過你們喔。我已經打算他放出去讓阿丹好好治他了!
Michico : Would you please look at Pamilla's hand? The left one is just finished the bite, and and right one is after 10 mins, all the bite marks were swelling!!!!! So so scary!!!!! You could bigger the photos~! Although her skin will be reduction back after 20 mins, but still very very shocking! I have decided after Lego free to meet Adan, I will let Adan "teaches" Lego.
樂高:繼續咬~! 姨姨,你的手就永遠跟我在一起好不好?
Lego : And more bite, Pamilla, could your hand be with me forever?
Pamilla : Get away~~~~
Lego : Oah... Pamilla leaves me again, I will wait until she comes in and bite her again.
Pamilla : It better...