Yesterday, a cat friend visit Toshie's restaurant, Thanks to her so so much~!!!

Yesterday, I went to a park met a very handsome cat, I have to share with you, there are lots of photos, so please slowly enjoy, and I will put words into the photos, you don't need to see any letters besides the photos.

Happy Sunday to everyone!!
Michico,that was a great photo journal that you shared with us!!'It is so nice to see city cats :)
Purrs Mickey
Aww... such cute photos. I also shot some stray cats photos on Friday, the triplets' 3-months old birthday. I did charity by feeding all the strays around the neighborhood. :)
Were they stray or were they owned?
That is a very interesting photo journal you made, Michico. I hope you learned not to stand under the trees in that park.
Whoa, that big Mancat was leaving his mark on everything! Poor little calico cat, I would not enjoy getting poops on my head. That was a funny story.
Those are two handsome kitties! You went out for a walk yesterday?
wey! that's what I call a wild cat!
As always your pictures are awesome michico.
By the way I wonder why Lego uses that collar, I don't understand.
Take care!!!
Those are wonderful photos taken in the park! Fabulous photo essay! :)
What wonderful pictures! Thank you for sharing! We would not like poops on our heads either!
Muahahahahahaha!!! Happy Sunday to you too!
Wow! They are some good looking cats. It made Mommy Bean want to feed them though. She is a softy when it comes to homeless kittys.
Oh beautiful pictures but very sad that they have to live in the wild.
Adan, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
You are loved <3
Very cool! We like all the shots you took. Hopefully those kitties are nice and happy!
I would love to climb that tree! My cat tower inside does not go nearly that high.
Those are some very nice looking cats, I'm glad that you documented them for us! Poor little Calico getting poo-poo on the head though!
Wow dem catz is my heros.
I wish i could poo on houses.
Those are great cat photos in the park ! The big man cat looks like a real wild cat, wow !!!
But is not nice from the man cat to poo on the little cats head. Poor calico kitty .
Adan and Michico, sorry I was not here for so long.
We wish you all a wonderful week beginning !
Luna and Stefanie
Poor little cat who got poo on their head.
Yuck! In spanish= fuchi!!!
Dirty cat hehe
Those kitties look furry kool! I don't think I'd like to get poo onna head though. Since Brainball's our boss cat, I hope he doesn't get any ideas, hehehehehehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a fun photo-story! Poor little calico girl with poo on her head -- but boss cat looks like he's having a fine time in that tree!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Oh, were those kitties homeless? I can see that the boy cat looked very feral. Poor calico. Seeing homeless kitties always saddens me. :(
When I notice kitties wandering around the neighborhood I leave food out for them. My husband says I can't save them all, but I wish I could. It's hard to see homeless cats, but You took good pictures Michico.
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