Saturday, July 18, 2009

好休憩處;Good relax spot

Michico : Right now 2 kids like staying this place, there is a big window, outside has some green plants that my father & mother in law taking care of, so when the summer warm wind blowing inside, it will have good smell and cozy feeling.
I like seeing them close together.

Even just a little time.


アオソラ said...

第一張: 丹(老弟...你這樣角度姿勢,根本不可愛... 因為臉都黑的! 看看我 微光打進來 多優!!) 高( ...有嘛@@?這樣很黑喔0.0)
第二張: 丹(有! 你看看 背光餒!) 高( 對吼!! 照不到我可愛的臉!!)

第三張: 高:(來去找地方要媽咪幫我拍可愛!!) 丹:( 快去吧~~)


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like your big window and the fact that you have a place to sit and look out! You are very lucky!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That is so nice that you have that lovely window to sit and watch out of. I also love my window..

You two look good sitting together, you should try more often.

Hugs GJ xx

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I missed yesterday's postie. YES both of you are cute. Lego, you look naughty, just like Pierro, always looking guilty.

I am so happy you have a nice window to look out and see nature. What a lovely view

purr and love

The Island Cats said...

What a great view you have!