Michico : Before I went to Russia at April 12, I was invited to a birthday party of a cat names Dobby. Dobby's Mommy names Sandy, Sandy has 10 cats. Well, at that day, there are around 20 cat lovers to Sandy's house for held birthday party for Dobby, I want to show these photos to Adan's friends around the world, there are many many cat lovers here also in Taiwan!! Sometimes I told someone we help cat holding birthday party, those people just can't believe, they often think they even don't hold birthday party for themselves, how come we cat lovers hold party for cat? Chinese words saying about pets using very interesting words, they call pet 寵物,means : to spoil, dandle. That's why we held birthday party.

I gave Dobby a little collar, he likes it very much, and likes biting the little balls on the collar.

We love cats, so much love to hold a birthday party for them. it's not strange, we are a big loveing family, as long as we wants, they will have lots of parties~!

We love cats, next to them, we have the happiest smile of the all.

We love cats, so tender, so soft to hold them in our arms.

We love cats, even while we thinking other things, our hands won't stop petting them!

We love cats, this lady even wishes she could kiss all the cats around the world.

We love cats, as long as we could notice, every cats even hide at corner we could find them and give them our love petting~!

我們很愛貓咪,讓我們願意做貓咪的貓草藥頭,讓他們永遠high翻天。(來看一下後母家賣得超好的貓草墊,歡迎購買!!!) 也許台灣不是最愛貓的地方,但是我要讓我的外國朋友看到,我們正在努力,而且我們會讓更多人跟我們一樣愛護貓咪。
We love cats so much~! Seeing our friends loving cats so much, I believe could let Adan's friends around the world also could feel the love~!!! This is a cat loving city, we may not the best cat lover city, but we cat lovers in Taiwan are working very hard~!

The love for cats we have here, we can't stop and will never stop. (Except the last photo, the others cats are belongs to Sandy, but I didn't put all 10 cats' photos, too many, hehehe~~)