Thursday, July 31, 2008

愛站高;I love standing

Lego : Remember I like standing? Since I was very little, I love standing. This was while I 2 months old. Actually I was dancing.
Lego : This is a very good one I post before, I think I am learning walking or something.
Lego : And I got bigger, but I still stand well, this is while I 4 months old!
Lego : I am the goalkeeper, not one could get through this!

Lego : This while I was 5 months old, look how straight I stand?
Mommy says I am "standing-go", I am really standing great~!!!! Ok, enough the standing at the past, and I standing well NOW?
Lego : Look everyone, am I standing good???????
Lego : As long as you give me snacks and toys, I can stand very long to let you see!
Lego : Standing by toesies, standing by thenar, I can stand by any pose!
Lego : Now I will stretch my body very long! And my belly will gone, look how skinny I am~!
Michico : Lego, where is your brother?
Lego : Hmmm??????
樂高:馬麻!!!! 今天主角是我!!!!!!
Lego : MOMMY, Today I am the leading character!!!!!!!!!!
Lego : Hello everyone, I am standing-go!
Lego : My Mom says I am getting more and more handsome, will I more handsome than my brother one day?
Michico : You ARE getting more and more handsome, but you won't be more handsome than Adan.
Lego : Oah MOMMMMM!!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

一起來愛貓咪; Minimal Cafe again

小芥:昨天晚上,非常開心。可以跟我的好貓友們去我最喜歡的貓咪咖啡店 - 極簡咖啡。Coach媽、柚子、後母玉山慢慢,一起和你們到極簡真是好。在一群貓咪的圍繞中,聊著很多貓咪的事情,覺得很窩心、很溫暖。有貓咪真好,有了你們,我們放鬆多了,有了你們,我們可以跟別人證明我們保護著你們這漂亮的生物不遺餘力。眾生是平等的。
Michico : Last night, I was very very happy. I was with my very best cat friends going to Minimal Cafe, again. Do you remember Minimal cafe? I introduce this cafe shop time to time, it's a cafe shop in Taipei city with lots of cats. I often go Minimal Cafe while I have time, I like to visit them see how they are, each cats are very important to me~! And I am very happy could go with my friends, we share our cats stories, and play the cats in Minimal Cafe together!
We are doing and still trying to make people love cats world. I hope everyone on earth won't hurt cats, won't afraid of cats, we are all doing our best. I also like to thank every Adan's Cat blogosphere friends' Mommy and Daddy doing blogs, you are all the best!
This ginger might be smaller, but he is full of energy. Every single move let you full of encourage!
Even some of them has been abandoned by human, but they still trust human and sleeping on human's laps.
Many many beautiful expressions, never gets bored!
Minimal cafe maintains these cats' healthy and happy, always touches my heart! This is a small size of cat world. Maybe they also met sad things, but the positive strength never goes away.
Love cats, love animal, love our planet!
Treasure every single day with your pets. Love them, protect them, because they are waiting for you everyday home cuddle with them.
Loving cats is very easy. Cats are very special, and very close to your hearts!
Next time see the cats on the street, smile to them, say hi to them, they might in hurry to go somewhere, but your smile will mark in their hearts for always.
Thanks for Minimal cafe's cats~! Thanks for Minimal cafe~! This world is better because of you!
Finally, thank you for Adan's cat friends around the world, THANK YOU! You are all very sweet and support Adan and Lego very much~!!! This is my greatest honored could know everyone of you!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

平常又感到幸福的時刻;Normal but also happy & Adan does the Q

Michico : These days, finally I have more time at home. I can have time with Adan and Lego. Adan is very happy, because he hasn't played with me for a long time. Can you see he is happy? Right now I let Lego rest in his room while Adan plays the toy, because once Lego gets out, Adan doesn't have any chance to touch the toy. Actually Adan wants to play the toy very VERY much. Everytime Lego plays the toy Adan always absorbed at the toy, but once he jumps into the play zoom, Lego will play wrestling with Adan, and makes Adan jumps back.'s very important to let Adan alone outside to play the toy for a while.
Michico : Yesterday was typhoon day, later almost night, we brought Adan to the vet. Because he has conjunctivitis -Not seriously. We clean the rug and floor more detaily and let they seperate time more. Because Lego loves Whapping Adan's eyes and noses, Adan loves washing his face himself, so the vet said it may let the bacteria whap into the eyes or washes into the eyes. So...just a little seperate time is better.
小芥:這張抓玩具露肚皮的姿勢超級可愛的。啊~~ 好想親親那個小嫩肚啊 ~!!!
Michico : Look at this 3RD photo, this will be "DO THE Q" for Monty~!!!! OK, MONTY? Do you like this one?
Michico : Seeing Adan happily play the toy, I am also happy as well~!
Lego : Hey everyone, look at my mommy photo me so demurely, hee hee heee!!! I think I am a good kid!
樂高:我自己認為我是乖小孩,可是葛格認為我不是耶.... 因為.....
Lego : But I think I am a good kid, my brother doesn't think so.... Because....
Lego : As long as my brother sits on the chair, I jump on it and kick his head! Everytime I hear my brother's yelling I am so happy, because I can have very exciting wrestle time! Oah Yeah~!
樂高:馬麻想說一張椅子不夠葛格加上我趴,結果加了兩張椅子。不過我還是上去用後腳踢葛格後腦杓耶。果然葛格就生氣了.... 可是我只是想要繼續練習摔角的巴巴巴技巧嘛~~~~
Lego : Mommy think only one chair may not enough space for me and my brother, so she puts 2 chairs. Because I still kick Adan brother's head and makes him angry.... Well....I just want to practice more wrestle WHAP WHAP trick...
Lego : Am I really a bad kid?
Adan : You think?

