Another Meme again, this is a Thursday Thirteen Meme, thanks for Storm and Ariel tagged me, I will put the rules at the last~!
今天是媽咪的生日(是的,跟小姨姨都是處女座),也是我的十週年紀念日,十年前1997年的今天,我被媽咪還有小姨姨抱回來,使得大姨姨第一眼看上我就愛上我,並且幫我取名叫做阿丹~!關於我名字的由來,大家可以參考這邊~! 媽咪,生日快樂,抱歉我喜歡對媽咪哈氣,不過,因為我對媽媽還有媽媽對我都是有話直說的,所以總是哈來吼去,大姨姨總是在一旁流汗不過見快不怪了~! 祝福我十週年快樂,謝謝大家參加明信片的活動,這次大姨姨為我舉辦全球性的慶祝活動讓我很光彩~!
Today is my Pamilla Mommy's Birthday(Yes, Pamilla Mommy and Toshie auntie are both Virgo), and this is also My 10 years Gotcha Day celebration~! 10 years ago today, I was adopted by Mommy and Toshie auntie, that makes michico saw me at the first sight and in love with me. And named me Adan, about why named me Adan could see here~! Hey, Mommy, Happy Birthday, sorry I like sometimes hiss to Mommy, but that's because My mommy and I always directly has something to say and just come out, so the house always: "Wowww, Hauuu~~~~ Haaaa~~~~Yieeeee" everyday. Michico always feel bloodcurdling when Mommy and I yelling to each other~! By that is our way to communicate~!
Happy 10th year Gotcha Day to me, this time, many people join this activity let me feel very happy, and michico auntie is the most work hard for this whole world activity, thanks for her let my Gotcha day very bright, I hope everyone could recieve your postcards soon~!
開始串聯文內容 :
1. 還記得我的捲毛天線吧 ? 大姨姨完全錯誤我必須跟大家更正喔,是一對捲毛天線不是一根喔,我希望這個近視眼早點發現~!
1. Remember my wavy antenna ? Michico is totally wrong I have to make a big correction to everyone : they are a pair of wavy antennas, not 1~!! I hope her nearsightedness could see clear soon~!
2. 我身上黑色的毛覆蓋的部分,並非完全都是黑色的,上面有參雜一點白毛,但是這些毛不能單獨摸還是玩喔,只要一碰我就會去舔甚至抓你的手喔,媽媽和兩位姨姨都戲稱這是「敏感毛」~!單獨摸這個毛我是會抓狂的,請用你的手掌整片摸下來喔~!
2. For the black fur on my back, is not totally black. There are few white fur in it. But, remember~! Not independently playing these white fur, or I will lick these white fur very busy and grab your hands. Mommy and 2 auntie always says these white fur is my "sensitive fur", if you only play those white fur I will be very very mad, please use your whole hand palm to touch whole my back~!
3. 我的兩隻前腳後面各有一個大圓點,右後腳有一個小圓點~!
3. I have 2 big black spots on my each front feet, and there is a little 1 spot on my back right feet.
4. 因為我的牙齒很大,所以有時候打哈欠完後,嘴巴會變這樣醜醜的閉不起來~!
4. My canine teeth are very big, so I usually finished my yawn, my month will become this ugly can't close completely~!
5. 完美的彎曲,這個已經不是瑜珈可以做到了,只有我們貓咪可以做到~!
5. Perfect body curve, this is not just yoga, but only we cats could do it~!
6. I like to be brushed, for someone who wants to please me, Hey, practice your brush skill~!
7. 看小鳥姊姊永遠是我每天重要的功課~! 我會永遠想要跟小鳥姊姊約會的~!
7. Watching my birdy sister is my daily important work, I will always like to date with birdy~!
8. 我喜歡鑽到屈臣氏的大號的袋子裡,其他的袋子或者是小號的袋子都不會鑽進去,屈臣氏大號的袋子太棒了,應該要找我去代言~! 過去有影片紀錄~!
8. I love going into this WATSONS plastic bag, not just regular plastic bag, must be WATSONS large size plastic bag, there is no other plastic bag or paper bag I will go in, I only like this store's bag, this color and this touch, I really love it~! There is a past article with video at past to prove I love it~! 9. 我喜歡暖爐,我喜歡在冬天的時候把自己曬得超燙的,大姨姨總是很怕我曬得太燙還會把暖爐轉走,不過我總是會越靠越近~!
