小芥:宅是本週末決定宅在家,只有吃飯出門,也好久沒有陪兩隻貓宅了。我讓阿丹拿下頭套稍微梳洗,大概下週二下週三拆線。 Michico : This weekend, I decide be with 2 cats, only leave home while we going to eat, I remove Adan's collar for a while to let him grooming, poor baby. 樂高看著窗外聽著鳥鳴,畫面很和諧,我好喜歡這種週末的感覺。 Lego is watching birdy outside, the view is very lovely, I like the feeling of weekend.
Hi Adan & Lego!! That is so nice to have some Mom time!! We hope your close to being healed up Adan!! We are purrring for a quick healing! our FL furiends,
Adan, you are so lucky to have a person who cares so much for your comfort!
So good that you have your mum home all day. She loves you very much.. You are looking better today..
Hugs GJ xx
Believe me, Adan's butt may look bad, but after the anal sac ruptured, I bet he feels a whole lot better.
Adan dear are you feeling btter...I hope so. You are always in my thoughts...
Hi Guys, hope you are all well and have a lovely weekend. Keep an eye on those Birdies for me Lego. FAZ
I think that's just what the boys need: some relaxing time alone with the mom!
That sounds like the perfect way to spend the weekend. We hope Adan is feeling better.
We hope Adan is feeling better. It must have felt good for him to be able to groom.
WE hope Adan is feeling better :)
We are purring for him!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Hi Adan & Lego!! That is so nice to have some Mom time!! We hope your close to being healed up Adan!! We are purrring for a quick healing!
our FL furiends,
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