Michico : To Russia, everyone buy Sovvenirs for sure. I think everyone know what Sovvenirs Are~! This time, I saw the most many sovvenirs of all is 20 in a doll, certainly very expensive, I don't have so much money, so I took photos of the little shop for memories.
Michico : Here is another shop, there are some cute art of cats. My boss kept telling me one of the cat art is very cute, I should buy it. I think it is cute but not That cute, so I also only took photos.
Michico : I can't afford the expensive Sovvenirs, but I found the cat version of Sovvenirs, and not too expensive (but even the smallest one, still need about US$10), so I bought it. One set of the Sovvenirs I will sent to my friends. So I put them out together and photo with Adan.
Lego : Pamilla, can I make for a Sovvenirs as well? 大姊:很難喔,俄娃的脖子沒有這麼大一圈盤子耶。
Pamilla : It's very difficult I think, Sovvenirs don't have such a big plate on the neck~!
Wowwwww Lego is getting BIG and LANKY! No more chubby little kitten!
I miss his EEIIEIEEEEuuuuu Eiiiiieeeuuuuwuuwuww Eiiwwuwuwuwuw.
Mom and Dad have both been there! And they bought some of those dolls!
We think little Lego would make a great model for the cat version of da Russian dolls.....wifout da plate, of course!
Mindy & Moe
Lego is growing so fast!
Cute dolls, but expensive!
Those nesting cat dolls are a great souvenir! In that last photo, I think Lego's curled up back leg is so cute.
Maybe when the plate comes off, Lego!
Lego is getting to be a big boy!
Wego will make vewy good model for the Wussian Dolls! I hope his pwate can come off soon!
Oh I think the photo with Adan is beautiful! A much better photo than just the dolls! He he... though we like the cat dolls!
Those are very cute souvenirs you got in Russia. It's always so expensive to travel and even worse if you travel and don't have much money to take with you. *Sigh*
Lego is getting very big, wow!
Lego is growing so big! I'll be glad when he is free of the plate!
Hey.. I saw one souvenir which has Adan in it :P Well, the cheapest place for souvenirs hunting is still in Bangkok or certain parts of China, definitely not from the European countries :P
你知道嗎?自從我看見到你拍的XO醬拉麵,我找了很久才找到一簡有賣它的店 :P 味道不錯可是沒有你那邊這麽多料!http://crizfood.blogspot.com/2008/04/review-ramen-wang.html
That cat souvenirs are so cute!
Oh, Russian nesting dolls are so cool! And the kitty ones are adorable. :) I think Lego and Adan are both very inspirational for artists. I can't wait to see Lego without that plate. He is growing so fast!
Hugs to You All!
Lego, you would make a best souvenir of all! :) Well, you & Adan are tied!
The little kitty dolls are adorable!!!
Mom should take a lesson from Michico and only photograph the gift shops instead of buying too many! Very good idea, Michico!
We think we will miss Lego's plate, but we know he is anxious to start exploring and getting to know Adan without having to wear it! It's almost time!
Hi guys, my humans have one of these nests of dolls, and the smallest one is a tiny little kitten, inside a dog, who's inside a girl, who's inside a boy, who's inside their mother and the one on the outside is the father. We like it a lot. FAZ
As everycat says, Lego is getting big.
I wish Pierro could stay little forever but he has aready grown and losing his baby furs and getting big boy furrs.
My auntie Joyce (mom sister) went to Russia 9 years ago to adopt Andrei her boy. Joyce is not married.
She also got some souveniers... one of those dolls.
Adan it is so good to see you again. You are happy and I am too!!
wow! dat lego kitteh iz gettin so big!
what a great idea to take photos of the souveniers! i'm so glad Michico is home safe and sound. Adan, you are so handsome and cute. purrrrs to you being happy your Michico is home.
Lego. you are getting to be a big kitten. What a sweetie little baby kitty you are. purrrs to you for being adorable!
Wow! Those souveniers are furry pretty. Photos are better, though ... They don't take up as much space an' they're not expensive either.
Lego is gettin' really, really big! Yay!
I bet it was fun to look at all those souveniers!!
Purrs Mickey
It is very smart to make pictures instead of spending the money. I do that alot myself sometimes. But the little cats are cute.
Send me your mailing address. I would love to send you and Adan and Lego a souvenier gift package from Virginia/North Carolina USA!
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