9. I love heating, I like let my body heat very very hot when the winter comes, michico always afraid that is too hot for me turning the heater to another side, but I always getting heater closer.

10. I got cherry eye for 4 times, left eye twice time, right eye twice times. Michico drove crazy about this and my doctor always remember that there is a cat who love have cherry eye. You guys could call me cherry boy. Now, I had surgeries for 2 eyes, I think my cherry won't come out again~!
11. 我最喜歡的零食是海苔(不是韓式的是日式的),比小魚乾或者是任何零食都喜歡,雖然大姨姨說我只能吃一點因為太鹹了,不過偶爾兩片也是很優拉~!
11. My favorite snack is laver (dried, and must be Japanese style, not Korean style), I like laver much more than tuna or other temptations. Although michico thinks that is salty for me, but I would love to have 1 or 2 sometimes.
12. I love playing~!!
13. 我有一個喜歡畫圖的大姨姨,她是沒有受過任何畫圖的專業訓練的XD~~,但是就是喜歡畫圖,大姨姨最喜歡誇獎我的事情就是,當大姨姨畫圖時我是絕對不會碰她的畫圖用具,我知道她在做重要的事情,我是很乖的~! 不過如果她做其他的事情我就會參一喀~!
13. Michico loves painting very much, she has never learned about painting never has been trained to be a painter, all her skills is self study and self practice. She just love painting. The best thing of I support her, is I won't bother her when she is painting, won't touch her pen and colors, I know she is doing her important work. I am a good kid. But of course if she is doing something else I will join it~!
以上就是關於我的13件事情~! 謝謝大家的收看~!
Ok, the thirteen meme is done, and I attached the rules here:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. Write some facts about yourself: some random, some weird, some just plain fun.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them
4. Let those 7 people know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
I know the rule said that I have to tagged 7 people, can I against the rule because today is my Gotcha Day? Because according I know, most of cats already have done this meme. So, let's it, thanks for watching my meme today~!
Hi Adan! We see your comments at Daisy's blog all the time so we decided to come an meet you and see your blog!! And it is more special because we visit on your Gotcha Day!!!
You are a good looking cat and those spots on your legs are so cute!
阿丹的天線原來有分AM 跟 FM噢!!
To. 後母
From. 小芥姨姨
Happy Gotcha Day, Adan, and Happy Birthday to your mom! :) What a wonderful, fabulous day. :) I hope you both have great days. :)
Thanks for sharing all those facts about you! I enjoyed learning more about you. :)
Dearest Michico! So many happy birthday greeting are coming from me to you today dear friend!
Love and hugs to Adan and sister Toshie. Sorry I have been so busy making HOPE JOULS I have missed coming for a visit so much. Tomorrow I will put much mail into the box....like you with your postcards. I will be very happy when mine comes:)
Thnak you for being such a wonderful handsome friend...faithfull also, Love Miss Peach
A very Happy Birthday to Toshie and a very Happy 10th Gotcha Day to Adan. I enjoyed reading your Thirteen Meme very much. I am impressed that you have 2 wavy antennae. I wonder why the white spots on your back are more sensitive. It is very good that you like to be brushed. It helps keep you from getting hairballs. I am sorry that you had to have your eyes operated on, but very glad that they are fine now.
Oops, Toshie Auntie's birthday is September 13 at last week~!! Today is my Mommy's birthday~~
Michico's birthday is July 11~~
I hope Everyone can figure out~!!
Sorry, I got a big family~!!!
To. 阿弟的媽咪
櫻桃眼 : http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ctlin/cherry%20eye.htm
我也不知道要注意什麼, 醫師說其實這也不是什麼特別的原因才造成的有時候就是會自己跑出來~~但是每次阿丹洗臉我都會神經緊張XD~ 會盯緊他不做摳眼睛的動作XD~~~
To. ninonora,
不張開也可以叫 ~! 真強耶~~
挖哈~~ 是 "櫻桃"眼拉 XD~~
I have an wavey antenna, too!!! Over my left eye.
I really enjoyed your answers a lot!!!
And you made my day again, Adan & Michico!!! The painting and card have arrived today!!!!!!!!!
I love it, love it, love it.....!!!!!!
Will post about it later.
Sorry that I am not visiting you as often as usually, but my female human still feels pretty sick..
Congratulations on your Gotcha Day. We are so happy to know you, Adan! You are a very special kittyboy, and your family is wonderful
It is good that you like to play.
You must be very happy to be with so many that ove you at home.
Michico is a very good artist!
we are soo soooo happy to know you and read all of these special things about you today!
