Monday, July 28, 2008

颱風天;Phoenix Typhoon

阿丹:今天放颱風假,希望大家都平安健康!!!! 台北市北區這邊,我們很好,只是姨姨昨天晚上忘記買早餐,現在根本不敢出門!
Adan speaks here: Today, there is a typhoon named Phoenix coming to Taiwan. You can see the white circle, that is very big typhoon. And you barely can't see Taiwan, Phoenix Typhoon is totally covering Taiwan now~! We are doing fine here in Taipei, Just Michico forgot brought the breakfast last night, so she is really hungry and doesn't dare to go out.
This is the first time Lego being through Typhoon, don't be afraid!
Don't have to worry about it, Brother is here!
今天大家沒事就不要出門囉,要好好跟家裡的貓咪玩耍~~~ 好久沒有好好陪我們了吧~!!!
Today will be the family day, Michico and Pamilla will be with us whole day today~! I am so happy!!!!
Take care everyone in Taiwan~!!! Please don't go out!!


Mickey's Musings said...

Adan,Lego & MIchico & Pamilla, I will purr that all of you will be safe from this huge storm!!. I will purr for Taiwan too!!
Purrs Mickey

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh we will be thinking of you all! Purrs.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yike, we hope the Typhoon doesn't cause you problems! Hide under the bed if it does.

lordjaders said...

I will purrr forrr all of you in Taiwan, too. Purrr, purrr, purrr, prrrotect Adan and his family, purrr, purrr, purrr.

Lux said...

Yikes! That typhoon looks scary! You all stay safe ...

andophiroxia said...

Stay safe for the typhoon! I hope you can make do with the snacks and chocolate I sent you. Plus, Adan does have that extra supply of food! ;) My package arrived JUST in time!!! :P You will not starve!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Pls keep safe and warm in the house, Adan, Lego, Michico and Pamilla!
We purray that typhoon will go away fast fast!
Purrs and hugs,

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That looks like a very mean typhoon, so it's best to stay home and cuddle!

Anonymous said...


Isis said...

Gosh our hot and humid weather is nothing like your scary Typhoon! I shall certainly add you to my purr list today and hope you are all nice and safe!



OOOO Adan and Lego
We know all about those big storms we have them in the Atlantic every year and we always worry that we will have one come our way. We will keep you in our purrayers and hope it passes without any problems...


cat_aunty said...

Stay safe everyone!!!

Hmm the collar seems a bit too big hahaha.

Adan you are so so nice to your little bruffur

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh this is a very good idea to stay inside today. That is a very dangerous storm and it is better to be safe. You can have cookies for Breakfast and make some other things for lunch and dinner.
What lovely pictures of you two. It is nice that both of you are good to eachother!

purrrs Sweet friends, Princess

Anonymous said...


小勇:各位姨姨好~,我麻麻說她8月30(六)跟9月6(六)、7(日)號不用上班,想邀各位姨姨來找我玩~。邀請的人有couch媽、安安媽、玉山、玉燕、小咪麻、夫人、小賢、後母、malica、雪倫、柚子媽、慢慢、小美、天點家、橘子媽、白白媽、嘟嘟媽、小芥。 因為偶媽媽說她白天上班不能上msn,所以請各位姨姨討論一下大部份的人是哪一天比較有空可以來找小勇玩再告訴我媽咪哦~~

小勇等泥們哦~~~~ 啾!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That typhoon looks awfully scary. I am glad you are ok. Lego is growing up to be a very handsome cat! Oh, and Adan you are the most handsome of course. Sorry for the infrequent mom is so busy and I can't get much blog time.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Purrrrrrrs, You all be safe!!! ~Queen Snickers & Empress

Daisy said...

Ah, Lego wants some comforting! I hope you all stay very safe from the Typhoon.

Boy said...

You're such a nice bwother to Wego, Adan!

Copito said...

Hello guys, my mom left a prize for Michico on my blog!


LZ said...

Stay very safe!! Big storms are nothing to mess with.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Stay safe!

The Cat Realm said...

I am so happy that you are o.k.! I will keep purring for your safety, tell Michico to keep staying inside!
Mrs. OZ

Anonymous said...

I will pray that you'll all be safe...Hugs Ariel

Anonymous said...

