Saturday, September 22, 2007

紙鶴的祝福,Paper crane's beatitude

有人詢問要怎麼樣把一張紙剪成那麼多小方塊,今天就來做簡易的美勞教學,大姨姨原本是要想一種發法做一整串,但是如果硬是使用菱形剪法那就太浪費紙了,所以她大概想了一分鐘,就想出了這個方法~! 其實很簡單~!我想我的大姨姨只對美術這種東西行吧...
Miss Peach ask michico how to that the square paper become that so many little square, so today I will show you. The reason she figured this because she wants to make a string of paper, but if she cut diamond round only it will too taste of paper. So, she might thought for 1 minute to figure this way out, actually it's quite easy~!Michico is only good at art, hahaha~~


First of all, you may let the big square paper fold this way, it will be cut easier.


And there is a plan to show you how to cut, Remember, the red little lind you can't cut it through, and the azure line is the line you should cut. Very Very be careful at the blue hand direction part, that spot is very easy to let the whole string break, actually, whole string is easy to break. But just careful will be fine.


Please see this finished picture, the red spots is the point which are not has been cut through.

隨著地心引力,它會變成這樣~! 那麼到底大姨姨剪這個要幹麻呢 ? 往下看下張圖吧~!

With gravity, it will become like this~!Use some casual paper to try first.

Alright, why does michico doing this? It's because she want to make paper crane. Paper crance has very big power of beatitude, if you wish something, in Japan, you may fold many crane to wish for (some said 1000, some said 10,000 one), michico only need to mean that she wants we cats will be good. This time, michico fold 4 works of paper crane to wish kitties are fine. She is very busy so only make 4. 黑色的就是那個剪小塊而完成的紙鶴作品~! 還有其他舉一反三的作品~!

See, the string of black scane is using the skill of we teach today~! And please see pictures as below there are 3 pcs we have already sent to my very special friends. Some of you might already recieved it, please remember to remind me if you take it~!
This red one is the most difficult, very high skills.
This time some kitties doesn't get the award, and they really visit me every single day, so michico decided to make this to wish them always happy and healthy. With each fold, michico prays one time to wish for kitties, so I think this paper crane is fall of wishing~!
Final, this one is made for Anastasia and Karl. Michico just finished few days ago, the postcard of my hasn't send to her yet. Because Karl said we could take our time. The reason we are late because michico is making this. We both wish Anastasia would be happy at that side of rainbow bridge.
We are trying to find a package way now, it's almost could deliver~!


Lux said...

Oh, those are very very beautiful, especially with the wishing included! Michico, you are very talented!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The Cat Realm said...

I am speechless, Adan. The staff too! You are the nicest cat and michico the nicest human ever! So wonderful to make something so nice for Anastasia. We are sure she knows and is very very happy! We miss Anastasia very much, I still catch the maid with leaky eyes, and I still look around the desert, expecting to see her...
It is so sweet of you to have Anastasia's shrine and Oscar's picture in your sidebar.
We hope you will have the most beautiful weekend!
Sending our purrs and love
Karl and the staff

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Karl has summed it up so very well Michico. You both are wonderful and devoted to eachother and to all of us. You are our GREATEST friends.
I am amazed by your talents and you continue to inspire me each day to do well with paper!
Thank you so much for making a pattern for the diamond cutting. I will play with this on the weekend. if I mess it up you can hear me scream from this side of the world:)
OH and paper fun...but hard!
love you both my dearest friends...Miss Peach

Daisy said...

Adan, I got my package and I have a picture of you on my blog! It looks like you are visiting me in my house. Thanks ever so much. And I am very glad you showed the picture of the beautiful cranes, because I did not know how to open them up until I saw the photo. I got to sniff the cranes for a minute but then my Mommie took them away because I tried to grab them and bite them. And I do not want to hurt them!

Monty Q. Kat said...


Anonymous said...

Michico is very talented and makes beautiful cranes. We do not think out mom could do this but she said she is going to try. Thank you to Michico for providing instructions on making the cranes.

Christine and FAZ said...

Hi Michico and Adan, I am so glad I got to leave a message today. Usually when I try and leave a message I get the giant Apple Mac beach ball of death. For some reason your blog is too exciting for my computer. I love your beautiful cranes, they are very elegant. Purrs FAZ

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Michico and Adan! we will try to make that square papers thing!

Our girl beans know how to make those paper cranes. They used to make A LOT of them when they had to sit in church and be quiet, haha

Happy Week-end

(it is warm here today, blah, too warm)


Gretchen said...

Thank you for showing how you made the paper pretties. It must take very delicate hands to be so precise.


MaoMao said...

Oh wow, those are so bee-yootiful, Adan! Your Michico is so furry talented.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those paper cranes are so beautiful. Thank you so much for showing us how to make them!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Unknown said...

Adan, did you help Michico with that project? You guys are really talented. My Lady said that she is going to have to try that tomorrow. She says that it looks really neat.

Unknown said...

Wow I think those paper cranes are wonderful, keep up the good work.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Those cranes are so beautiful. wow, you are very talented.
And adan, you are a doll and we got your photo cards. Thank you so much. You've got the hugest eyes we ever saw.
ML (Mary Lynn)
KC & Missy Blue Eyes

andophiroxia said...

You must teach us how to make a single crane.

I'm absolutely hopeless at them. You p0wn me in craneage.

Lux said...

Thank you, Adan - your package arrived today and at first I was a bad boy! :)

The Furry Kids said...

Thank you for teaching us about making the cranes. We liked the wishing part, too. You and Michico are just the sweetest ever!

Forty Paws said...

Those are incredible! So beautiful and dainty!

Luf, Us

Tyler said...

Adan, thank you so much for your gotcha gifts! The painting is so beautiful. You made me more handsome than I am in real life! And the postcard does have your pawprint on it. Thank you also for the bookmark. My mom says she will think of you whenever she uses it. Please thank Michico for me. You are both such sweet and special.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Adan those cranes are wonderful. Michico is very talented. You are both such very good friends to all of us in the cat blogosphere. The cranes Michico has made for Anastasia are beautiful. Such a kind thing to do.

The Crew said...

Wow, look at all those paper birdies! You must dream about birdies every night.