Love, Princess and Caesar
To. Yoggie,
Woww, That is really fast~!!!!
I am glad to know that you recieved it~!
Happy birthdays to those in yours family whos birthdays have come and gone and those to comes still. And a very happy gotcha days for you! You are a very pretty kitty. Thanks for coming sto our momma's picture blogg. not many peoples do, but she loves to take photos anyway. :)
My uncle Maestro is a tuxie and he LOVES seaweed! Its very odd but he just really loves it. Its always great to learn more about you because you are so very interesting!
thank you Adan!
I love the picture of you when your mouth does not close properly cos of your teeth! :)
my meowmie said that red bean cake is delicious too, she likes to visit china town and japanese shops for asian sweets! :)
Happy Birthday Mommy and Happy Gothcha' Day Adan!
To. 咪寶寶的媽咪
我英文還好啦~~還是會常常有錯字~~ 希望你多多包含囉~!
This was very informative about you and I learned a great deal about you. I love the picture of you playing. It captures your personality so well. YOU are such a gorgeous kitty!
Michico, thanks for stopping by my blog! And congrats to Adan on his 10 year Gotcha Day! :)
Happy birthday and happy Gotcha Days! I hope you and Pamilla Mommy have a wonderful day today!
I like the funny and cute way your mouth looks after your yawn! Teeths are funny.
Happy 10 Years Gotcha Day Adan! Happy Birthday to Pamilla Mommy! We always enjoy finding out more about you. We like the pictures of your wavy antennas. You look very happy to be brushed. We like the picture of you in the Watsons bag and we laughed a lot.
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Days! We hope you both have a wonderful day! We liked learning those things about you, Adan. We especially like your two wavy antennae and that you don't like the white fur on your back to be touched. That is very cute.
Happy birthday and gotcha days too! I liked learning a bit about you.
Happy Gotcha Day, Adan, and happy birthday to your mommie and auntie Toshie!!
I like your wavy antennas, I will ask my mamma if I have some too, when she gets home from work. I also like your spots on the back of your legs - they are very sophisticated!
purrs and head buts,
Happy Gotcha Day Adan and Happy Birthday to your Mom and Auntie Toshie! We always like learning more things about our furiends. We love the cute black spots on your feet!
Have a good day!
Your FL furiends,
Happy 10th Gotcha day Adan, we hope you have a lovely day.
Happy Birthday to your mum too.
We are sorry we haven't visited as much lately, but we have been having Broadband connection problems.
Happy Gotcha Day Adan! You're a very lucky cat to have such good beans to take care of you.
I love your 13 meme. You're an amazing cat.
I'm sending your Michico a meme from Scruny and Freinds. Please come and pick it up.
Wow, big congratulations on your gotcha 10th birthday. I love your joint birthday card. FAZ
Oh, Adan, hope you have a wonderful 10th Gotcha Day - Congratulations to you! And, of course, Happy Birthday to your Pamilla Mommy! We liked seeing the spots on you too!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Wowie, Happy Gotcha Day, Adan, and Happy Burfday to Pamilla! What a speshul day this is for you. And I loved readin' your meme! Michico is such a superduper talented artist.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Your meme answers were so much fun to read -- you are a wonderful kitty, and your markings are lovely! Happy Gotcha Day, my sweet friend, and Happy Birthday to Pamilla! This is a very exciting day!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Happy Gotcha Day Adan! Congratulations! We like number 12 picture the best! What a great expression!
Luf, Us
Wow Adan!!! So much to celebrate! Happy 10th Gotcha Day! Happy Birthday to your mommie! We LOVED LOVED LOVED reading your answers and seeing your photos. You are such an interesting cat. We never even heard of cherry eye and you had it multiple times. Plus, we loved learning about your spots and your teeth and your TWO wavy antennae! We also really like the photo of you and your family! Thanks for sharing so much!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Happy Gotcha Day Adan!!!!! I love your two wavy antenna - they remind me of an old American TV show called "My Favorite Martian." I am glad you got such nice presents for your gotcha day. Your Michico does such lovely watercolors. I have loved seeing the ones she has done for the other cats. Once again, congratulations on your 10th Gotcha Day!
Tara (not the cat)
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday to your mom!
Purrrayers of your spanish friend.
Ten years old? Dat's a whole decade! Dat's a milestone gotcha day. You are such a special boy cat. Congratulations on your special 10 year Gotcha Day. Now you have all those toys to play wif. What fun.
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