Saturday, June 16, 2007

日本來的佳音,Letter from Japan

今天,michico收到一封信,是從日本來的,寄件者是猫ネコ英語 的作者,這個部落格的作者使用一些簡單的英文語句來引領大家學習英文,利用作者可愛的貓咪為課程題材,有許多很棒的課程,看她的部落格的人(大多為日本人)都可以學習到英文甚至michico還可以學習到日文~!
Today, michico recieved a letter, it came from Japan, the sender is author of 猫ネコ英語 .This author write some point sentences guides everyone could learn English. Using author's lovely cat as lessons, there are so many great sentences idea came from author's Tuxi cat. People (most are Japanese)who watch this blog could learn English, michico even could learn more Japanese. 最近猫ネコ英語 這個部落格一週年紀念 ,所以這個作者很有心意的寄卡片給有固定去收看她的部落格的人,michico也有這份榮幸收到這張來自遠方的卡片~!
Recently, 猫ネコ英語 this blog is established a year, so, the author of 猫ネコ英語 sent card with sincere intention to the vistors who often go there. michico also has this honored to recieved this affectingly card from Japan~! 裡面有作者的信還有很漂亮的 ひな さん七到九月的月曆,他也是一隻很美的黑白貓~!
In side the envelope, has letter from author to michico, and a beautiful July to September's calendar with Tuxi cat - ひな 's picture!!!!

Thank you so so much~!!!! こてちさん~!!!!I am grateful~!
michico says she will continue visit you great blog.
I also thanks for your calendar, it's gorgeous~!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU~!!!!

This is the second time we recieved the card from NET-Friend, we feel so grateful, michico also started to plan at a special time to do this and share, after she planned well, she will blog it to the world. This world has so many heart-warm things happened everyday, great to know everyone, Meow, meow, meow~~~


mister jeter harris, hizself said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer adan
yer a "pin up" now ... dat meenz yer on a calendar an udder catz can look at how byootiful u ar.
can u understand mi english?

(i deleted da udder comment becuz i rote it to michico)

Daisy said...

Wow, you got fan mail! I am very impressed. I like making friends around the world. It is very fun.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Meow! Happy Weekend to you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah~ Yeah~ Yeah~ Does that mean I am going to receive A-Dan's card very soon from now? >^.^< meow

That's great!!! We can't wait!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Yeah... I plan to sent Adan's post card this September.