Michico : I will leave today 16:00. Thanks for Criz making this very touching graphic for me!! It's fit my mood now!

Michico : Adan knows I am leaving, yesterday and today, he keeps biting me and ignoring me, and let me hug very tight!

Michico : Lego may not know, but he wishes someone play with him everyday, anybody.

Adan : Thanks for Mike and Yoggie giving me this award, I am so so touching~!!!!!!

Michico : I will be back at April 23 noon, see you then~!!! I will put the count down, to let you know~!!! Please pray for Adan and Lego will be ok~! Adan and I will keep you all in our hearts!
Almost 2 weeks! Such a long time for Adan and Lego to be without Michico...
It is required, but not happy...
Such a sweet graphic! Have a great trip, Michico - your cat family will be waiting for you!
Have a wonderful wonderful trip!
Have a safe trip Michico... I will surely miss... errr... Adan and Lego a lot! Haha :P
I made bread for you leaving! Check it out. Too bad you cannot smell now!
Have a safe trip, Michico. Adan and Lego will miss you very much and I will miss reading about them and you.
Safe journey my beloved Michico!
I will not be able to see you until I get back from Hawaii on April 29.
Be safe and have a wonderful time. Adan and
Lego will miss you but will be fine and when you return the world will be wonderful again for all of you!
Love Miss Peach
I looked at the this site in nijiiro-cat(SNS).
ADAN is a cute cat.
I keep a monochrome cat, too.
In addition, I come to look.
Have a safe and fun trip, Michico! Are Adan and Lego going to be able to blog while you are gone?
Have a safe trip and your boys will be fine! They'll be ready for a good snuggle when you get back.
When they are old enough they do figure out when you are leaving for trips. I will pray for your safety and a good journey for you and for Adan and Lego to not be too lonely, and to not be too depressed by your absence!
That's a long time to be gone, Michico. We will miss you very much. We do not think we would want our Mom to be gone so long. Please have a wonderful & safe trip. We hope maybe you can blog a little while you are away.
Adan-dan and Lego. We will purr for you to be safe and happy. You need to be very good while Michico is gone.
Michico, We will purr for you too.
Have a safe and successful trip.
we will miss you.
Love and Purrs, Princess and Rosemary
... yes, andPierro too :-)
Not only will Adan and Lego miss you but so won't we! God speed and come back soon,
Mommy Bean
Have a good trip! We hope that you return soon to home. We will miss you!!
Adan, I hope you are not too lonely!
Have a great trip Michico!!
Adan and Lego (and Pamilla!) are sure to miss you lots. Have a good trip to Moscow! We look forward to hearing all about your trip!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
See you!!!
Have a safe trip.
Have a wonderful trip and come back safe!
Oh that is such a long time to be without Michico! We're sure she will miss you just as much as you will miss her!
Have a successful trip to Moscow, Michico! We will miss you lots, we'll try to teleport over to visit with Adan & Lego so they won't be sad.
safe journey,
Mindy & Moe
Have a safe trip. Adan and Lego will be glad to see you return.
Have a safe and productive trip Michico! We will miss you too.
We will be purring for you,Adan and Lego and your family :)
Purrs Mickey
Aw...poor Adan, you wook so sad.
If you or Wego are bored while michico is away, you can teweport over and pway!
Have a great trip, Michico! Purrs to you and yur wunnerful kitty and bean fambly.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I hope you have a wonderful trip, Michico! Purrs to you and Adan and Lego and your family.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Michico have lots of fun!!!! We will miss you! And you will miss our blogoversary party on April 15.....
Please come by to our post of April 14 once you are back to pick up an award!
We will all miss you Michico!
Dennis misses you!
We are all purring that Michico has a safe trip to Russia and that you two don't miss her too much! :)
I hope Michico is having an exciting trip!
Have a very safe trip Michico!
Michico, Adan and Lego, I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the two weeks seem to fly by for you. Pamilla will take very good care of the kitties. They will be so happy to see their Michico when she comes home!
Lots of Hugs,
Michico! Be careful in dis BIG foreign country! We know dats Adan & Leggo needz you back az soon az possybull.
沒看到阿丹跟小樂高總是怪怪的, 很盼望小芥姑娘快回來呢~~
bye! haf a safe trip! adan, we will teleport over to play wif you and Lego
Lego, my mom has fallen in love with your little kitty face. She thinks you are so cute, even with the fungus. We hope you are ok without Michico. I hope she is well in Moscow. Thank you to whoever is helping you blog!
Adan ... Your momma will be back soon. Keep Lego occupied so that he doesn't irritate Pamilla with his bell toy or litter-kicking.
Your photos are wonderful!
Have fun on your trip to Moscow Michico!
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