Monday, July 28, 2008

颱風天;Phoenix Typhoon

阿丹:今天放颱風假,希望大家都平安健康!!!! 台北市北區這邊,我們很好,只是姨姨昨天晚上忘記買早餐,現在根本不敢出門!
Adan speaks here: Today, there is a typhoon named Phoenix coming to Taiwan. You can see the white circle, that is very big typhoon. And you barely can't see Taiwan, Phoenix Typhoon is totally covering Taiwan now~! We are doing fine here in Taipei, Just Michico forgot brought the breakfast last night, so she is really hungry and doesn't dare to go out.
This is the first time Lego being through Typhoon, don't be afraid!
Don't have to worry about it, Brother is here!
今天大家沒事就不要出門囉,要好好跟家裡的貓咪玩耍~~~ 好久沒有好好陪我們了吧~!!!
Today will be the family day, Michico and Pamilla will be with us whole day today~! I am so happy!!!!
Take care everyone in Taiwan~!!! Please don't go out!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

喵妙很親人;Easy Sunday

Adan : Saturday should be really relax, but Michico's Saturday is extremely busy. She woke up about 05:30 to attend climbing stares. This is a 46 floor building, and she went!
Adan : Poor Arion woke by Michico, he came with Michico but only shot for her, he doesn't want to climb the stairs at all. Especially 46 floors. Michico thought she can't make it to the top, but finally she reach the top floor.


The record is she climb to 46 floor using 13 minutes, she hopes she could do it better next time.
阿丹: 匆匆忙忙下來回家洗澡,又去拜訪玉山家的喵妙。喵妙一看到我的大姨姨「喵」了一下,就開始渾身上下聞個不停,喵妙對我的大姨姨非常好~! 有攀大腿、有聞臉臉拉,還有合照。完全是很親近。(感情好的照片等玉山po好了XD)
Adan : Then, she hurry back home took a bath, and go visiting Dora's house. Michico visited Dora's house before, she has a MANCAT names MieowMao, Michico likes MieowMao very much so she goes again. MieowMao also welcome Michico, he sniff and rub Michico, makes Michico very happy.
MieowMao : Michico, you can come closer, you are sitting too far.
Michico : Really? Can I really come closer?
MieowMao : Yes~!!! Just come closer~~
Michico : How about it now?
MieowMao : Oah Very good, this is what we call "close shot".
小芥:喵妙真的很可愛!!!! 一個中午就這樣坐在一旁睡覺、或者是靜靜的看著我。如果心情好,會下來聞聞我、蹭蹭我。
Michico : MieowMao is very adorable, the whole afternoon, he kept sleeping at the corner, and seeing my very quietly. I feel like home. If he is happy, he will jump down sniff me and rub me more.
小芥:喵妙,姨姨知道你也想在姨姨身上留你的味道,姨姨有把你的好放在心裡面。喵妙好棒的 ~!
Michico : MieowMao, I know you want to leave your odor on me~!!! I have already put you in my heart~!
小芥:這張圖點大,喵妙眼睛裡也有我XD ~~
Michico : You could click larger this photo, MieowMao's eye could see me ~~ lol
Michico : Dora also have a second cat, her name is Hazelnut. She is extremely shy, because yesterday only me one guest, so I can see her, her character is like Adan, very shy. But she shy more.
Hazelnut: Only one more shout ok? And I need my personal space ~~
Michico : ok!
小芥:這個是可愛的小斑妹妹,我拍得不多,但是她和樂高很像~~尾巴很長,一整個很靈動~!! 也很愛吃雞柳 :D~~
Michico : And this is a tabby waiting to be adopted, Dora and her sister also be a shelter, too!
MieowMao : I think Michico is really good, I can sleep nicely~!
Adan : AND Busy Michico leave Dora's home and went to see 2 movieS with Arion. Very busy~!
Adan : I think Michico should learn from Lego and Me, doing sleeping on weekend!