Wednesday, May 14, 2008

阿公和媽媽;Grandpa & Mama

樂高:昨天晚上阿公回家。這是我第二次看到阿公,上次看見他是三月22號,那時候我才到家裡快要兩個禮拜。現在我長好大了,我也有洗澡,媽媽鼓勵阿公進來陪我玩。噢,我跟你說,一秒鐘之後我就跟阿公最熟了,阿公跟我最好。(備註:樂高名叫「大家好」,只要誰跟他玩你就是他的最愛,綁匪要把他綁走只要跟他玩耍就好。) <另外,樂高驅蟲驅過三次了,所以那肚子真的是肥油>
Lego : Last night Grandpa back home! This is my second time see grandpa, last night I saw him was March 22, I just stayed at this house almost 2 weeks. NOW~! I am growing up, and I took shower before, so Mommy encourage Grandpa come to play with me~! Oah, you know what? After ONE Second, I become very familiar with grandpa, I am his new BEST friend. (P.S. Lego names "everybody is good", as long as someone play with him, that one will be his favorite, if someone wants to kidnap Lego, just play with him he will follow, hee hee~)
樂高:我愛阿公~! 阿公愛我~!
Lego : I love grandpa, grandpa loves me!
阿公:噢~ 好棒好棒!!
Lego : See? Grandpa, I got you!
Grandpa : Oah, goody goody!!
Lego : I play with grandpa over a half hour!!
Lego : I was too exciting and biting grandpa, I love biting person who play with me~! Grandpa wasn't angry at all, he was Happy!
Adan : I am not familiar with Grandpa, Michico told grandpa before, if he wants to have good relationship with cats in this house, he can't give any hope on me, I ONLY love Pamilla, Michico and Toshie.

Adan : You are not gonna believe that, right now Pamilla is doing very funny pose in front of me, she hates camera, so you could only imagine her act by my expression. I really surprise and wants to laugh at her pose.
Adan : do this super funny pose just for catching my attention, you are too great~!
Adan : In this house, everyone entertain me. And Lego entertain everyone. Can you see the difference?
Adan : I am in charge in house, period.
Adan : By the way, I really love this little tuxi cat sent by Malica, this is my new company.


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Chrissie said...

It's wonderful that Grandpa loves to play with you..he must have a very good heart to play with such a small boy cat. Adan, your little tuxie cat is very cute..and it is right that you rule the household!

Millie said...

Hi Adan!

You are so cute! You have such an expressive face, and Michico takes the best pictures!

I am glad Lego likes grandpa!

Jimmy Joe said...

Lego, you are such a brave little guy to go through the bath like that! I'm glad you like to play with your grandpa. Adan--you are looking very cool and in charge in those pictures.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Lego, not the plate again! We thought you were free of that thing.

andophiroxia said...

Woww... I thought Lego was getting bigger!

But it was funny to see him bite GrandPa. It just was so funny.

Anonymous said...


Sasha said...

Lego, what lovely photos of you. I am sure your tummy is not too fat. You are a growing cat and need to eat plenty to grow big and handsome.
Adan what large and expressive eyes you have. I think Michico is and excellent photographer to catch your expression so beautifully.
I hope Lego gets rid of the plate soon. The poor little one does not know what life is really like.

Anonymous said...


Lux said...

Those are super pictures of you, Adan - they really show off your intense eyes!

And Lego looks so cute playing!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lego you are so cute playing with your grandpa. Don't worry about your little pudgy tummy, that will go as you grow up and then you will have a good figure like Adan. We hope you can get rid of your plate very soon. You have had to wear it for so long.
Adan you always have such cute expressions in your photos.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Lego, you are very cute. :) We are glad you had fun playing with your Grandpa.

Adan, terrific photos of you! :)

Daisy said...

Lego is so cute standing up on his hind legs to play with grandpa! It is very funny that Lego will play with everybody, but Adan prefers to be entertained.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Looks like Lego and Grandpa are friends for life! What a beautiful first meeting.

Black Cat said...

Lovely pictures. Grandpa and Lego look so happy and Adan, you crack me up with your cute surprised expression:) xxx

Anonymous said...

Lego, you are very lucky to have a Grandpa who doesn't mind if you give him the bitey! We get a big Uh-uh here.

Adan, you are still the ManCat of the house, and a most handsome one!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Lego, you are so adorable!

Adan, you are so handsome!

Mickey's Musings said...

I am happy that Lego likes Grandpa so well !!!! Adan, you are looking SO handsome !!! Those pictures are awesome :) Michico takes very nice pictures of you and your new friend :)
Purrs Mickey


You were a joy to watch playin with your Grandpa! I put da bitey on my Momma too and its only cuz I love her too! She knows and understands why I nip. Adan you look so adorable in those pictures, we wish we could have seen what Michico was doing to understand your expression even more...


admin said...

Hi folks, we’re back! Now it’s Wordless Wednesday: Our Furryhood Nice to see ya all again:) and how’re our cats’ power doing? Please share yours in here , we’d love to hear from you.

ps. we love see Lego playful with everyone, and Adan has very cutie big eyes & expression:)

Artsy Catsy said...

Lego, you have a wonderful Grandpa! And Adan, of course you are the boss - like me!!

We're sorry we haven't been over to visit you for awhile. My mom has been so busy on our computer. You know how humans can interfere so much with cat business!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad you got to play with your Grandpa!

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Heehee! Love bites are the best! It's nice to see your grandpa has a new best friend!

Adan has such an expressive and handsome face!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Boy said...

I'm gwad Wego woves Gwandpa! But I agwee, you're king of the house Adan!

Anonymous said...

Lego it's so sweet the photos of you and your grandpa.

Adan your a very sweet kitty and maybe with time you'll play with grandpa too :)

Anonymous said...

Lego and Grandpa look very happy together. We love Lego's little pudgy belly.

Adan you definitely should be in charge of your house. period.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Cute Lego! Beans like to feel welcomed! I understand you to Adan, sometime you just don't feel comfortable around some beans. ~Queen Snickers

PB 'n J said...

Lego it's so nice to see you having such a good time with your Grandpa!

Adan, it's a good thing you're in charge of the house - it's a ManCat's job!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Lego~I am so glad Grandpa likes you and you like him!

Adan~Grandpa looks like he is fun to play should give him a try.

Tyler said...

Dear Lego,

Please do not bite your grandpa when he's playing with you. You're small little teeth can hurt. Playing is so much more fun when no one gets hurt. That's what I believe at least.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Well... I am quite happy that grampa likes Lego. He is a good grampa to love both of you. Adan, you are in charge, just like ME. A kitten is just something silly to play with but they could never do things without us being near to encourage and accept their good work!.

I LOVE these pictures of you. You are soo soo handsome!


Anita said...

Adan. you look adorable. With this face you will conquer humans always, muahahaha!

Lego, you are a small gatorrista project! Muahahahaha!


Coming soon you will have a small surprrrrrise... Muahahaha!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Lego looks like he had a good time playing with his grandpa!
Adan, you are definitely the Top Cat.

Unknown said...

Lego, we think you have a cute little tummy. That's the kind of tummy little kitties like are should have.

Ivan from WMD said...

Lego, you're giving your grandpa a love nip!

Adan, you are still extra special. I like your new tuxi friend!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh no, not the plate again!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Yes, you obviously are in charge :-)